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Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy ::
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Full transcript of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's plea to Russians in video remarks posted early on Feb. 24 local time. ( By Reuters : Here is the full transcript [IN ENGLISH ] of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's video address early on Feb. 24 local time warning that a Russian invasion could cause tens of thousands of deaths. “...Today I initiated a phone call with the president of the Russian federation. The result was silence. Though the silence should be in Donbass. That’s why I want to address today the people of Russia. I am addressing you not as a president, I am addressing you as a citizen of Ukraine. More than 2,000 km of the common border is dividing us. Along this border your troops are stationed, almost 200,000 soldiers, thousands of military vehicles. Your leaders approved them to make a step forward, to the territory of another country. And this step can be the beginning of a big war on European continent. We know for sure that we don’t need the war. Not a Cold War, not a hot war. Not a hybrid one. But if we’ll be attacked by the [enemy] troops, if they try to take our country away from us, our freedom, our lives, the lives of our children, we will defend ourselves. Not attack, but defend ourselves. And when you will be attacking us, you will see our faces, not our backs, but our faces. The war is a big disaster, and this disaster has a high price. With every meaning of this word. People lose money, reputation, quality of life, they lose freedom. But the main thing is that people lose their loved ones, they lose themselves. But our main goal is peace in Ukraine and the safety of our people, Ukrainians. For that we are ready to have talks with anybody, including you, in any format, on any platform. The war will deprive [security] guarantees from everybody — nobody will have guarantees of security anymore. Who will suffer the most from it? The people. Who doesn’t want it the most? The people! Who can stop it? The people. But are there those people among you? I am sure. I know that they [the Russian state] won’t show my address on Russian TV, but Russian people have to see it. They need to know the truth, and the truth is that it is time to stop now, before it is too late. And if the Russian leaders don’t want to sit with us behind the table for the sake of peace, maybe they will sit behind the table with you. Do Russians want the war? I would like to know the answer. But the answer depends only on you, citizens of the Russian Federation.” |
Russians in America! Following is President Zelenskyy's Video - of 11-22-2024... PLEASE SUPPORT UKRAINE'S EFFORTS - FOR A JUST PEACE! |
( ) < The World Must Sound Serious to Make Putin Really Afraid of Expanding the War
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In this photo (BELOW) - Vladimir Putin - who is the "President of Russia" - is shown engaging in a "limp handshake" - with another man - while several other men observe.
Google > Why is a "limp" handshake considered bad? Ask an AMERICAN Man. Note: A "limp handshake" - is preferred in some countries
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OLD Staff NEW Staff * Translated:At the ceremony of introducing officers and prosecutors on the occasion of their appointment to higher positions and conferring upon them the highest military, special ranks and class ranks. From left to right: Chief of the Presidential Administration Sergei Ivanov, Secretary of the Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, Presidential Aide Yevgeny Shkolov, Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev. |
* What does it mean when someone ( Man or Woman ) has a limp handshake? < Google "... AI Overview ... A "limp handshake" [in American culture] generally indicates a lack of confidence, nervousness, uncertainty, or a lack of enthusiasm in the person giving the handshake; it can be interpreted as a sign that they are not fully engaged or present in the interaction, especially in professional settings. ** A "limp handshake" can leave a negative first impression, making the other person feel like the person isn't taking the interaction seriously. ... This could be due to shyness, anxiety, low self-esteem, or even a physical limitation that prevents a firm grip; WHEREAS, A firm handshake is typically associated with confidence,assertiveness, and positive engagement. Thus, Putin's "limpness" would confirm observations he is aware of his "smallness" - and, seeks war and power - to compensate. ... Putin visits Green Bay, WI Bar - Gets ass kicked :-) - by a girl. |
** However, Americans - in Asian settings - should be mindful - that - a slight "bow" in greeting - is preferred. Japanese greeting AMERICANS - |
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11-19-2024 (SENT: ) Dear President Biden, I am your supporter - living in zip hhhhh USA. I have never been arrested - nor charged with any violation of US Laws - in all of my 70+ years. (Except, a speeding ticket - when I was 17 years old - while driving a baby blue Dodge 1965 Rambler Marlin. I paid the ticket - and, took the good advice - given by the Judge.) I am no "criminal" - yet, I - and many other Americans - KNOW - Donald John Trump is one. Moreover, I feel that he is a "Clear and Present Danger" - to American society and our version of “Democracy" - stated since 1787. I realize [that] the Election (of November 5, 2024) - has been declared a "fair event" and a "victory" for Mr. Trump (and his supporters). However, the Americans - which voted for him - were: (1) deceived; they are (2) criminals - with criminal intent; and/or (3) they are "idiots". Moreover, to become "elected" - he has announced plans - to perform illegal acts. He has "pandered" to International Criminals. And, he is making a "mockery" of our US Government's established procedures and practices - in his announced Cabinet selections. My knowledge of your "Presidential Duties" - is limited to the film and writer Tom Clancy's articulations. Thus, I - and those who support American Democracy - as it has developed and existed for 237+ years (1787 to 2024) - We wish you “GODspeed” - in your duty - to protect America. Sincerely, I am Susan Marie Neuhart (nee "Cassady") |
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A function accepts an "input" THEN - handles, manages, changes, masassages "it" (in some manner) to produce an "output"
Types Of Functions:
Unary function Binary function |
Bijective functions > | Polynomial function > | Continuous function > | Constant function > | ||
Linear function > | Signum function > | Greatest integer function > | Modulus function > "absolute value" - |
Injective function | ||
Quadratic function > | Algebraic functions > [ ] functions utilizing the basic algebraic operations: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (×), division (÷), whole number powers, and roots (fractional powers). |
Identity function > | Injective functions > | Rational function | ||
Composite function | Inverse function | Periodic function | Logarithmic functions > - x is the logarithm of n to the base b if bx = n, in which case one writes x = logb n. ...the exponent or power to which a base must be raised to yield a given number. 2x2=4 x 2 = 8 For example 3 is the logarithm of 8 to base 2 where Exponential For example, 2cubed = 8; therefore, 3 is the logarithm of 8 to base 2, or 3 = log2 8 |
Even function: - Odd function: |
Trigonometric functions: |
Into function > Onto function > |
Surjective functions Surjective function > |
Identical function |
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A kiss for the guy - who saved my life - in addition to neuro-surgeon Victor Perry. I'm on my toes - in the photo. IN FACT! IF YOU HAVE A "STROKE" - IN THE "AMERICAN SMOKY MOUNTAINS" yOU HAVE TO BE flown - by helicopter - to the top of a hospital - to be admitted - for surgery. I balked - because I am afraid of heights. This guy - NOW my husband of 42+ years - got me on the helicopter. PLUS, I was sedated & tied to a gurney. YES! I'm a "Cassady" - go Bucks! He is "HANS"![]() |
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( Tell us about your research interests and the sorts of topics you would like to explore if you were to join Google DeepMind. * )
"Habermas Machine" :: In short: It appears to be "true". "IF all you have are hammers - then, everything begins to look like a nail." I'm interested in building "peace machines". My interest - in this - is because I BELIEVE THEY CAN WORK. I am - in fact - an example - of - "a piece of shit being thrown into an 'education machine' - and out popped a sort of diamond". I am number 5 ( of a family of 7 children) - born to Scotch-Irish&German (folk) - in the "bottoms area" - of Columbus, Ohio. However, circumstances "ported" me - to UWGB. Where - the US Government funded ALL of my education - along with unlimited access to Computers. My resume' covers the particulars - of my long term success. What it doesn't make clear - is ALL the times - other humans helped me to succeed. Which, "help" - at key moments - made the difference. I'll give an EXAMPLE1: ... Science evolved a way to cover "link chains" - with chromium - so, they would not "rust"; However, my "boyfriend" - was a "fur-trapper" - endeavoring daily - to capture: beavers, muskrat, wild mink ... He had a "belief" - the chromium - on the linked chains - used to hold the trap - which was designed to "spring" - could be smelled by the target species. Thus, he desired for the chromium to be removed. Which, his "desire" - resulted - in his "girlfriend" - me - being the cause of an explosion ( literally ) - at UWGB. However, there is no mention - of this explosion - or, the many thousands of dollars - of damage (it caused) - on my UWGB record; Because, (1) no human was harmed; and (2) - my Professors - felt that it was their fault! WHICH, IN FACT - IGNORANCE WAS THE REAL CAUSE. I have more examples...
EXAMPLE2 - FOR - "DEEP MIND" PEOPLE: Thank you for Your consideration. Some time ago ( circa 1987 ) my sister Carol - who worked for a "hiring manager" - at Battelle Research - in Columbus, Ohio - got me employed - by Battelle. I had quit - at General Electric - AND, was looking for a job. So, employed as an "Analyst" - Battelle gave me "assignments" - and, I did them. One of the assignments - was to design and code a "Facility Scheduling System" - for an "asset" - built and owned - by the US Army. Long story short - the solution - required "optimization" - which, was a version of the software "Box Packing Problem" - in this instance. ... Now, Battelle Research (Columbus offices) - circa 1987 - offered a "lunch room" area. Each day, I made a sandwich - and, went to the lunch room - for cold milk. A man was seated at one of the tables. I took a seat - at the other end - of the long surface. He was enjoying his lunch ( I presume ). He stopped eating - and ask me: "What are you working on?" It was suppose to be a secret - but, I responded. He smiled and said: "What you need, is a part of the "Monte Carlo suite". I vaguely - knew what he was referring to. This was a "Library" of software routines - available on the Battelle Computers. The routines address "optimization" - with "probability". My honesty -apparently - caused him - to want to help me more. He pointed to a book cart - filled with manuals - and stated: "Volume X , page Y." It was the exact location - of what I needed - to know - about the Resource - available (to me).
I told everyone (who cared & inquired) - how this person - had "helped" me. [My software was "innovative" - yet, I am very "average". ] They shook their heads - and replied "No - Susan - he does not speak to anyone." I came - to find out later [that] he was a kind of "savant"; Which, "savants" are all over Battelle.
Thus, I shall add - a "contact form" - to my web site - so [ whilst ] "savants" can assist us to build the "peace machines". WE know they exist (these "savants" - AND, human "belief" - in the existence of something - is ALL that it takes - for us (as a species) to try and reach for the next rung.
For example - consider - the "too skinny" girl (like me). I was born - with some "childhood scoliosis". [Which, I out-grew!] Yet, I saw - on the public school playground - girls doing cartwheels, Russian jumps, back bends - and "splitz" - AND - simultaneously screaming "Fight, fight, fight" ... "Go team go". My mother would plant a chair - in our "rented house" back yard - and sip her beer - where I was "endeavoring". Eventually, she ask me: "Susie, what are you trying to do?" When, I explained - she'd laugh. She told me - "You go girl - but (keep in mind) I can't buy you the out-fit. ...I couldn't buy the 'outfit' for Barbara, Millie or Carol - so, it just would NOT be right." That summer - I "got on" with a "City Crew" - that was cleaning up the Columbus, Ohio slum areas ( in which I lived ). I used my earnings - to "buy my cheerleading outfit". But, the shine - of that success - left quickly. I discovered - through the endeavor - [that] what I really liked - was making money. I requested to have my "work hours" increased - which, caused me to stop practicing cartwheels, Russian jumps, back bends - and "splitz". I failed the next "cheerleading competion" - but, succeeded at "work". Again, I am no "savant" - but, I can communicate with them. I am the Retired Software Engineering "Technical Writer" - who has done - exactly as I pleased - throughout my life. Which, included capturing and marrying one "Hans Neuhart" - America's first and foremost "digital illustrator". His "talent" built the 8,000 square foot office building - located at 5761 Chandler Ct. - Westerville, Ohio.
"Marshal McLuhan" ...
"Citizens United" ... ... And Adolph Hitler raised his hand - in Germany ( after "WWone") - and said: "it's NOT your fault! YOU "participated". YOU 'TWEETED" - YOU POSTED A WEB SITE! Since the Hebrews - humans have been -- LOOKING FOR A "SCAPE GOAT"? HHH
I see Intel "moving dirt". I was born and raised in Ohio - and, this is good: siliconheartland newalbanyohioDOTorg Videos and messages
HOWEVER - I am a graduate of UWGB "Environmental Science & Comm.";
AND, a retired "Software Engineering Technical Writer" ... NCR, GE, Battelle, US Military, SIGRITY etc. I should like to review your "Cradle to Grave" plans - related to the potential pollution - your operating activities will generate. In fact, having a "retired lady" - who was specifically educated - to work for the FED. EPA - but, never did - may assist you. PLEASE ADVISE ME OF WHERE THE RELEVANT DOCS ARE & instructions to ACCESS. I am merely curious - at this point. < You are here.
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- Message to Governor Dewine follows ( regarding Vance's substitution )
THANK YOU! VICE-PRESIDENT HARRIS! You ran a great race! | AND - we'll vote for you again! HHHHHHHHHHH | HHH | ||
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HHHH - <82 pages | Kamala-A-NEW-WAY-FORWARD-2024-01.pdf |
11-8-2024 | |
me < Retired Software Engineering TECHNICAL WRITER & PROGRAMMER > A "badger" - "buckeye" | > "Tying" the Sale of Two Products ... is illegal
Kamala Harris - Tim WalZ "PLANS" < PHOTO OF Tim and Kamala ( < Governor Tim Walz >> Fine Art America "Neuhart" Artwork by my husband - of 42+ years - Hans Neuhart > THANK YOU - honey! |
- <82 pages Contents OF Detailed Plans stated in 82 page PDF ... SECTION 1: Lower Costs for Middle-Class Families 10 SECTION 2: Build an Opportunity Economy to Help Americans Conclusion 74 |
- me - doing Yoga Poses | Kamala - our US Vice President & Camdidate | |||
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hhh Block-by-block ... break-it-down - TRANSCRIPT :: FOR 90-minute VIDEO
TOTALLY QUALIFIED! - TO PROSECUTE TRUMP & "BEAUTIFUL" About Kamala Harris : SOURCE ( ) Description : Kamala Devi Harris is an American politician and attorney who is the 49th and current vice president of the United States since 2021, under President Joe Biden. Wikipedia ... Born: October 20, 1964 (age 59 years), Oakland, CA, Spouse: Douglas Emhoff (m. 2014)Parents: Donald J. Harris, Shyamala Gopalan Harris, Party: Nationality: American Education: UC Law San Francisco (1986–1989), Howard University (1986), Westmount High School (1981) ( SOURCE: ) "... The Cabinet ( THE BIDEN-HARRIS ADMINISTRATION ) The Cabinet’s role is to advise the President on any subject he or she may require relating to the duties of each member’s respective office. |
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8-27-2024 Mr. Smith ( Jack ): "We have not begun to fight ! " ( The Supremes ) ( ) - < 81 pages filed 8-26-2024 No. 24-12311-J ( ... I hereby certify that on August 26, 2024, I electronically filed the foregoing ... ) |
CONGRATULATIONS! "... English: Photo of Alvin L. Bragg, Jr., the District Attorney of New York County photographed on Central Park West and 74th Street ..." ...Bragg convened [a] grand jury, which indicted Trump in April of 2023 on charges ( 34 cited counts) that he falsified records at his company to conceal a scheme to pay hush money to keep a sex scandal from damaging his run for president in 2016. ... A jury convicted Trump on those charges Thursday (5-30-2024) "... NATION & WORLD NEWS When Alvin Bragg took office as Manhattan district attorney in 2022, he stunned his own staff by pausing an investigation into Donald Trump that appeared to be heading toward an indictment Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg speaks to the media after a jury found former President Donald Trump guilty on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, Thursday, May 30, 2024, in New York. ... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg speaks to the media after a jury found former President Donald Trump guilty on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, Thursday, May 30, 2024, in New York. Donald Trump became the first former president to be convicted of felony crimes as a New York jury found him guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in a scheme to illegally influence the 2016 election through hush money payments to a porn actor who said the two had sex. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig) By JAKE OFFENHARTZ, MICHAEL R. SISAK and JENNIFER PELTZ – Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) — When Alvin Bragg took office as Manhattan district attorney in 2022, he stunned the public and his own staff by pausing an investigation into former President Donald Trump that appeared to be hurtling toward an indictment. Two top prosecutors were so upset with the decision, they quit. One called Bragg's hesitation to bring a case against Trump “a grave failure of justice.” Now, Bragg has cemented his place in history as the first prosecutor to win a criminal conviction of a former U.S. president. Speaking after the verdict Thursday, Bragg summed up his role by saying, simply, “I did my job.” “Our job is to follow the facts and the law without fear or favor, and that’s exactly what we did here,” he told reporters. Trump and his supporters insist Bragg, a Democrat, had a vendetta against the former president and presumptive Republican nominee. He has relentlessly accused Bragg of manufacturing a baseless case for political reasons. Here's a look at Bragg's background, his time in office and his history regarding Trump. ... A CHILD OF HARLEM When he was 15, one officer stuck a gun in his face and wrongly accused him of being a drug dealer as the teen walked to buy groceries for his father. Bragg filed a complaint over the incident. Bragg went on to graduate from Harvard Law School. He began his career as a criminal defense and civil rights lawyer, went on to the U.S. attorney's office in Manhattan and then worked at the New York attorney general's office, where he had his first legal tussles with Trump. "... SUING TRUMP related both to "trump's" White House policies and his "stewardship" of his private charitable foundation. Bragg directly oversaw a lawsuit against the foundation. Trump settled, agreeing to the foundation's dissolution, and a judge fined [TRUMP] $2 million. Bragg left the attorney general's office in late 2018 and became a professor at New York Law School. |
CAMPAIGN FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY He was also, he suggested at the time, well positioned to take over the criminal investigation into Trump and his company from Cyrus Vance Jr., ( the outgoing DA). During the race, Bragg was asked repeatedly how he would handle the probe. His standard answer - was to cite his work on "Trump-related lawsuits" while he was in the attorney general's office, and his willingness to "hold powerful figures accountable". Bragg told The Associated Press at the time. ... “I don’t know where this investigation will go. I don’t want to prejudge it. But, these types of investigations — white-collar investigations — I’ve been involved with for years, both - doing them myself - and also supervising them,” Vance's investigation was focused (then) on whether Trump had committed "fraud" by lying about the value of his assets on financial statements given to banks and others. After winning the primary, Bragg cruised to victory in the general election. CLASHES OVER CRIME |
[the "memo"] One of his first steps was a memo that, among other things, instructed prosecutors not to seek jail time for some low-level offenses, such as minor marijuana possession and sale (the state later legalized such possession) and to charge some armed robberies in commercial settings as misdemeanor petit larcenies. ... |
Artwork by Hans Neuhart ( ) "Strut" Lenny Kravitz ( Audio track ) < Lenny Kravitz - Strut (Official Audio - track 6 ) "... [Verse 1] Baby, do you know who I think you are? [Chorus 1] Baby, strut [Verse 2] When you lay it down, how you hurt me so [Chorus 2] Baby, strut [Verse 3] When you feel the need, the need to express [Refrain] Baby, strut [Outro] Let me see you walk, strut Baby, strut Let me see you walk, strut Baby, strut Let me see you walk, strut
> ( ...Mark Pomerantz, resigned in anger - and, wrote a book.
His brief: to work on the investigation of former president Donald Trump and the Trump Organisation. [ Mr. Bragg] has shrugged off Trump's accusations. “Many voices out there," Bragg said Thursday. "The only voice that matters is the voice of the jury. And the jury has spoken.” (AP Photo/Seth Wenig) Credit: AP |
Alvin-Bragg-June-2023-01.JPG >
( ) SUBJECT: COVID Chart Needed *,history%20of%20the%20United%20States. Dear Secretary Becerra ( HHS)* [ Today's DATE 5-24-2024 ] -- I am a "Biden-Harris supporter" ( living in ZIP 45405 ). Prior to the COVID Pandemic - my husband ( of 42+ years ) - and I - would daily visit the YMCA facility - "Kleptz-ymca". Where - my husband [Hans Neuhart] would lift weights - AND I ,would perform YOGA poses. In fact, we were (we believe) some of the first Americans - to contract some manner of illness [that] caused both (of us) to be very ill - and, WE REcoverED. So, when the COVID announcements - were made - we naturally assumed ..."Yupp!... That is what we had..." AND, We went to a facility - to get "the shot" - and have NOT returned to the YMCA - since. WE exercise caution - related to the SAH@MCA stoke event - that I suffered - in 2012. I am physically rehabilitated - from this SAH@MCA event - as can be seen here: VIDEO > [ Obviously - Neurosurgeon Victor Perry - did a great job! ] So - as a "former Software Engineering Technical Writer" (born 1954) - OBVIOUSLY a "retired professional communicator" - clients: NCR, GE & Battelle Research - plus EDA > SIGRITY" - I can advise YOU - [that] what America needs - is a "CHART"! Following - is the letter contents [that] 77 American Scientists - issued - to your predecessor (Mr. Azar- Trump Administration). It "may be" a good place to begin. Sincerely - Susan Marie Neuhart - Biden-Harris supporter, Stroke survivor, nee "CassAdy", "Badger-Buckeye" & Hans' Wife! COVID-19 - cites: - "Daszak grant" "COVID" - SOURCE: "... ... The following letter was sent on May 21, 2020 to the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Director of the National Institutes of Health: Secretary Azar and Director Collins [then] "2020": The 77 signatories of this letter, American Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine, Chemistry, and Physics, are gravely concerned about the recent cancellation of a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to Dr. Peter Daszak at the EcoHealth Alliance in New York. We believe that this action sets a dangerous precedent by interfering in the conduct of science and jeopardizes public trust in the process of awarding federal funds for research. For many years, Dr. Daszak and his colleagues have been conducting highly regarded, NIH- supported research on coronaviruses and other infectious agents, focusing on the transmission of these viruses from animal hosts to human beings. Their work depends on productive collaborations with scientists in other countries, including scientists in Wuhan, China, where the current pandemic caused by a novel coronavirus arose. Now is precisely the time when we need to support this kind of research if we aim to control the pandemic and prevent subsequent ones. As has now been widely reported, the grant to the EcoHealth Alliance was abruptly terminated by NIH on April 24, 2020, just a few days after President Trump responded to a question from a reporter who erroneously claimed that the grant awarded millions of dollars to investigators in Wuhan. Despite the misrepresentation of Dr. Daszak’s grant, despite the high relevance of the studies to the current pandemic, and despite the very high priority score that his application for renewal had received during peer review, the NIH informed Dr. Daszak and his colleagues that the grant was being terminated because “NIH does not believe that the current project outcomes align with the program goals and agency priorities.” Such explanations are preposterous under the circumstances. We are scientists who have devoted our careers to research, both in medical and related scientific disciplines that bear on the overall health and well-being of society, as well as fundamental scientific research, much of it supported by NIH and other federal agencies. We take pride in our nation’s widely admired system for allocating funds based on expert review and public health needs. The abrupt revoking of the award to Dr. Daszak contravenes these basic tenets and deprives the nation and the world of highly regarded science that could help control one of the greatest health crises in modern history and those that may arise in the future. We ask that you act urgently to conduct and release a thorough review of the actions that led to the decision to terminate the grant, and that, following this review, you take appropriate steps to rectify the injustices that may have been committed in revoking it. ( - signatories: > ) |
< artwork by Hans Neuhart > ![]() ( Hans' ) - signatories: Peter Agre Chemistry 2003 ( ) James P. Allison Medicine 2018 Sidney Altman Chemistry 1989 Frances H. Arnold Chemistry 2018 David Baltimore Medicine 1975 Barry Clark Barish Physics 2017 Paul Berg Chemistry 1980 J. Michael Bishop Medicine 1989 Elizabeth H. Blackburn Medicine 2009 Michael S. Brown Medicine 1985 William C. Campbell Medicine 2015 Mario R. Capecchi Medicine 2007 Thomas R. Cech Chemistry 1989 Martin Chalfie Chemistry 2008 Steven Chu Physics 1997 Elias James Corey Chemistry 1990 Robert F. Curl Jr. Chemistry 1996 Johann Deisenhofer Chemistry 1988 Andrew Z. Fire Medicine 2006 Edmond H. Fischer Medicine 1992 Joachim Frank Chemistry 2017 Jerome I. Friedman Physics 1990 Walter Gilbert Chemistry 1980 Sheldon Glashow Physics 1979 Joseph L. Goldstein Medicine 1985 Carol W. Greider Medicine 2009 David J. Gross Physics 2004 Roger Guillemin Medicine 1977 Leland H. Hartwell Medicine 2001 Dudley R. Herschbach Chemistry 1986 Roald Hoffmann Chemistry 1981 H. Robert Horvitz Medicine 2002 Louis J. Ignarro Medicine 1998 William G. Kaelin Jr. Medicine 2019 Eric R. Kandel Medicine 2000 Wolfgang Ketterle Physics 2001 Brian K. Kobilka Chemistry 2012 Roger D. Kornberg Chemistry 2006 Robert J. Lefkowitz Chemistry 2012 Anthony J. Leggett Physics 2003 Michael Levitt Chemistry 2013 Roderick MacKinnon Chemistry 2003 John C. Mather Physics 2006 Craig C. Mello Medicine 2006 William E. Moerner Chemistry 2014 Mario J. Molina Chemistry 1995 Ferid Murad Medicine 1998 Douglas D. Osheroff Physics 1996 James Peebles Physics 2019 Saul Perlmutter Physics 2011 ( ) William D. Phillips Physics 1997 H. David Politzer Physics 2004 Sir Richard J. Roberts Medicine 1993 Michael Rosbash Medicine 2017 James E. Rothman Medicine 2013 Randy W. Schekman Medicine 2013 Richard R. Schrock Chemistry 2005 Gregg L. Semenza Medicine 2019 Phillip A. Sharp Medicine 1993 Hamilton O. Smith Medicine 1978 George P. Smith Chemistry 2018 Horst L. Stormer Physics 1998 Thomas C. Sudhof Medicine 2013 Jack W. Szostak Medicine 2009 Joseph H. Taylor Jr. Physics 1993 Kip Stephen Thorne Physics 2017 Susumu Tonegawa Medicine 1987 Daniel C. Tsui Physics 1998 Harold E. Varmus Medicine 1989 Steve Weinberg Physics 1979 Rainer Weiss Physics 2017 Carl E. Wieman Physics 2001 Eric F. Wieschaus Medicine 1995 Torsten N. Wiesel Medicine 1981 Frank Wilczek Physics 2004 Robert Woodrow Wilson Physics 1978 Michael W. Young Medicine 2017 |
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Richard Allen Cassady (born 1937) | Millie Barbara Debbie Carol Susie Milo |
Amicus curiae click here > ( FRIEND-OF-COURT-Defense-Fani-Willis-comment.pdf ) < ( PDF document )
h >> Auguste Rodin <
< "The Thinker" -
- What is "the thinker" ( a sculpture by Rodin ) - thinking about? ... | [ VIDEO link ] | |||
If you want to be a work of art - do your Yoga poses! :: ShirtlessANDbuckNaked-forHans-01.jpg | ||||
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Greeks, Parthenon |
Greeks, Yoga Poses & Rodin | ||||
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YOURS VERY TRULY - Susan ( ) "DISLOYAL" (LYRICS) 2 verses Version [ VERSE 1] Ride your man bareback - with YO feet flyin' up in the air. Shirtless - OR buck naked - whatever AeroSmith and - THE Anishinaabe Peoples **** will allow I'm Ridin’ with Biden - as I did before So, Stone says that MAGA FREAKS want a "Holy-WAR" ** ( - But, I have no fear ) " disloyal! " - Oh - I couldn't do it. Unless HE led me to it. Which the "Prissy Sissy" INSURRECTIONIST seems hell-bent on doin’... When he's NOT suckin UP to Putin - Unless he is STOPPED! - he'll lead our country to ruin ! [CHORUS] My first Name is Taylor - AND, my last is Swift The GAINS - THEY have made with "HiMars" - all they need is bullets AND other ammunition A resupply - of these things - very soon - will keep Putin on the road to perdition [which, I remind YOU - in the Bible - is a part of HELL] Which, the thought of Donny Boy - and Mr. Putin - in there - makes me feel - really swell! Or, maybe - they'll stop in Moscow first At the Trump Hotel - near the Kremlin Where we'll put a gremlin - a nasty little witch We'll give her claws - and, ensure - she scratches - their every little itch The hag that guards the gates of hell - that's WHO we'll get for them She'll take them to the edge - and then, she’ll maneuver them right in YOU go girl! we'll shout - as they cling to each other on the way down Each hoping the other hits the ashes first and IS - by the back-breaking ground - forever cursed.
I only feel - the USA would be better served by Joe and Kamala - but, I am just a singer - from a Pennsylvania holla
MEAN! < Taylor Swift - Mean Taylor Swift > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AND... It has come to my attention [that] you "mostly" consider yourself a "SONG-writer" I accept this, however - I wish to point out [that] there are other types of "writing" - that YOU may wish to inform your young "audience" about. It's a kind of "responsibility" - you must accept. For example, as a very young person in America - circa 1963s - I was required to participate in a kind of testing (related to our "competition" with the Soviet Union - and, the Chinese). ...Your Grandmother may know of this. Public School children - were LITERALLY (1) placed into a school-room, (2)given a number TWO type pencil - (3) instructed to read a paper - placed before them -AND, (4) told to "select the best answer" - by darkening a circle. The completed documents - were then collected - and, "graded" by a system of document scanners and computers. Based on the results - parents, voters and elected officials - made decisions - RE: How to spend tax payer money - for the "cold WAR". Now - in my case - my mother was informed [THAT] I had a "language-ability"; Thus, I was placed into French and Spanish classes. Which, a practical "German-Scottish Girl" - ["Sprouse-CassAdy"] - born & raised in the "bottoms" of Columbus, Ohio - I did not like. After all - I never envisioned myself - in France or - in Spain. Where - in fact - the RAIN falls mostly in the North – NOT on the plain. However, when one of my public school teachers - Mr. Poppavich or Mr. Leaf - "borrowed" a box of "computer - parts" - from the Defense Construction Supply Corporation warehouse - and, told a pack of us ( "kids" - NOT "goats" ) - to "assemble" the pieces - into a system - that would display the answer to a math problem - MY team won! Due - in part - to the fact THAT my father [Milo Gerald CassAdy] was a Wall-paper hanging "General Contractor"...; AND, I was his "helper". He died - from Mesothelioma - in 1964 - related to the "wall-preparation" - required - before the pretty paper was "smoothed" onto it. Apparently - he breathed the dust in. Only nine years old - I do recall him coughing a lot. So, when ALL of your fans - are in college - there is a KIND of "writing" - THAT they may consider. It's NOT creative SONG writing - Rather, it is - a kind of "practical", "descriptive writing" - that, will take our Country - back to the Moon - and, Mars FIRST. Which, SPACE - is the "Final Frontier" - and the Military "high ground" - to help us - keep kicking Putin's ass. In my case - it was NOW the seventies; AND, I was a young mother - who was also a "Union clerk". But, I wanted a job that paid well - and, was "interesting" too. So, believing (the US Government line) "To get a good Job - Get a good Education" I enrolled in a Computer Programming class - at the University of Wisconsin [UWGB] - and ACED it; Easily beating – ALL of the boys. You may know, Computer Programming - is a "Language" ART - and, it is also very German-Scottish Girl "practical"; But, there is a related work [that] pays even better: Software Engineering Technical Writing. Which - your fans should know about. And - if they can do it - they will be invited to perform both - at the JOB site. I could do both - and, I worked all across the USA. Consider, all the Ones and Zeroes "Engineers" - creating algorithms for computers; They typically don't want to tell the world - how the code "works". They'll vaguely say: Invoke it, fill the buffers, compare them, avoid the querks - take an action. SOMEONE - must describe & document this process - in detail - all the steps - and, they are NOT clerks; OR hammer-ers, or insurrectionists - or jerks. "Girls" - because of the way - our brains work - do it best of all; Perhaps, its the "complex conniving" - we are so good at - THEY claim this to be the case. Travis probably knows this - [that] You will ONLY take the field - posed on his arm
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- ALL BEST! Mrs. Susan Neuhart" < END > "DISLOYAL" (LYRICS) Swifties! To your horses! - that's a kind of Shakespeare (*) My first Name is Taylor ( * ) ( - ) |
2-20-2024 - YOU can see MY lyrics - for Ms. Swift - on my "ersonal" web site: 2-20-2024 RE: "The Tortured Poets Department" Album - of Taylor Swift - and, my suggested song "DISLOYAL" I am an American Citizen - Susan Neuhart (nee CassAdy) born 1954, I may be a "tortured poet" - also - of this I am not sure. - I do know [that] my partner accidently dropped me on the floor. ( This happened to - Madonna too _ :: She is 66. I'm more a "MO-Town" Girl - gonna be seventy - in a few weeks ) We [ Hans and I ] were preparing for a boat cruise - it promised to be quite fancy. So, we bought "special clothes" and took lessons - to "ballroom dancy". ( ) So, there we were - at the "private lessons dancing class" ( circa 1995 ) - I was in a fancy, sequined dress - and ready to shake my booty; But, ballroom dancing - is not about - shaking anything ... It's more like "parading" - and doing it with Zing! ( Taylor Swift - Shake It Off Official Music Video ) BEST OF LUCK! SAY "HI" - TO Jill. ( ) VIDEO "Elvis & Ann Margaret" YOU can see MY lyrics - for Ms. Swift - on my "ersonal" web site: Dear Mr. Tomlinson ( Troy ) ( ) h |
HH [ link ] hh
WELCOME! This web site is mostly about - a senior American - me - ( born in 1954 ) surviving a SAH@MCA stroke event (2012) ::
-- I am a Registered Democrat - AND support Kamala and Joe ... 2024
- I am A very typical "American" - And, I survived the stroke event - because, a bunch of people [ including Victor Perry MD ] - were "there" - to save me - in an "emergency". THANK YOU! ... Should it happen to YOU - "a stroke" - this html web site (created -very slowly- by me) demonstrates [that] you will heal - and return - eventually - to being capable - of doing many [not all] of the "things" - that YOU did previously. Now retired, I was a high-tech "Technical Writer" - mostly software products. I started "programming computers" - in the -60s - in Columbus, Ohio Public Schools. I found "Technical Writing" [for companies] very interesting - and satisfying; In fact, you get to 'work with' many brilliant people. They will rely - on you - to explain their often "fancy science" - to the people [that] YOU grew up with. And - you are paid very well! -
One more thing - about the kind of stroke - that I had: To save me - Dr. Perry had to enter my brain area - to install a "clip". He chose to enter - through my Sylvan fissure; Which, I have a scar there - and, my hair did grow back. [ * How do humans think a thought? ] The surgery ( a full craniotomy ) did change my "established patterns - of thought ( see article *); For example - I care about "Calculus" - in a manner - that I did not previously "care" about it [ the phenomenom of "calculus" ] . Which - may be good. That is, Isaac Newton "invented calculus" - as a mathematical tool - to assist him in explaining phenomenom (like gravity) that "change" - relative to forces and fields. "Gravity" explains some atmospheric conditions on an object. [ 9.8 meters per second squared ]
First US Commercial Moon Launch: Astrobotic Peregrine Mission 1 (Official NASA Broadcast) Astrobotic Peregrine Mission 1 ::
Idea: ARM THE PALESTINIANS! - LET THEM SHOW "HAMAS" - WHO'S BOSS -- ( IDEA dETAILED HERE ) But - keep in mind - as we ALL learned on "inner-city" public school yards - YOU DO NOT LET YOUR OPPONENT "UP OR FREE" UNTIL THEY SAY: "unCle!"
... hhh | ||||
The Biden - Harris TEAM go into "Viking Mode" - to stop "Trumpers" - like Jim Jordan |
hh IceLand Jesus-to-Donald-05-EdittedMORE-copy-1-6-2024.jpg
( - Sun Inspired by ART-E-MIS @ NASA ) | ![]() [ link ]
Oh Donald ... This is Jesus ... (You know - the Son of God - the "Messiah" ) [ ] |
hhh | :: Fani Willis INDICTMENT of Trump and 18 others - FOR the State of Georgia - County Fulton << 98 page PDF document |
This web site is mostly about - a senior American - me - ( born in 1954 ) surviving a SAH@MCA stroke event (2012)
- because, a bunch of people [ including Victor Perry MD ] - were "there" - to save me - in an "emergency". THANK YOU!
... Should it happen to YOU - "a stroke" - this html web site (created -very slowly- by me) demonstrates [that] you will heal - and return - eventually - to being capable - of doing many [not all] of the "things" - that YOU did previously. Now retired, I was a high-tech "Technical Writer" - mostly software products. I started "programming computers" - in the -60s - in Columbus, Ohio Public Schools. I found "Technical Writing" [for companies] very interesting - and satisfying; In fact, you get to 'work with' many brilliant people.
They will rely - on you - to explain their often "fancy science" - to the people [that] YOU grew up with. And - you are paid very well! -
Judge-Tanya-Chutkan-01.JPG |
Judge-James-Boasberg-01.JPG :: "CHIEF JUDGE" - |
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Sun Inspired by ART-E-MIS @ NASA "earthLings" > ( )
Sun ( Rap Music ) Lyrics by Susan - Inspired by ART-E-MIS ( NASA :: ) I share it with a lot of others - as soon you'll see. JWST > Mercury is closet to the star we claim Mars is NEXT - we're going there soon Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune --- have moons ALSO |
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screen captures >
... Lascaux Caves, France ::
- (/lascaux-early-color-photos-of-the-famous-cave-paintings-france-1947/feed/ ) ... In 1947, LIFE magazine’s Ralph Morse went to Lascaux, becoming the first professional photographer to document the breathtaking scenes. Now in his late-90s, Morse shared his memories of that time and place with, recalling what it was like to encounter the strikingly lifelike, gorgeous handiwork of a long-vanished people: the Cro-Magnon. ..." ... "1947" LIFE magazine "Ralph Morse" went to "Lascaux Caves"
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On bringing out the "cave man" - in your man - see Ms. Turner (below) |
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Hans J. Neuhart ( 1983 ) |
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THANK YOU! Ms. Turner > "Tina Turner" >
Tina Turner/Songs:
-- "cogito, ergo sum" >,_ergo_sum :: ( )
- Thank YOU! WEBB !
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"terraform today!" "Who needs to fight - for that old dump (of a country) - I make my own!" :: "terraform today!"
... planets orbit stars, which are members of galaxies, which form universes - which populate "voids" ( in space/time ) ...
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Does a point in space ( x,y,z ) dictate ALL other points in space? YES - Because, based on a point (x,y,z + time) - an "object" can reference ALL other points - and, exert force. And - without that "point" - there is no reference to other points. ... Euclid ( ) |
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Spinoza Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi > Moses Mendelssohn > Gotthold Ephraim Lessing > SpinozA > Baruch Spinoza > nspired by: |
Click on OUR SOLAR SYSTEM OBJECTS to go to a new page and read more about the OBJECT:
click >
Subject: ... offer to help create star Planet map images ( html IMAGE MAP - FIGURES - for your web site ) Description : If you visit my site Home page: (You are here) YOU WILL SEE (above) an "IMAGE MAP" OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM. NOTE, CLICKING a PLANET INVOKES a NEW HTML PAGE. NASA has identified thousands of "exoplanets" and set up a "travel bureau" [really!] I AM A RETIRED AMERICAN. IF SCIENTISTS CAN SUPPLY THEIR JWST star image ( OR ART url ) - CONTAINING STAR AND PLANETS diagram - I CAN MAKE A SIMILAR html IMAGE MAP (for Professors) - for their students to study :: Please NOTE cited limits. |
H | Contact SusanCN[AT]HansANDcassady[DOT]org |
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