Most Recent>   <  2-9-2024  

  Please VOTE !  ... People have "marched for"  "fought FOR"  -and, "died for" your right to do this.

   Character limit X Feb 2024   ( X’s character limit is 280 characters )

   Superseding Indictment ( Starring B. Cranston ) 

 Smith plans to indict the Former PREZ (superseding) when an agent shows up - at his home - with plans for a Moscow hotel. The agent is seeking protection - from Pussycat Putin - WHO does NOT want the plan revealed. Hostage sit. Smith goes to DOD- and WW3 is threatened.

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  Smith ( the US AG ) still believes that his advice ( to Spec Prosecutor J Garland ) to indict the Former President ( on a "superseding"... ) was the correct move - when a Russian agent shows up - at his home - with plans for a hotel - to be built in Moscow. The agent is seeking protection - from the current leader of Russia - WHO does NOT want the plan revealed - and/or - seeks plausible deniability [that] it was ever discussed - So he can influence the upcoming US election. The AG's children and wife are taken hostage.  The AG goes to the current US President - and WW3 is threatened by the Russians. CassAdy Susan & Hans 

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