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  THE USA Universal Health CARE System ( as envisioned by a citizen & voter - Susan) 

    “A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom.
          But the tumult soon subsides. Time makes more converts than reason.”
  Thomas Paine

             And, so it goes with American Health Care - and, the CURRENT practice of American Health Care INSURANCE.   [ which we will change ] 
- Please, send me a message - by using my form.  < CONTACT  > 

Susan's current research follows.  Please feel FREE - to use my HYPERLINKED research - below (to make your own document). 
   I can only hope you use this information - to HELP support HR676 - and, the good efforts of the DEMOCRATS & some REPUBLICANS
       to finally make America a great country (again).   Good LUCK!   Please let me know - if I can HELP you. - Susan - 
- Please, send me a message - by using my form.  < CONTACT  > 

(From the DEMOCRAT'S nATIONAL pLATFORM DOCUMENT ( THE 2016 DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM: https://www.democrats.org ) " Securing Universal Health Care : Democrats believe that health care is a right, not a privilege, and our health care system should put people before profits.  Thanks to the hard work of President Obama and Democrats in Congress, we took a critically important step toward the goal of universal health care by passing the Affordable Care Act, which has covered 20 million more Americans and ensured millions more will never be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition. Democrats will never falter in our generations-long fight to guarantee health care as a fundamental right for every American. As part of that guarantee, Americans should be able to access public coverage through a public option, and those over 55 should be able to opt in to Medicare.  Democrats will fight any attempts by Republicans in Congress to privatize, voucherize, or “phase out” Medicare as we know it.  We will keep fighting until the ACA’s Medicaid expansion has been adopted in every state. Nineteen states have not yet expanded Medicaid. This means that millions of low-income Americans still lack health insurance and are not getting the care they need. Additionally, health care providers, clinics, hospitals, and taxpayers are footing a higher bill when people without insurance visit expensive emergency rooms.

Supporting Community Health Centers: We must renew and expand our commitment to Community Health Centers, as well as community mental health centers and family planning centers. These health centers provide critically important, community-based prevention and treatment in underserved communities, prevent unnecessary and expensive trips to emergency rooms, and are essential to the successful implementation of the ACA. We will fight for a comprehensive system of primary health care, including dental, mental health care, and low-cost prescription drugs by doubling of funding for federally qualified community health centers over the next decade, which currently serve 25 million people. Democrats also know that one of the key ingredients to the success of these health centers is a well-supported and qualified workforce in community-based settings. We will fight to train and support this workforce, encourage providers to work with underserved populations through the National Health Service Corps, and create a comprehensive strategy to increase the pool of primary health care professionals.  Democrats are committed to investing in the research, development, and innovation that creates lifesaving drugs and lowers overall health costs, but the profiteering of pharmaceutical companies is simply unacceptable. "  [ It is important to know this. However, Susan should not be "preachin' to the choir".  ]  https://www.democrats.org



 Senario 1 ( If needed, other scenario illustration examples will be constructed.)  - Please, send me a message - by using my  form.  

SCENARIO assumptions:  ( Fred and his wife )

 1)  Fred is a 61-year-old male.  

2) Fred is a United States citizen.

3) Fred has worked - in the united States [as a  "maintenance worker" ] for a "big corporation" -since he was 16-years old. Each year he has paid his personal income taxes due.

4) Fred is married - and, has been for 36+ years - and, he has two grown children. They live in California & Oregon.

5) Fred owns a modest home - in Columbus, Ohio.

6) Fred has a small sum (of cash) saved in the bank.

7) Fred & his wife have planned:
 a] to sell their "paid for" home
 and b] take a small vacation - after he retires.

8) Fred's wife never did (really) work outside of their home.  

9) If they see a place - perhaps a condo - on their planned vacation, they may consider buying it.

10) Fred's wife's health is "good". She wants to "lose a few pounds" - she says. She goes to the YMCA - most days. She walks on the treadmill and does the "zoomba class" sometimes. She cooks breakfast, lunch & dinner - for Fred & herself - most days. She sleeps well. And, Fred finds her usually pleasant to be around.

11) Fred's health is "good" - to outward appearances; however, Fred has noticed some "shortness of breath" - when he exerts himself; and, he gets "sweaty" - unexpectedly - at times. His sleep is disturbed - some nights - by "nightmares".

12) Fred has said nothing about his "small personal issues" to his wife.  (He does not want to "worry" her.)

13) Fred has "health insurance" supplied by his employer. 

14) Fred wants to take the "early retirement" option - his employer has just offered him.



     ( INTAKE Centers - all over the USA ) Hello! How may I help you today? You can: 1) fill out a form; 2) Talk to a computerized assistant; 3) Make an appointment - to talk with a human USA Universal Health Care "intake" professional; or, 4) Please just leave your name - and, a  method & we will you.

  You came in the door for "something". Let's get to it.

hhh  < Americans > 

  FlowChart (start)  Fred has made the "first STEP" - "intake"  (above)     NOTE: Graphic (above) - from USA Legal Aid Society 

  [ DECISION POINT ]  : Is "Fred's Issue" an EMERGENCY ?   YES-GO A   NO-GO B   UNKNOWN-GO C 


 B   ( EMERGENCY  - NO )



Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Kaiser Chart hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


 Health Insurance Coverage of the Total Population

NOTES ( by Kaiser)

The majority of our health coverage topics are based on analysis of the Census Bureau’s March Supplement to the Current Population Survey (the CPS Annual Social and Economic Supplement or ASEC) by the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. The CPS supplement is the primary source of annual health insurance coverage information in the United States.

In this analysis, income (mostly categorized as a percent of the federal poverty level) is aggregated by Census-defined family units. Analyzing income by family unit captures income available to a group of people who are likely sharing resources. However, family units may not be the appropriate measure for capturing eligibility for health insurance. Eligibility for health insurance is more accurately estimated using “health insurance units,” which may be counted differently for different types of insurance (such as Medicaid or employer coverage).

Data exclude a small number of people with private coverage of an unknown source. Data may not sum to totals due to rounding and the exclusion of these people.


Kaiser Family Foundation estimates based on the Census Bureau's March 2014, March 2015, and March 2016 Current Population Survey (CPS: Annual Social and Economic Supplements).


The ASEC asks respondents about their health insurance coverage throughout the previous calendar year. Respondents may report having more than one type of coverage. In this analysis, individuals are sorted into only one category of insurance coverage using the following hierarchy:

Medicaid: Includes those covered by Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and those who have both Medicaid and another type of coverage, such as dual eligibles who are also covered by Medicare.

Medicare: Includes those covered by Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and those who have Medicare and another type of non-Medicaid coverage where Medicare is the primary payer. Excludes those with Medicare Part A coverage only and those covered by Medicare and Medicaid (dual eligibles).

Employer: Includes those covered by employer-sponsored coverage either through their own job or as a dependent in the same household.

Other Public: Includes those covered under the military or Veterans Administration.

Non-Group: Includes individuals and families that purchased or are covered as a dependent by non-group insurance.

Uninsured: Includes those without health insurance and those who have coverage under the Indian Health Service only.

For example, a person having Medicaid coverage in the first half of the year but employer-based coverage in the last months of the year would be categorized as having Medicaid coverage in this analysis.

N/A: Estimates with relative standard errors greater than 30% are not provided.



Business owners wouldn’t have to insure their workers.

Obamacare required businesses with at least 50 full-time employees to provide its workers with “affordable” insurance – essentially, insurance that cost less than 10 percent of a worker’s household income. Failure to do that currently costs business owners up to $2,260 per employee annually. That tax penalty would disappear under the GOP plan.

So if a person owned a medium-sized business, and didn’t want to provide insurance, she or he could stop.

Here’s the thing: This penalty didn’t affect most “small business” owners.

Of the nearly 30 million businesses in the U.S., 80 percent have no employees – the proprietor is the only one in the shop, according to Small Business Administration data from 2013.

Many medium-sized businesses already provided insurance for their workers before Obamacare took effect. So while some may be glad that they can stop, others are wondering how the GOP health plan will affect insurance rates. Will they be able to afford their employees’ insurance?

Currently, 52 percent of Ohioans get their insurance through an employer, compared with only 5 percent who get private insurance on the Obamacare exchange, according to Kaiser data.

 http://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/politics/2017/03/11/5-ways-house-gop-health-plan-would-affect-ohioans/98987230/  <source


 Health Insurance  Insurance Coverage  Insurance Premium  Expense Adjusted Gross Income - AGI Deductible

   HEALTH-CARE PROFITEERING  profit sick people illness  < Googled




   Health Insurance    Copied ‘originally FROM:  http://www.investopedia.com/terms/h/healthinsurance.asp?lgl=myfinance-layout-no-ads     Date of copy: 6-27-2017 

By Investopedia Staff    ( Susan is preparing a PDF document - that will list "Investopedia Staff" [ the human beings ] by name )    The following has been edited - by Susan.  

 What is 'Health Insurance'

Health insurance is a type of insurance coverage that pays for medical and surgical expenses incurred by the insured. Health insurance can:

  1. reimburse the insured for expenses incurred from illness or injury, or
    2) pay the care provider directly.

    It is often included in employer benefit packages as a means of enticing or retaining quality employees.

    The cost of health insurance premiums is deductible to the payer, and benefits received are tax-free.        
                         (As seen above "Health insurance" companies make "billions" of dollars - each year - for their investor "Owners".)
    Thus, Susan ask: Why do we need insurance companies - at all?  )

BREAKING DOWN 'Health Insurance'


Managed care insurance plans  (MCIP) - are ONE of the types.

A] MCIP require policy holders to receive care from a network of designated health care providers for the highest level of coverage.  

B] If patients seek care outside the MCIP network, they must pay a higher percentage of the cost.  

C] In some cases, the MCIP may refuse payment outright for services “obtained out of network”. Many MCIPs require patients to choose a “ primary care physician “ who oversees the patient's care and makes recommendations about treatment.

D) MCIP Insurance companies may also deny coverage for services that were obtained without pre - authorization.

E) In addition, MCIP insurers may refuse payment for name brand drugs if a generic version or comparable medication is available at a lower cost.

 MCIPs (with higher out-of-pocket costs) generally have smaller monthly premiums than plans with low deductibles.

Affordable Care Act

In 2010, President Barack Obama signed the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act “ into law.

The ACA prohibits insurance companies from:

1) denying coverage to patients with pre-existing conditions,
2) and allows children to remain on their parents' insurance plan until they reach the age of 26.
3) In participating states, the act also expanded Medicaid, a government program that provides medical care for individuals with very low incomes.
4) In addition to these changes, the ACA established the “federal Healthcare Marketplace”. The “marketplace” helps individuals and businesses shop for quality insurance plans at affordable rates. Low-income individuals who sign up for insurance through the marketplace may qualify for subsidies to help bring down costs.

Under ACA Americans are required to carry medical insurance ( that meets  “federally designated minimum standards” ) or face a tax penalty.

In certain cases, taxpayers may qualify for an exemption from the penalty - if they were unable to obtain insurance due to financial hardship or other situations. 

[ END of copy ] 


  Sent:  6-27-2017  

  "Hello. I am preparing a document - for posting to my personal web site ( https://hansandcassady.org/ ). The topic is: WHY do we need Medical Insurance Companies ( at all )?
I am a supporter of Congressman John Conyer's Bill HR676.  I currently believe that HR676 can be improved - by eliminating Health Care - Insurance companies - alltogether.
 I believe that Americans should pay into a central system [instead] - such as Social Security - and, the funds collected would be used to fund USA Universal Health Care.
  Thus, eliminating - the "middle-man" of insurance companies. I do NOT wish to harm your good efforts.
  I remain an "Obama Girl" at this writing. Please suggest any reading material - to me ( by email)- that you feel may be helpful - or, informative to me."


 history Medical Insurance


  https://marketplace.cms.gov/  < official Marketplace 







     profit sick people illness < Googled

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_insurance_in_the_United_States#History :: During the 1920s, individual hospitals began offering services to individuals on a pre-paid basis, eventually leading to the development of Blue Cross organizations in the 1930s. The first employer-sponsored hospitalization plan was created by teachers in Dallas, Texas in 1929.


 “ communal interests “  “risk sharing” Health Care  < Googled 


         Ely Times column: Individual rights vs. communal interests 

Insurance Coverage 

What is 'Insurance Coverage'

Insurance coverage is the amount of risk or liability that is covered for an individual or entity by way of insurance services.

 Insurance coverage, such as auto insurance, life insurance – or more exotic forms, such as hole-in-one insurance – is issued by an insurer in the event of unforeseen occurrences.

BREAKING DOWN 'Insurance Coverage'

Insurance coverage helps consumers recover financially from unexpected events, such as car accidents or the loss of an income-producing adult supporting a family.

Insurance coverage COST is often determined by multiple factors. In Medical Insurance, the factors are: X, Y, Z

Insurance Premium

By Brent Radcliffe                         www.investopedia.com/contributors/242/ 

What is 'Insurance Premium'

An insurance premium is the amount of money that an individual or business must pay for an insurance policy. The insurance premium is considered income by the insurance company once it is earned, and also represents a liability in that the insurer must provide coverage for claims being made against the policy.

BREAKING DOWN 'Insurance Premium'

The amount of insurance premium that is required for insurance coverage depends on a variety of factors. Insurance companies examine

 the type of coverage,
the likelihood of a claim being made,
the area where the policyholder lives or operates a business,
the behavior of the person or business being covered,
and the amount of competition that the insurer faces.

          [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actuary  ]]  < Good INSURANCE History section - BASICALLY, WHY we have insurance - the concept.

Actuaries employed by an insurance company can determine, for example, the likelihood of a claim being made against a teenage driver living in an urban area compared to one in a suburban area. In general, the greater the risk associated with a policy the more expensive the insurance policy will be.

Policyholders are often given a number of options when it comes to paying an insurance premium. Some insurers allow the policyholder to pay the insurance premium in installments, for example monthly or semi-annual payments, or may require the policyholder to pay the total amount before coverage starts.

Insurance premiums may increase after the policy period ends. The insurer may increase the premium if claims were made during the previous period, if the risk associated with offering a particular type of insurance increases, or if the cost of providing coverage increases.

Insurers use the insurance premium to cover the liabilities associated with the policies that they underwrite, as well as to invest the premium in order to generate higher returns. Insurers will invest the premiums in assets with varying levels of liquidity and return, with the amount of liquid assets often set by state insurance regulators. Regulators want to make sure that policyholders will be able to have their claims paid for, and thus require insurers to retain adequate reserves.

Expense --What is an 'Expense'

An expense consists of the economic costs a business incurs through its operations to earn revenue. Businesses are allowed to write off tax-deductible expenses on their income tax returns to lower their taxable income and thus their tax liability. Common business expenses include payments to suppliers, employee wages, factory leases and equipment depreciation, but the Internal Revenue Service has strict rules on which expenses business are allowed to claim as a deduction.


The term "expense" also operates as a verb, and it means to write off an expense. For example, a freelance writer may expense the cost of buying writing utensils for his business, or the executive may expense the cost of taking his clients to dinner because the group discussed business at the table.

Deductible Business Expenses

According to the IRS, to be deductible, a business expense must be both ordinary and necessary. Ordinary means the expense is common or accepted in that industry, while necessary means the expense is helpful in the pursuit of earning income. Business owners are not allowed to claim their personal, nonbusiness expenses as business deductions.

Recording Expenses

Accountants record expenses through one of two accounting methods: cash basis or accrual basis. Under cash basis accounting, expenses are recorded when they are paid. For example, if a business owner schedules a carpet cleaner to clean the carpets in his office and the cleaner invoices the company for the service, a company using cash basis records the expense when it pays the invoice. Under the accrual method, however, expenses are recorded when they are incurred, and to continue with the above example, the business accountant records the carpet cleaning expense when the company receives the service.

Capital Expenses

The IRS treats capital expenses differently than most other business expenses. While most costs of doing business can be expensed or written off against business income the year they are incurred, capital expenses must be capitalized or written off incrementally.

Capital expenses are typically large expenditures considered investments into a company. They include business startup costs; business assets such as real estate, vehicles, equipment and patents; and improvements such as putting a new HVAC system into a building. Rather than writing off these expenses in the year they are incurred, business owners must write them off slowly over time. The IRS has a schedule that dictates the portion of a capital asset a business may write off each year until the entire expense is claimed. The number of years over which a business writes off a capital expense varies based on the type of asset.

  Adjusted Gross Income - AGI

 What is 'Adjusted Gross Income - AGI'

Adjusted gross income (AGI) is a measure of income calculated from your gross income and used to determine how much of your income is taxable.

BREAKING DOWN 'Adjusted Gross Income - AGI'

Adjusted gross income (AGI) is a modification of gross income in the United States tax code.  Gross income is simply the sum of everything an individual earns in a year.  AGI factors a number of deductions from one's gross income to reach the figure for which an individual's income taxes will be calculated, and is generally more useful than gross income for individual tax activities.  The deductions which modify gross income to adjusted gross income are all above the line, which means that they are taken into account before tax exemptions for military service, dependent status, etc.

Some of the most prominent deductions made to reach an individual's adjusted gross income include

When calculating individual AGI, begin by tallying your reported income statements for the year in question, while also adding other sources of taxable income: profit on the sale of property, unemployment compensation, pensions, Social Security payments and any other income not reported on your tax returns. From this total of earnings, subtract the applicable deductions to reach your AGI. A complete list of the requirements for possible deductions from gross income can be found in the Internal Revenue Code or on the IRS website.  Many of the requirements are very specific, and an individual must look very carefully at the federal tax code to make sure they are eligible for any deductions they are making.  

After calculating AGI, the taxpayer can then apply the standard federal tax deductions to reach their taxable income, or if eligible, the taxpayer can itemize their expenses and receive itemized deductions instead, which can be better for the taxpayer in some situations.  When working on individual taxes, then, the AGI is an important but intermediate step in determining how much of one's gross income is taxable.  Be careful not to confuse AGI with modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), which is used to calculate an individual's deductible amount from an individual retirement account (IRA).

Deductible - A deductible is the amount of money an individual pays for expenses before his insurance plan starts to pay.

The word "deductible" can also work as an adjective to describe the tax-deductible expenses that can deducted from someone's adjusted gross income to reduce his taxable income and his tax liability.

BREAKING DOWN 'Deductible'

To understand insurance deductibles, imagine your deductible is $300, and you incur medical expenses for $2,000. You pay the $300 deductible, also called the out-of-pocket cost, and your insurer pays the remaining $1,700. However, if your entire medical bill is $300, you would pay the entire amount and your insurer would pay nothing.

Insurance deductibles do not just apply to health insurance. Car insurance, homeowners insurance, renters insurance and other types of insurance policies also have deductibles. In the United Kingdom, Australia and some other parts of the world, an insurance deductible is referred to as an excess, but excesses and deductibles function in the same way.

Tax Deductible Expenses

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) considers a number of expenses to be tax-deductible. To reduce their taxable income, tax filers may deduct eligible healthcare expenses, mortgage interest expenses and some investment-related expenses. However, for those with brokerage accounts, fees such as commissions paid for trades are not deductible.

The IRS divides tax deductible expenses or deductions into two major categories: individual and business.

Deductible Expenses for Individuals

Individuals may claim a standard deduction based on their marital status, filing status and number of children. Set by the IRS and reviewed annually, the standard deduction is subject to change, but as of 2016, it is $6,300 for an individual. If an individual reports $40,000 in taxable income, for example, he can then deduct $6,300 to lower his taxable income to $33,700.

In lieu of the standard deduction, tax filers may opt to itemize their deductions. This means they add together the value of a long list of deductions and then subtract that amount from their earnings to determine their taxable income. Examples of itemized deductions include charitable contributions, mortgage interest, and medical and dental expenses.

Business Deductions

Business deductions work slightly differently from individual deductions. If a small business owner, a self-employed individual, an independent contractor or a corporation is filing taxes, the tax filer reports all of the income the business receives during the tax year. Then, he deducts business expenses from that amount. The difference is the business's taxable income. Deductible business expenses include operating expenses such as payroll, utilities, rent, leases and other costs of running the business. Capital expenses such as buying equipment or real estate for the business are also deductible.

   Health Insurance          Cut FROM:  http://www.investopedia.com/terms/h/healthinsurance.asp?lgl=myfinance-layout-no-ads   Date of copy: 6-27-2017 

By Investopedia Staff   ( Susan is preparing a PDF document - that will list "Investopedia Staff" [ the human beings ] by name )    The following has been edited - by Susan.  

What is 'Health Insurance'

Health insurance is a type of insurance coverage that pays for medical and surgical expenses incurred by the insured. Health insurance can reimburse the insured for expenses incurred from illness or injury, or pay the care provider directly. It is often included in employer benefit packages as a means of enticing quality employees. The cost of health insurance premiums is deductible to the payer, and benefits received are tax-free.

BREAKING DOWN 'Health Insurance'

Managed care insurance plans require policy holders to receive care from a network of designated health care providers for the highest level of coverage. If patients seek care outside the network, they must pay a higher percentage of the cost. In some cases, the insurance company may even refuse payment outright for services obtained out of network. Many managed care plans require patients to choose a primary care physician who oversees the patient's care and makes recommendations about treatment. Insurance companies may also deny coverage for services that were obtained without pre - authorization. In addition, insurers may refuse payment for name brand drugs if a generic version or comparable medication is available at a lower cost.

Insurance plans with higher out-of-pocket costs generally have smaller monthly premiums than plans with low deductibles. When shopping for plans, individuals must weigh the benefits of lower monthly costs against the potential risk of large out-of-pocket expenses in the case of a major illness or accident. Health insurance has many cousins, such as disability insurance, critical (catastrophic) illness insurance and long-term care (LTC) insurance.

Affordable Care Act

In 2010, President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law. It prohibits insurance companies from denying coverage to patients with pre-existing conditions, and allows children to remain on their parents' insurance plan until they reach the age of 26. In participating states, the act also expanded Medicaid, a government program that provides medical care for individuals with very low incomes. In addition to these changes, the ACA established the federal Healthcare Marketplace. The marketplace helps individuals and businesses shop for quality insurance plans at affordable rates. Low-income individuals who sign up for insurance through the marketplace may qualify for subsidies to help bring down costs.

Americans are required to carry medical insurance that meets federally designated minimum standards or face a tax penalty. In certain cases, taxpayers may qualify for an exemption from the penalty if they were unable to obtain insurance due to financial hardship or other situations. Two public health insurance plans, Medicare and the Children's Health Insurance Program, target older individuals and children, respectively. Medicare also serves people with certain disabilities. The program is available to anyone age 65 or older. The CHIP plan has income limits and covers babies and children up to the age of 18.

[ END of copy ] 

Insurance Coverage 

What is 'Insurance Coverage'

Insurance coverage is the amount of risk or liability that is covered for an individual or entity by way of insurance services. Insurance coverage, such as auto insurance, life insurance – or more exotic forms, such as hole-in-one insurance – is issued by an insurer in the event of unforeseen occurrences.

BREAKING DOWN 'Insurance Coverage'

Insurance coverage helps consumers recover financially from unexpected events, such as car accidents or the loss of an income-producing adult supporting a family.

Insurance coverage is often determined by multiple factors. For example, most insurers charge higher premiums for young male drivers, as insurers deem the probability of young men being involved in accident to be higher than say, a middle-aged married man with years of driving experience.

Auto Insurance Coverage

Auto insurance premiums depend on the insured party's driving record. A record free of accidents or serious traffic violations typically results in a lower premium. Drivers with histories of accidents or serious traffic violations may pay higher premiums. Likewise, because mature drivers tend to have fewer accidents than less-experienced drivers, insurers typically charge more for drivers below age 25.

Insurance Premium

By Brent Radcliffe                         www.investopedia.com/contributors/242/ 

What is 'Insurance Premium'

An insurance premium is the amount of money that an individual or business must pay for an insurance policy. The insurance premium is considered income by the insurance company once it is earned, and also represents a liability in that the insurer must provide coverage for claims being made against the policy.

BREAKING DOWN 'Insurance Premium'

The amount of insurance premium that is required for insurance coverage depends on a variety of factors. Insurance companies examine the type of coverage, the likelihood of a claim being made, the area where the policyholder lives or operates a business, the behavior of the person or business being covered, and the amount of competition that the insurer faces.

 [[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actuary  ]]

Actuaries employed by an insurance company can determine, for example, the likelihood of a claim being made against a teenage driver living in an urban area compared to one in a suburban area. In general, the greater the risk associated with a policy the more expensive the insurance policy will be.

Policyholders are often given a number of options when it comes to paying an insurance premium. Some insurers allow the policyholder to pay the insurance premium in installments, for example monthly or semi-annual payments, or may require the policyholder to pay the total amount before coverage starts.

Insurance premiums may increase after the policy period ends. The insurer may increase the premium if claims were made during the previous period, if the risk associated with offering a particular type of insurance increases, or if the cost of providing coverage increases.

Insurers use the insurance premium to cover the liabilities associated with the policies that they underwrite, as well as to invest the premium in order to generate higher returns. Insurers will invest the premiums in assets with varying levels of liquidity and return, with the amount of liquid assets often set by state insurance regulators. Regulators want to make sure that policyholders will be able to have their claims paid for, and thus require insurers to retain adequate reserves.


What is an 'Expense'

An expense consists of the economic costs a business incurs through its operations to earn revenue. Businesses are allowed to write off tax-deductible expenses on their income tax returns to lower their taxable income and thus their tax liability. Common business expenses include payments to suppliers, employee wages, factory leases and equipment depreciation, but the Internal Revenue Service has strict rules on which expenses business are allowed to claim as a deduction.


The term "expense" also operates as a verb, and it means to write off an expense. For example, a freelance writer may expense the cost of buying writing utensils for his business, or the executive may expense the cost of taking his clients to dinner because the group discussed business at the table.

Deductible Business Expenses

According to the IRS, to be deductible, a business expense must be both ordinary and necessary. Ordinary means the expense is common or accepted in that industry, while necessary means the expense is helpful in the pursuit of earning income. Business owners are not allowed to claim their personal, nonbusiness expenses as business deductions.

Recording Expenses

Accountants record expenses through one of two accounting methods: cash basis or accrual basis. Under cash basis accounting, expenses are recorded when they are paid. For example, if a business owner schedules a carpet cleaner to clean the carpets in his office and the cleaner invoices the company for the service, a company using cash basis records the expense when it pays the invoice. Under the accrual method, however, expenses are recorded when they are incurred, and to continue with the above example, the business accountant records the carpet cleaning expense when the company receives the service.

Capital Expenses

The IRS treats capital expenses differently than most other business expenses. While most costs of doing business can be expensed or written off against business income the year they are incurred, capital expenses must be capitalized or written off incrementally.

Capital expenses are typically large expenditures considered investments into a company. They include business startup costs; business assets such as real estate, vehicles, equipment and patents; and improvements such as putting a new HVAC system into a building. Rather than writing off these expenses in the year they are incurred, business owners must write them off slowly over time. The IRS has a schedule that dictates the portion of a capital asset a business may write off each year until the entire expense is claimed. The number of years over which a business writes off a capital expense varies based on the type of asset.

Adjusted Gross Income - AGI

What is 'Adjusted Gross Income - AGI'

Adjusted gross income (AGI) is a measure of income calculated from your gross income and used to determine how much of your income is taxable.

BREAKING DOWN 'Adjusted Gross Income - AGI'

Adjusted gross income (AGI) is a modification of gross income in the United States tax code.  Gross income is simply the sum of everything an individual earns in a year.  AGI factors a number of deductions from one's gross income to reach the figure for which an individual's income taxes will be calculated, and is generally more useful than gross income for individual tax activities.  The deductions which modify gross income to adjusted gross income are all above the line, which means that they are taken into account before tax exemptions for military service, dependent status, etc.

Some of the most prominent deductions made to reach an individual's adjusted gross income include

When calculating individual AGI, begin by tallying your reported income statements for the year in question, while also adding other sources of taxable income: profit on the sale of property, unemployment compensation, pensions, Social Security payments and any other income not reported on your tax returns. From this total of earnings, subtract the applicable deductions to reach your AGI. A complete list of the requirements for possible deductions from gross income can be found in the Internal Revenue Code or on the IRS website.  Many of the requirements are very specific, and an individual must look very carefully at the federal tax code to make sure they are eligible for any deductions they are making.  

After calculating AGI, the taxpayer can then apply the standard federal tax deductions to reach their taxable income, or if eligible, the taxpayer can itemize their expenses and receive itemized deductions instead, which can be better for the taxpayer in some situations.  When working on individual taxes, then, the AGI is an important but intermediate step in determining how much of one's gross income is taxable.  Be careful not to confuse AGI with modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), which is used to calculate an individual's deductible amount from an individual retirement account (IRA).


A deductible is the amount of money an individual pays for expenses before his insurance plan starts to pay.

The word "deductible" can also work as an adjective to describe the tax-deductible expenses that can deducted from someone's adjusted gross income to reduce his taxable income and his tax liability.

BREAKING DOWN 'Deductible'

To understand insurance deductibles, imagine your deductible is $300, and you incur medical expenses for $2,000. You pay the $300 deductible, also called the out-of-pocket cost, and your insurer pays the remaining $1,700. However, if your entire medical bill is $300, you would pay the entire amount and your insurer would pay nothing.

Insurance deductibles do not just apply to health insurance. Car insurance, homeowners insurance, renters insurance and other types of insurance policies also have deductibles. In the United Kingdom, Australia and some other parts of the world, an insurance deductible is referred to as an excess, but excesses and deductibles function in the same way.

Tax Deductible Expenses

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) considers a number of expenses to be tax-deductible. To reduce their taxable income, tax filers may deduct eligible healthcare expenses, mortgage interest expenses and some investment-related expenses. However, for those with brokerage accounts, fees such as commissions paid for trades are not deductible.

The IRS divides tax deductible expenses or deductions into two major categories: individual and business.

Deductible Expenses for Individuals

Individuals may claim a standard deduction based on their marital status, filing status and number of children. Set by the IRS and reviewed annually, the standard deduction is subject to change, but as of 2016, it is $6,300 for an individual. If an individual reports $40,000 in taxable income, for example, he can then deduct $6,300 to lower his taxable income to $33,700.

In lieu of the standard deduction, tax filers may opt to itemize their deductions. This means they add together the value of a long list of deductions and then subtract that amount from their earnings to determine their taxable income. Examples of itemized deductions include charitable contributions, mortgage interest, and medical and dental expenses.

Business Deductions

Business deductions work slightly differently from individual deductions. If a small business owner, a self-employed individual, an independent contractor or a corporation is filing taxes, the tax filer reports all of the income the business receives during the tax year. Then, he deducts business expenses from that amount. The difference is the business's taxable income. Deductible business expenses include operating expenses such as payroll, utilities, rent, leases and other costs of running the business. Capital expenses such as buying equipment or real estate for the business are also deductible.



                               Senario 1 ( If needed, other scenario illustration examples will be constructed.)  - Please, send me a message - by using my form.  

SCENARIO assumptions:  ( Fred and his wife )

 1)  Fred is a 61-year-old male.  

2) Fred is a United States citizen.

3) Fred has worked - in the united States [as a  "maintenance worker" ] for a "big corporation" -since he was 16-years old. Each year he has paid his personal income taxes due.

4) Fred is married - and, has been for 36+ years - and, he has two grown children. They live in California & Oregon.

5) Fred owns a modest home - in Columbus, Ohio.

6) Fred has a small sum (of cash) saved in the bank.

7) Fred & his wife have planned:
 a] to sell their "paid for" home
 and b] take a small vacation - after he retires.

8) Fred's wife never did (really) work outside of their home.  

9) If they see a place - perhaps a condo - on their planned vacation, they may consider buying it.

10) Fred's wife's health is "good". She wants to "lose a few pounds" - she says. She goes to the YMCA - most days. She walks on the treadmill and does the "zoomba class" sometimes. She cooks breakfast, lunch & dinner - for Fred & herself - most days. She sleeps well. And, Fred finds her usually pleasant to be around.

11) Fred's health is "good" - to outward appearances; however, Fred has noticed some "shortness of breath" - when he exerts himself; and, he gets "sweaty" - unexpectedly - at times. His sleep is disturbed - some nights - by "nightmares".

12) Fred has said nothing about his "small personal issues" to his wife.  (He does not want to "worry" her.)

13) Fred has "health insurance" supplied by his employer. 

14) Fred wants to take the "early retirement" option - his employer has just offered him.

     ( INTAKE Centers - all over the USA ) Hello! How may I help you today? You can: 1) fill out a form; 2) Talk to a computerized assistant; 3) Make an appointment - to talk with a human USA Universal Health Care "intake" professional; or, 4) Please just leave your name - and, a  method & we will  you.

  You came in the door for "something". Let's get to it.

hhh  < Americans > 

  FlowChart (start)  Fred has made the "first STEP" - "intake"  (above)     NOTE: Graphic (above) - from USA Legal Aid Society 

  [ DECISION POINT ]  : Is "Fred's Issue" an EMERGENCY ?   YES-GO A   NO-GO B   UNKNOWN-GO C 


 B   ( EMERGENCY  - NO )



Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Kaiser Chart hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


 Health Insurance Coverage of the Total Population

NOTES ( by Kaiser)

The majority of our health coverage topics are based on analysis of the Census Bureau’s March Supplement to the Current Population Survey (the CPS Annual Social and Economic Supplement or ASEC) by the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. The CPS supplement is the primary source of annual health insurance coverage information in the United States.

In this analysis, income (mostly categorized as a percent of the federal poverty level) is aggregated by Census-defined family units. Analyzing income by family unit captures income available to a group of people who are likely sharing resources. However, family units may not be the appropriate measure for capturing eligibility for health insurance. Eligibility for health insurance is more accurately estimated using “health insurance units,” which may be counted differently for different types of insurance (such as Medicaid or employer coverage).

Data exclude a small number of people with private coverage of an unknown source. Data may not sum to totals due to rounding and the exclusion of these people.


Kaiser Family Foundation estimates based on the Census Bureau's March 2014, March 2015, and March 2016 Current Population Survey (CPS: Annual Social and Economic Supplements).


The ASEC asks respondents about their health insurance coverage throughout the previous calendar year. Respondents may report having more than one type of coverage. In this analysis, individuals are sorted into only one category of insurance coverage using the following hierarchy:

Medicaid: Includes those covered by Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and those who have both Medicaid and another type of coverage, such as dual eligibles who are also covered by Medicare.

Medicare: Includes those covered by Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and those who have Medicare and another type of non-Medicaid coverage where Medicare is the primary payer. Excludes those with Medicare Part A coverage only and those covered by Medicare and Medicaid (dual eligibles).

Employer: Includes those covered by employer-sponsored coverage either through their own job or as a dependent in the same household.

Other Public: Includes those covered under the military or Veterans Administration.

Non-Group: Includes individuals and families that purchased or are covered as a dependent by non-group insurance.

Uninsured: Includes those without health insurance and those who have coverage under the Indian Health Service only.

For example, a person having Medicaid coverage in the first half of the year but employer-based coverage in the last months of the year would be categorized as having Medicaid coverage in this analysis.

N/A: Estimates with relative standard errors greater than 30% are not provided.





Business owners wouldn’t have to insure their workers.

Obamacare required businesses with at least 50 full-time employees to provide its workers with “affordable” insurance – essentially, insurance that cost less than 10 percent of a worker’s household income. Failure to do that currently costs business owners up to $2,260 per employee annually. That tax penalty would disappear under the GOP plan.

So if a person owned a medium-sized business, and didn’t want to provide insurance, she or he could stop.

Here’s the thing: This penalty didn’t affect most “small business” owners.

Of the nearly 30 million businesses in the U.S., 80 percent have no employees – the proprietor is the only one in the shop, according to Small Business Administration data from 2013.

Many medium-sized businesses already provided insurance for their workers before Obamacare took effect. So while some may be glad that they can stop, others are wondering how the GOP health plan will affect insurance rates. Will they be able to afford their employees’ insurance?

Currently, 52 percent of Ohioans get their insurance through an employer, compared with only 5 percent who get private insurance on the Obamacare exchange, according to Kaiser data.

 http://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/politics/2017/03/11/5-ways-house-gop-health-plan-would-affect-ohioans/98987230/  <source



Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Democrat’s platform hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Securing Universal Health Care

Democrats believe that health care is a right, not a privilege, and our health care system should put people before profits.

Thanks to the hard work of President Obama and Democrats in Congress, we took a critically important step toward the goal of universal health care by passing the Affordable Care Act, which has covered 20 million more Americans and ensured millions more will never be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition.

Democrats will never falter in our generations-long fight to guarantee health care as a fundamental right for every American.

As part of that guarantee, Americans should be able to access public coverage through a public option, and those over 55 should be able to opt in to Medicare. 

Democrats will fight any attempts by Republicans in Congress to privatize, voucherize, or “phase out” Medicare as we know it.

We will keep fighting until the ACA’s Medicaid expansion has been adopted in every state.

Nineteen states have not yet expanded Medicaid. This means that millions of low-income Americans still lack health insurance and are not getting the care they need. Additionally, health care providers, clinics, hospitals, and taxpayers are footing a higher bill when people without insurance visit expensive emergency rooms.

Supporting Community Health Centers

We must renew and expand our commitment to Community Health Centers, as well as community mental health centers and family planning centers. These health centers provide critically important, community-based prevention and treatment in underserved communities, prevent unnecessary and expensive trips to emergency rooms, and are essential to the successful implementation of the ACA.

We will fight for a comprehensive system of primary health care, including dental, mental health care, and low-cost prescription drugs by doubling of funding for federally qualified community health centers over the next decade, which currently serve 25 million people.

Democrats also know that one of the key ingredients to the success of these health centers is a well-supported and qualified workforce in community-based settings.

We will fight to train and support this workforce, encourage providers to work with underserved populations through the National Health Service Corps, and create a comprehensive strategy to increase the pool of primary health care professionals. 


Democrats are committed to investing in the research, development, and innovation that creates lifesaving drugs and lowers overall health costs, but the profiteering of pharmaceutical companies is simply unacceptable.


> Hello World !  YOU have reached
     the personal web site of Susan Marie Cassady-Neuhart.


The American Health Act ( AHA) ...

 Susan's last UP-DATE: 4-13-2017!    

   ( FSMB  ) < Please read this first - to understand  "how" the debate is - and, will be (for ever) - informed by "Medical Professionals" - and, their  representatives. 


The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution authorizes states to establish laws and regulations protecting the health, safety and general welfare of their citizens.[6]

Required REFORM of - Medical Liability Insurance market & industry :   ( REPORT [pdf]  - dated September 12, 2004 ) < Please read report to find the reasons & history - for the current system - of health care - and,  its related current pricing - to American  consumers.

The American Health Act ( AHA)
( - from "Obama Care" to  "Trump Care" )
[ Susan's "idea" text follows ]

The following is Susan's idea ( text only)! This is NOT a bill - or anything official.

YES! - I did try to read the "official" document (links above); However, to "me" - a person with much practical experience ( 30+ years)  in reading many complicated, software engineering documents - it ( the official Bill ) is unintelligible.  I only know that - it appears ( to "me") - THEY are allotting - more than $15-Billion dollars  (in HR 1628) - for something; and, insurance companies, are prominently mentioned ( I feel ) - to receive a large portion of these tax payer funds - with no  practical over-sight (detailed)  insofar as how they ( the Medical Insurance companies) will further distribute these funds. 

The American Health Act ( AHA)
  ( - from Obama Care to Trump Care )

If agreed to - by Mr. Trump:  On May 31, 2017, the American Health Act [ AHA ] shall be introduced by the Donald J. Trump Presidential Administration. The  AHA (Act) shall be passed unanimously by the US Congress and receive a Presidential signature - within 2 business days. 

President Franklin D. Roosvelt passed such sweeping legislation - during his presidency - And, similar to today -  the times and the conditions warranted this.


Key features of the AHA:

  1. The primary objective of the Act is to protect, promote and restore the physical and mental well-being of citizens of the USA - and, to facilitate reasonable access to health services - through out America - without financial, physical or other barriers. We are all Americans. And, America is a great country. This ACT takes a step to re-claim our  international heritage - as a world-leader in all things.
  2. Another objective of the American Health Act is:  continued access to quality health care - without financial or other barriers - for all Americans; as this will be critical to maintaining and improving the health and well-being of all Americans - during any transition from "Obama Care" to "Trump Care".
  3. To do so, the AHA shall list a set of criteria and conditions (drafted below) that each state - in our Union of 50 States - must follow in order to receive Federal Transfer Payments ( FTPs ).  They are - briefly: A) Public Administration - by States, B) Comprehensiveness & Universality, C)Portability, D) Accessibility - and E) Penalties.
  4. Additional criteria and conditions - extending and altering this AHA - may be introduced into the US Congress (after May 31, 2017)  for voting upon by the elected representatives of the American people - as conditions and experience  - with the enacted AHA -  warrant.

The criteria & conditions - to be met by each state AHA provider are as follows:

A) Public administration

  1. All AHA medical and health related services and entities must be "administered" and "operated" on a non-profit basis by licensed Medical Professionals - responsible (only) to US State governments and their medical peers.
  2.  The "entities" administered and operated are subject to audits of their records, accounts and financial transactions - by State Government and AHA officials.
  3. Elimination: All so-called and in reality "Private Insurance Companies & Carriers" shall be eliminated (by this ACT) - until time and experience provides sufficient proof they are necessary - for any practical reason.  That is, no one should benefit from the pain and suffering - of an American citizen.
  4. An ACT of the US Congress - shall be necessary to reverse the previous provision of "elimination".

B) Comprehensiveness & Universality

  1. There shall be no such entity - in the United States of America -  as a "non-insured citizen".
  2. That is, every United States citizen (born and living) shall be covered and cared for - by reasonably re-numerated Medical Professionals.
  3. All AHA services shall be provided in excellent "World Class" American Medical Facilities - as required and needed - with no apportionment - related to a State's individual wealth or population.
  4. The AHA shall cover all health services provided by Medical Professionals in these facilities ( in every state) - including  (as needed) psychiatry and dentistry.
  5. The fees (for AHA services) that may be charged - by Medical Professionals - are as described and stated in the current published USA Medicare program documents (2017).
  6. If Medical Professionals wish to offer services - that are not currently described by USA Medicare program documents - they may do so; however, those "additional services" shall be provided on a private business basis - and, not covered or administered by the AHA; however, all FDA & USHHS rules and regulations shall apply & be enforced.
  7. No Medical Professional (employed to provide services - under the AHA) - shall be permitted to simultaneously provide private business services.
  8. The states are permitted, to offer additional "distinguishing" medical and dental services; however, these "additional services" shall be paid for exclusively by State Transfer Payments (STPs). These STPs shall be administered by the States - and, they may not be made fungible - or, made a part of the AHA ( FTP) funds - in any manner.

C) Portability

  1. States shall be responsible for their state citizens - who are temporarily in another state - for purposes of work, travel, visiting, etc.  
  2. "Temporary" from more "permanent" relocation status shall be determined - using 90 days as a standard maximum - to make the distinction ( of permanent versus temporary resident) at the program's start.

D) Accessibility

  1. The AHA shall provide Medical Professionals with the means to provide uniform "reasonable access" to services offered for USA citizens - using all modes of public USA transportation systems ( including trains, plains, buses, taxis, etc.) on uniform terms and conditions.
  2. Medical Professionals ( after licensure) shall be at liberty to "move about" in America - and, subsequently licensed in other US states.
  3. All AHA services shall be provided in similar and comparable "World Class" medical  facilities - located in every state in America.
  4. There shall be no "extra-billing"  - of any American citizen - for any AHA services rendered.
  5. Specifically, Medical Professionals in every American location - which, they choose to be located in - shall be re-numerated - at the same AHA rate (per specialty) - adjusted only for provable State "cost-of-living" differences - which, are not "controllable" by other means - such as, medical facility offerings. ( For example, AHA Medical Facilities may provide Medical Professional dormitories, meal rooms, laundries etc.) 
  6. AHA Medical Professional day-to-day travel expenses shall not be reimbursed - through AHA funds. This is to encourage employed AHA Medical Professionals, to live near - where they choose to work - which, will result in improved inner-city areas.

E) Penalties

  1. The states shall ensure recognition of the Federal Transfer Payments ( FTPs) by publically viewable documents - modeled after modern transaction receipts (on state web sites, etc.)
  2. States shall provide information to appointed AHA officers as requested. The AHA shall mandate a Director - with staff.
  3. The size and scope of the AHA "directorate" shall dictate its annual budget.
  4. The AHA Federally designated Director and their "staff"  is entitled to request and receive specific information related to a state's AHA health care services.
  5. This "information" shall be used in drafting AHA annual reports ( to Congress) - which shall be made available and presented to the American people - regarding how each state has administered its AHA health care services over the previous year.
  6. This information shall be provided on a timely basis (to the AHA staff) - on a level of detail - as requested by the AHA Federally designated "staff".
  7. The AHA "Director" shall be appointed by the current President of the United States (during her or his term) - and, no confirmation ( by the US Congress ) is required.
  8. Each AHA Director ( so named ) - shall offer their resignation - at the end of the "appointing President's" term.
  9. Each state must "give recognition" to the USA federal government ( as the "ultimate provider" of AHA services ) in public documents and in any advertising or promotional material, relating to Federal AHA health services in the state.
  10. For non-compliance - with any of the criteria listed above -  the federal government ( upon proof)  shall withhold all or a part of the Federal  Transfer Payment.
  11. The federal government shall actively enforce these criteria - utilizing all eligible enforcement capabilities of its departments: DOJ, etc.
  12. Specifically, in recognition of the "status", "privilege" and "honor" that American society confers on licensed Medical Professionals, no Medical Professional shall a) organize "unions" or b) go on "strike" - or, c) take actions to undermine the intent of the AHA - without risk to their State and Federally granted medical license.
    [ end of idea ]


  Susan's last UP-DATE: 4-13-2017! 




 Dear Mr. Sanders, the Health Plan - attributed to you ( above link ) - provides no logical or rational basis - on its face - for discussion. That is, it presents no basis for its estimated costs or the services that it provides. It states no assumptions about physicians (their numbers) - patients (their numbers) - facilities (where services will be provided) or services (what will be done). Yes, I have emailed "your representatives - as suggested - at that same web site. At this writing, I have not heard from you - or them. I look forward to moving ahead - together - and, informing each other - as we proceed. - Susan

Your representatives: Friends of Bernie Sanders
PO BOX 391
Burlington, VT 05402

email us at help@ourrevolution.com and  < done !

My last UP-DATE: 11-21-2018!    

   ( FSMB  ) < Please read this first - to understand how the debate is - and, will be - informed by "Medical Professionals".

    Required REFORM of - Medical Liability Lnsurance market & industry
           ( REPORT [pdf]  - dated September 12, 2004 ) < read this to find the reasons & history...

The American Health Act ( AHA) ( - from "Obama Care" to  "Trump Care" ) [ Susan's "idea" text is below ]

After your REVIEW ( of my AHA "draft" idea presented below ) - please "me" - with your COMMENTS. If you are basically polite - and, I can understand the good reasons - for your comments AND suggestions - I may incorporate your comments.   I will credit you - if I incorporate your comments/suggestions AND you give me your written permission (in your submission) - to identify you. Please provide a means for me to confirm - that your "identifying information" is real. Please be creative and thoughtful.  For example, if you claim that you are (the) Mr. Donald Trump - or (the) Congressman Joe Kennedy - then, I must be able to verify that this is true. -- In fact, I would be honored to hear from all of you. In Columbus, Ohio - public schools ( 1960 - 1972 ) we were taught - that everyone's opinion matters. This was reinforced during my time at the University of Wisconsin ( UWGB ).
NOTE: Following is an "idea" presented by ( "me" ) Susan Marie CASSADY-Neuhart ( to Mr. Trump - initially - on 4-4, 2017). However, our US Congress is working on real ( and official ) legislation - related to this same subject. That is "Trump CARE" is not dead - and, the odds are - that the US 115th Congress will enact "something". Please become informed - and participate.  
https://rules.house.gov/   --  https://rules.house.gov/bill/115/hr-1628   (BILL Summary)

Your representatives (DEMs & REPs) they ( "they" )  really do want your input - on this subject. In fact, each one of them has a web site - and, you can Contact them - by various means [ telephone, USPS, contact Forms... ] - to let them know - what you think. They are looking for good ideas. Please "speak up". The US Congress House RULEs Committee member's contact information is shown below. If your state is not on the list - then, write to your Congressional Representative (any way).  

For example - my current Congressional Representative is: Congressman Mr. Mike Turner [OH 10]. Mike  is not on any Health-related committee (yet). And, ( he knows ) that I am a passionate Democrat.  Mike is a Republican. But, even though our fundamental philosophies are different, he is listening. He is an American. And, this is what Americans "do". That is, we listen to each other.  And, one day - he will vote. Until he "votes" - it is my job - as an American - to try to persuade him - to try to persuade other US Congressional Representatives.  Mike's - Health CARE - related - legislation - currently pending:  ( text of Mike's announcement )  H.R. 285    H.R. 286    H.R. 287

  How Federal laws are made in the USA
 ( the process )

  The following is an "idea" [ for comment ] and "proposed" ONLY  ( PDF doc 3 pages)  Public comments are being incorporated now. Please "me" - a United States citizen.

 - PLEASE, also review the official bill ( H.R. 1628 - American Health Care Act of 2017 -- pdf ) as it has been published by the US House of Representatives Clerk's Office. Please be aware this official "bill" is still - in progress - to become US Law. (BILL Summary)  Visit the Rules Committee web site - and participate.  https://rules.house.gov/ 

The US House of Representatives “Committee on Rules” ...

( search all active legislation
in the US Congress )

.Every Federal Law - in the USA - begins in the U.S. House of Representatives. (State laws are created by state legislatures. And, there are "local" government laws also.)

Federal laws super-cede all State laws; which, super-cede all local laws.

All Federal laws - in the United States - originate as written documents called "bills" .

"Bills"  - and all USA law - begin as "ideas".

These ideas may come from a elected representative or from a citizen.

Citizens ( who have ideas for laws) can contact their Congressional Representatives to discuss their ideas - for a law.

Every US Citizen has 4 elected representatives. That is, 2 Senators, one US House Congressional district person - and, the US President.  Your residential zip-code defines who your USA Congressional representatives are. The President - of the USA - is a representative of all American citizens.

If your Representatives [ or, any US HOUSE  Representative agrees - with an idea - you propose ( to them) ], they may draft - your idea - into a written " bill ".


US citizens must use only legal means - to persuade and convince their representatives to propose a bill. - LEGAL means of persuasion: ( UWGB )

A Bill Is formally "proposed" ( by a US House Representative) by a writing. Thus, many citizens draft the idea - for a bill (their "idea" ) - in writing. This beginning - in writing - is then ( most often ) changed & perfected ( by the citizen's representatives) - because, each bill must be "sponsored".  That is, when a citizen's Representative has written a bill - that the Representative is pleased with, the Representative seeks sponsors - who will also support the bill. This is call " politics ". 
Typically, the citizen's Representative talks with other Representatives about the bill ( as proposed ) in hopes of getting their support for it. US citizens often vote for - and select - their representatives - based upon how well - they are perceived - to perform "politic-ing" .

Once a bill has at least one sponsor - and, it is in written form -it is ready to be "introduced".

In the U.S. House of Representatives, a bill is "introduced" when it is placed into the "hopper" — a special box on the side of the US House of Representative clerk’s desk.


Only "elected" Representatives can introduce bills in the U.S. House of Representatives.

When a bill is introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives, a  " bill clerk " assigns it a number that begins with H.R.

A "reading clerk" then (literally) reads (aloud) the bill (as placed into the hopper) to all the Representatives (present), and the Speaker of the House sends the bill to one of the House standing committees.

When the bill reaches it "assigned committee" the committe's members "review", "research", and "revise" the inially proposed bill and vote For or Against sending the bill back to the House floor.

If the committee members would like more information before deciding if the bill should be sent to the House floor, the bill is sent to a "subcommittee".

While in subcommittee, the bill is closely examined - and expert opinions are gathered - before it is sent back to the committee for approval.

When the committee has approved a bill, it is sent — or reported — to the House floor.

Once "reported", a bill is ready to be debated by the U.S. House of Representatives.

During the period of debate - all current US Congress Representatives (civilly) discuss the bill and explain - in US Communications mediums - why they agree or disagree with the bill - as presented.

Then, a "reading clerk" reads the bill ( again) - this time, section-by-section and the US Congress Representatives (again) may recommend changes - in writing.
When all changes have been made, the "final" bill is ready to be voted on - by US Congress House Representatives.

The number of voting representatives in the House is fixed ( by law) at no more than 435, proportionally representing the population of the 50 United States. Currently, there are five delegates representing the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. A resident commissioner represents Puerto Rico.

There are three methods for voting on a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives:

1) Viva Voce (voice vote): The Speaker of the House asks the Representatives who support the bill to say “aye” and those that oppose it say “no". This "voice vote" may be recorded.

2) Division: The Speaker of the House asks those Representatives who support the bill to stand up and be counted, and then those who oppose the bill to stand up and be counted. This "divional vote" may be recorded - by photgraphs or cameras.

3) Recorded: Representatives record their vote using the electronic voting system. This "Recorded vote" is reported in all USA mediums of Communication.

Representatives may vote -yes, -no, or -present (if they don’t want to vote on the bill).

If a majority of the US Representatives say or select yes, the bill ( as presented - in its "final" form) passes in the U.S. House of Representatives -

And, it is then "certified" by the Clerk of the House [ in its final form ] and it is "delivered" to the U.S. Senate.

This phase of USA "law-making" is known as "referred to the Senate".

Each "referred bill" is (then) discussed in a Senate committee and then "reported" to the Senate floor to be voted on - by US Senators.

There are 100 US Senators. That is, each state has 2 Senators - per state.

Senators also may vote 3 ways.  "Roll call", "Voice Vote" or "standing" Those who support the bill under consideration say “yea, yeah - or yes” - and those who oppose it say “nay - or no”; depending upon where they learned to speak English.

If a majority of the Senators "vote in the affirmative" the bill "passes" in the U.S. Senate - and, the Bill Is (then) Sent to the US President.

A bill that does not pass the senate "dies".


 When a bill reaches the President's desk, he has three choices: He can:

 1) Sign and pass the bill—the bill becomes a law.

 2) Refuse to sign, or veto, the bill—the bill is  "sent back" to the U.S. House of Representatives, along with the President’s reasons for the veto.

 If the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate still believe the bill should become a law, they can hold another vote on the bill. 

If two-thirds of the House of Representatives and Senators support the bill, the President’s veto is overridden and the bill becomes a law - even if the US President has "vetoed" - or, refused to sign the law.

3) Or, the US President may do nothing; This is called a "pocket veto"; however, if Congress is in session, the bill automatically becomes law 10 days - after being placed upon the President's desk.

  If Congress is not in session, the bill does not become a law.

If a bill has passed in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate and has been approved by the President, or if a presidential veto has been overridden, the bill becomes a "law" and, it is codified and enforced by the Federal, State and local governments - in all of the USA.

This presentation of "How Federal laws are made in the USA" was informed by information published by the Office of the Clerk, U.S. Capitol, Room H154 - Washington, DC 20515-6601 : telephone (202) 225-7000




The following is Susan's idea (only)! This is NOT a bill - or anything official. YES! - I did try to read the "official" document (links above); However, to "me" - a person with much experience in reading many complicated, software engineering documents - it ( the official Bill ) is unintelligible.  I only know that - it appears - THEY are allotting - more than $15-Billion dollars  (in HR 1628) - for something; and, insurance companies, are prominently mentioned ( I feel ) - to receive a large portion of these tax payer funds - with no over-sight insofar as how they ( the Medical Insurance companies) further distribute these funds. 

The American Health Act ( AHA)
  ( - from Obama Care to Trump Care )

If agreed to - by Mr. Trump:  On May 31, 2017, the American Health Act [ AHA ] shall be introduced by the Donald J. Trump Presidential Administration. The  AHA (Act) shall be passed unanimously by the US Congress and receive a Presidential signature - within 2 business days. 

President Franklin D. Roosvelt passed such sweeping legislation - during his presidency - And, similar to today -  the times and the conditions warranted this.


Key features of the AHA:

  1. The primary objective of the Act is to protect, promote and restore the physical and mental well-being of citizens of the USA - and, to facilitate reasonable access to health services - through out America - without financial, physical or other barriers. We are all Americans. And, America is a great country. This ACT takes a step to re-claim our  international heritage - as a world-leader in all things.
  2. Another objective of the American Health Act is:  continued access to quality health care - without financial or other barriers - for all Americans; as this will be critical to maintaining and improving the health and well-being of all Americans - during any transition from "Obama Care" to "Trump Care".
  3. To do so, the AHA shall list a set of criteria and conditions (drafted below) that each state - in our Union of 50 States - must follow in order to receive Federal Transfer Payments ( FTPs ).  They are - briefly: A) Public Administration - by States, B) Comprehensiveness & Universality, C)Portability, D) Accessibility - and E) Penalties.
  4. Additional criteria and conditions - extending and altering this AHA - may be introduced into the US Congress (after May 31, 2017)  for voting upon by the elected representatives of the American people - as conditions and experience  - with the enacted AHA -  warrant.

The criteria & conditions - to be met by each state AHA provider are as follows:

A) Public administration

  1. All AHA medical and health related services and entities must be "administered" and "operated" on a non-profit basis by licensed Medical Professionals - responsible (only) to US State governments and their medical peers.
  2.  The "entities" administered and operated are subject to audits of their records, accounts and financial transactions - by State Government and AHA officials.
  3. Elimination: All so-called and in reality "Private Insurance Companies & Carriers" shall be eliminated (by this ACT) - until time and experience provides sufficient proof they are necessary - for any practical reason.  That is, no one should benefit from the pain and suffering - of an American citizen.
  4. An ACT of the US Congress - shall be necessary to reverse the previous provision of "elimination".

B) Comprehensiveness & Universality

  1. There shall be no such entity - in the United States of America -  as a "non-insured citizen".
  2. That is, every United States citizen (born and living) shall be covered and cared for - by reasonably re-numerated Medical Professionals.
  3. All AHA services shall be provided in excellent "World Class" American Medical Facilities - as required and needed - with no apportionment - related to a State's individual wealth or population.
  4. The AHA shall cover all health services provided by Medical Professionals in these facilities ( in every state) - including  (as needed) psychiatry and dentistry.
  5. The fees (for AHA services) that may be charged - by Medical Professionals - are as described and stated in the current published USA Medicare program documents (2017).
  6. If Medical Professionals wish to offer services - that are not currently described by USA Medicare program documents - they may do so; however, those "additional services" shall be provided on a private business basis - and, not covered or administered by the AHA; however, all FDA & USHHS rules and regulations shall apply & be enforced.
  7. No Medical Professional (employed to provide services - under the AHA) - shall be permitted to simultaneously provide private business services.
  8. The states are permitted, to offer additional "distinguishing" medical and dental services; however, these "additional services" shall be paid for exclusively by State Transfer Payments (STPs). These STPs shall be administered by the States - and, they may not be made fungible - or, made a part of the AHA ( FTP) funds - in any manner.

C) Portability

  1. States shall be responsible for their state citizens - who are temporarily in another state - for purposes of work, travel, visiting, etc.  
  2. "Temporary" from more "permanent" relocation status shall be determined - using 90 days as a standard maximum - to make the distinction ( of permanent versus temporary resident) at the program's start.

D) Accessibility

  1. The AHA shall provide Medical Professionals with the means to provide uniform "reasonable access" to services offered for USA citizens - using all modes of public USA transportation systems ( including trains, plains, buses, taxis, etc.) on uniform terms and conditions.
  2. Medical Professionals ( after licensure) shall be at liberty to "move about" in America - and, subsequently licensed in other US states.
  3. All AHA services shall be provided in similar and comparable "World Class" medical  facilities - located in every state in America.
  4. There shall be no "extra-billing"  - of any American citizen - for any AHA services rendered.
  5. Specifically, Medical Professionals in every American location - which, they choose to be located in - shall be re-numerated - at the same AHA rate (per specialty) - adjusted only for provable State "cost-of-living" differences - which, are not "controllable" by other means - such as, medical facility offerings. ( For example, AHA Medical Facilities may provide Medical Professional dormitories, meal rooms, laundries etc.) 
  6. AHA Medical Professional day-to-day travel expenses shall not be reimbursed - through AHA funds. This is to encourage employed AHA Medical Professionals, to live near - where they choose to work - which, will result in improved inner-city areas.

E) Penalties

  1. The states shall ensure recognition of the Federal Transfer Payments ( FTPs) by publically viewable documents - modeled after modern transaction receipts (on state web sites, etc.)
  2. States shall provide information to appointed AHA officers as requested. The AHA shall mandate a Director - with staff.
  3. The size and scope of the AHA "directorate" shall dictate its annual budget.
  4. The AHA Federally designated Director and their "staff"  is entitled to request and receive specific information related to a state's AHA health care services.
  5. This "information" shall be used in drafting AHA annual reports ( to Congress) - which shall be made available and presented to the American people - regarding how each state has administered its AHA health care services over the previous year.
  6. This information shall be provided on a timely basis (to the AHA staff) - on a level of detail - as requested by the AHA Federally designated "staff".
  7. The AHA "Director" shall be appointed by the current President of the United States (during her or his term) - and, no confirmation ( by the US Congress ) is required.
  8. Each AHA Director ( so named ) - shall offer their resignation - at the end of the "appointing President's" term.
  9. Each state must "give recognition" to the USA federal government ( as the "ultimate provider" of AHA services ) in public documents and in any advertising or promotional material, relating to Federal AHA health services in the state.
  10. For non-compliance - with any of the criteria listed above -  the federal government ( upon proof)  shall withhold all or a part of the Federal  Transfer Payment.
  11. The federal government shall actively enforce these criteria - utilizing all eligible enforcement capabilities of its departments: DOJ, etc.
  12. Specifically, in recognition of the "status", "privilege" and "honor" that American society confers on licensed Medical Professionals, no Medical Professional shall a) organize "unions" or b) go on "strike" - or, c) take actions to undermine the intent of the AHA - without risk to their State and Federally granted medical license.
    [ end of idea ]

A Curator's Look at the House Chamber :: In this video, House Curator Farar Elliott paints a picture of what the Chamber looked like long ago, and how it looks today.

Direct Link:



Physicians with "active" license - to practice medicine = 812, 019 (Table 1)

The current United States Population - 4-8-2017 = 325,933,992


 2017-2018 (115th Congress)

[hide]Committee on Ways and Means Members, 2017-2018

Democratic members (15)

Republican members (24)

1• Richard Neal (Massachusetts) Ranking Member

Kevin Brady (Texas) Chairman

2• Sander Levin (Michigan)

Sam Johnson (Texas)

3• John Lewis (Georgia)

Devin Nunes (California)

4• Lloyd Doggett (Texas)

Pat Tiberi (Ohio)

5• Mike Thompson (California)

Dave Reichert (Washington)

6• John Larson (Connecticut)

Peter Roskam (Illinois)

7• Earl Blumenauer (Oregon)

Tom Price (Georgia)

8• Ron Kind (Wisconsin)

Vern Buchanan (Florida)

9• Bill Pascrell (New Jersey)

Adrian Smith (Nebraska)

10• Joseph Crowley (New York)

Lynn Jenkins (Kansas)

11• Danny K. Davis (Illinois)

Erik Paulsen (Minnesota)

12• Linda Sanchez (California)

Kenny Marchant (Texas)

13• Brian Higgins (New York)

Diane Black (Tennessee)

14• Terri Sewell (Alabama)

Tom Reed (New York)

15• Suzan DelBene (Washington)

Mike Kelly (Pennsylvania)

16• Jim Renacci (Ohio)

17• Patrick Meehan (Pennsylvania)

18• Kristi Noem (South Carolina)

19• George Holding (North Carolina)

20• Jason Smith (Missouri)

21• Tom Rice (South Carolina)

22• David Schweikert (Arizona)

23• Jackie Walorski (Indiana)

24• Carlos Curbelo (Florida)

https://rules.house.gov  < web site

https://rules.house.gov/committee-rules-members  ( shown below )

https://rules.house.gov/bill/115/hr-1628    American Health Care Act of 2017
 - current information

https://rules.house.gov/amendments ( Where  & HOW to submit amendments to any official Bill.)

 - Hon. Louise McIntosh Slaughter - Ranking Minority Member - New York: https://louise.house.gov

Hon. James P. McGovern - Massachusetts:  http://mcgovern.house.gov

Hon. Alcee L. Hastings - Florida: http://alceehastings.house.gov

Hon. Jared Polis – Colorado:  https://polis.house.gov

Hon. Pete Sessions – Chairman – Texas:



Hon. Tom Cole  - Vice-Chairman, - Oklahoma:  https://cole.house.gov

Hon. Rob Woodall – Georgia:  https://woodall.house.gov

Hon. Michael C. Burgess – Texas: https://burgess.house.gov

Hon. Doug Collins – Georgia 

Hon. Bradley Byrne  - Alabama

Hon. Dan Newhouse – Washington 

Hon. Ken Buck - Colorado: https://buck.house.gov

Hon. Liz Cheney – Wyoming:

Health (Ways & Means

Republican Members

Michael Burgess (Texas - 26) 
- Chairman
Brett Guthrie (Kentucky - 02)
- Vice Chairman
Joe Barton (Texas - 06)
Fred Upton (Michigan - 06)
John Shimkus (Illinois - 15)
Tim Murphy (Pennsylvania - 18)
Marsha Blackburn (Tennessee - 07)
Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Washington - 05)
Leonard Lance (New Jersey - 07)
Morgan Griffith (Virginia - 09)
Gus Bilirakis (Florida - 12)
Billy Long (Missouri - 07)
Larry Bucshon (Indiana - 08)
Susan Brooks (Indiana - 05)
Markwayne Mullin (Oklahoma - 02)
Richard Hudson (North Carolina - 08)
Chris Collins (New York - 27)
Buddy Carter (Georgia - 01)
Greg Walden (Oregon - 02) - Ex Officio


Gene Green (Texas - 29)
  - Ranking Member
Eliot Engel (New York - 16)
Janice Schakowsky (Illinois - 09)
G. K. Butterfield (North Carolina - 01)
Doris Matsui (California - 06)
Kathy Castor (Florida - 14)
John Sarbanes (Maryland - 03)
Ben Lujan (New Mexico - 03)
Kurt Schrader (Oregon - 05)
Joseph P. Kennedy III (Massachusetts - 04)
Tony Cárdenas (California - 29)
Anna Eshoo (California - 18)
Diana DeGette (Colorado - 01)
Frank Pallone (New Jersey - 06)
Pat Tiberi (OH)
Sam Johnson (TX)
Devin Nunes (CA)
Peter Roskam (IL)
Vern Buchanan (FL)
Adrian Smith (NE)
Lynn Jenkins (KS)
Kenny Marchant (TX)
Diane Black (TN)
Erik Paulsen (MN)
Tom Reed (NY)


Sander Levin (MI)Mike Thompson (CA)
Ron Kind (WI)
Earl Blumenauer (OR)
Brian Higgins (NY)
Terri Sewell (AL)
Judy Chu (CA)

Added 4-6-2016 [ Thank you! to Mr. Jon E. for your review and comments - on my 4-4-2017 draft ]

Life - Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness ("unalienable rights" & US Health Care)

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. (1776). The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says have been given to all human beings by their "Creator", and which governments are created to protect. The first US citizens fought and died to protect and defend their inalienable rights.

Clearly, US Health Care related laws and government policy - directly effects every US citizen's life, liberty and happiness. Thus, any laws - enacted in this area - would find their origin in penumbral rights and US History - as the word "health" cannot be found in the [current] US Constitution - or, its amendments.

" Typically, the term un-enumerated rights describes certain fundamental rights that have been recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court under the U.S. Constitution. In addition, state courts have recognized un-enumerated rights emanating from the principles enunciated by their own state constitutions. No comprehensive list of un-enumerated rights has ever been compiled nor could such a list be readily produced precisely because these rights are un-enumerated."  (  http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Unenumerated+Rights  : 4-6-2017 )

"Penumbral Rights" - in US Law  [  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penumbra_(law)  ]

In science, a penumbra is the partial or imperfect shadow outside the complete shadow of an opaque body. For example:  a planet, where the light from the source of illumination (a Sun) is only partly cut off - that is, a shadowy, indefinite, or marginal area - then exists.  Or, hold your hand in front of a light bulb - and look momentarily. You will see a penumbra. Comparatively, an "umbra" is the complete or perfect shadow cast by an opaque body. For example,  a planetary body - where the direct light from the source of illumination is completely cut off. That is, there is no shadowy, indefinite, or marginal area. The earth's moon experiences an umbra during a "total lunar eclipse" event.

A strict interpretation of the US Constitution - would not permit "penumbras" to exist ( in law) or take effect - unless they were "fair". Antonin Gregory Scalia, an Associate Justice - of the Supreme Court of the United States (from 1986 until his death in 2016) was most identified with the term "strict interpretation" and "constructionist". Justice Scalia summarized his textualist approach as follows: "A text should not be construed strictly, and it should not be construed leniently; (a text) should be construed reasonably, to contain all that it fairly means."

In United States constitutional law, the "penumbral rights" include a group of rights derived, by implication, from other rights explicitly protected in the US "Bill of Rights". Penumbral rights ( for US citizens ) have been identified through a process of "reasoning-by-interpolation", where specific principles are recognized from "general ideas" that are explicitly expressed in other constitutional provisions.

Although researchers have traced the origin of the term ( penumbra ) to the nineteenth century, the term first gained significant popular attention in 1965, when Justice William O. Douglas's majority opinion in Griswold v. Connecticut identified a right to privacy in the penumbra of the constitution.

The "Bill of Rights" is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. The US Bill of Rights (aka "amendments 1 through 10") were added to the US Constitution ( that was ratified by then States in 1788). That is, specific guarantees of personal freedoms and rights, clear limitations on the government's power in judicial and other proceedings, and explicit declarations that all powers not specifically delegated to Congress by the Constitution are reserved for the states or the people.

The Bill of Rights "additions" ( first suggested by James Madison ) became Amendments One through Ten of the US Constitution ( on December 15, 1791). The majority of the seventeen later amendments ( to the US Constitution) expand individual civil rights protections. Others relate to federal authority or modify government processes and procedures.

  ---- hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Hhhfrom   Susan’s web site  hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Susan's "issue" she cares about:
 AND, is researching :  [HR 676 

  HR676 RElated:  WikiLeaks Document Release:
  February 2, 2009 
   (  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WikiLeaks  )

 RL31886_wikiLEAKS_medMALpractice.pdf  [16 pages] 

 YES - Susan did download this PDF document from WL.  She has NOT read it yet. 

Congressional Research Service Report: 
 RL31886: Medical Malpractice Insurance: An Economic Introduction and Review of Historical Experience 

by Baird Webel, Government and Finance Division   Updated May 3, 2007

Abstract. This report examines the economic issues and historical experience surrounding medical malpractice insurance. It includes an explanation of the fundamentals of insurance and how these fundamentals relate specifically to medical malpractice insurance. It also includes a discussion of the evolution of the medical malpractice insurance market since the 1970s and policy changes over this time, including an assessment of these changes. 

  Baird Webel, Government and Finance Division <    Google


  bwebel@crs.loc.gov  < To  Mr. Webel




Again, I say "THANK YOU".

 Your grateful constituent - Mrs. Susan Marie CASSADY-Neuhart


The Republican bill [HR1628]...  to repeal and replace major parts of Obamacare drew 217 "yes" votes in the House, and 213 "no" votes on Thursday 5-4-2017.

All 193 Democrats voting on the American Health Care Act opposed it. They were joined by 20 Republicans - AND, one of them was Mr. Mike Turner [ H-10 ]

Click here to see how your member of Congress voted>   http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2017/roll256.xml < Official "clerk's report

  H R 1628  ( RECORDED VOTE) 4-May-2017 @ 2:18 PM - BILL TITLE: American Health Care Act  ---- NOES    213 ---



How Ohio Representatives Voted ... (AHCA-1628) May 4, 2017

There are 16 USA Con. districts in Ohio.

The following is the official roll call of votes on the American Health Care Act by Ohio...

Rep. Steve Chabot, Republican: Voted Yes
Rep. Brad Wenstrup, Republican: Voted Yes
Rep. Joyce Beatty, Democrat: Voted No
Rep. Jim Jordan, Republican: Voted Yes
Rep. Robert Latta, Republican: Voted Yes
Rep. Bill Johnson, Republican: Voted Yes
Rep. Bob Gibbs, Republican: Voted Yes
Rep. Warren Davidson, Repub. : Voted Yes
Rep. Marcy Kaptur, Democrat, Voted No
Rep. Michael Turner, REP. -Voted NO
Rep. Marcia Fudge, Democrat: Voted No
Rep. Patrick Tiberi, Republican: Voted Yes
Rep. Tim Ryan, Democrat: Voted No
Rep. David Joyce, REP. : Voted NO  1,2,3,4
Rep. Steve Stivers, Republican: Voted Yes
Rep. James Renacci, Republican: Voted Yes

H & C




   https://www.democraticunderground.com/index.php     < DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND!  

   https://hansandcassady.org/maxine_watersPHOTOS.jpg ONE of the nicest things my daughter ever said to me: "Mom, she's like you." (Dawn had related (to me) an incident [ she witnessed] - while serving on Capital Hill. She was present ( she stated) - in a meeting - during the early 1990s; Where, a person - in the meeting ( with Maxine Waters ) - started to shove "a small toy baby doll" - at her [Congresswoman Maxine Waters].  Maxine stopped the "shove" - gently. Took hold of the toy doll. And then, shoved it ( "gently" ) right - back - at the person - and, made a quite statement. That my daughter - thought was most appropriate. I am ( like most American women ) a great "admirer of Ms. Waters.  So, to be "compared" - to her - by my daughter - was, a tremendous compliment.  Ms. Waters represents an American "Profile() of Courage" - that women [ all over the world ] need to be aware of.  Moreover, American women are safer (today) - because of her efforts. Thank you! Ms. Waters - for your public service. (VAWA)

 Thus, America is better - because of :
A) "Public Schools" (
The University of Wisconsin [UWGB] is a "public" education institution). And,  all - but $6,000 - of my higher-education costs ( circa 1977 - 1982) were covered by USA DOE Education - grants and "Work-Study" programs.
B) And, America is stronger & safer  [F35-JSF] - because, my daughter was employed (by me) - in a "high-tech" independent business venture - where she daily (was required) - related to her duties as a textbook "digital artist" - to study and absorb - Science Technology Engineering & Math [STEM]; 
C) and, Dawn was [thus] very able & capable to play a very significant role - in the: 
     a) creation of the "Unmatched" - by any other country in the world: F35 Joint-Strike-Fighter air craft... 
     b) AND,  the re-election (several times) of the Honorable Mr. John Conyers to the United States Congress.
 [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Conyers ]

D) And, America will be much more improved & "returned" to Greatness instantly - if the US Congress (under Paul Ryan's leadership ) - passes a "Universal Health CARE ACT" [HR 676] - for President Trump's approval.

 YES! Friends - God does work in mysterious ways! And, she always has!  Please support! Mr. John Conyer's (now) fully sponsored HealthCARE legislation [hr676]; AND, May God and - his son - [Jesus Christ] continue to grace America, our "Public Schools" - and, Congressman John Conyers.  ( Please see continuing research topics below.)


Medical doctors and the NEW Racism : http://www.alternet.org/personal-health/medical-racism-and-ignoring-black-pain < Copyrighted material 5-5-2017 !

https://waters.house.gov/ < Congress Woman Maxine Waters  < "Hero!" Thank YOU! Maxine ( Ms. Waters )

( HR 676 ) < At the request of Congressman John Conyer's representatives... AND, other USA DEMOCRATS ( the above WWW information is provided - on a volunteer & Free-of-Charge basis - by Susan Marie Neuhart-CASSADY)




Dear Congressman Turner - Republican [ OH 10 ] , THANK YOU!
  -- for your public service ( for Ohio 10th Congressional District! )   ( edited 5-4-2017 )  

    Sir, as you will recall, I am supportive of your efforts to make America & zip code 45405 a great place to live. And, it is already pretty nice.
 Formerly, of Central Ohio - I now make my home in your Congressional district [ Ohio 10 ].
  Specifically,  I am not employed - or, paid - by YOU ( or anyone) - to say - or request - the following things:

MIKE (and you may call me "Susan") - PLEASE CO-SPONSOR HR 676
  - being presented (again) by America's USA Congressman Mr. John Conyers. 13th District, Detroit, Michigan
  The Co-Sponsors are listed on Mr. Conyer's Official USA Congressional web site.
https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/676/cosponsors    I hope to see you - and Mr. Trump - on that list soon. Current OHiO Co-sponsors 5-4-2017
  There are good business reasons for my request - which, I present below -  and ABOVE ****

Mr. Conyers ( see link above ) is the U.S. Representative for Michigan's 13th congressional district.
 He has been a member of Congress since 1965; and, he is currently our Congress's longest-serving current member,

    making him the "Dean of the House of Representatives."

As he may recall,  Mr. Conyers - employed the services of my daughter ( Dawn Marie Burton) during his 1990-ish RE-election campaigns. He won!

 [ In fact, I treasure the memory of Mr. Conyers - telephoning me at my business address - in 1990+ - and thanking me
 - for sending (to him) my daughter. To work on his campaign. I chuckle (now) - for, in fact, I had done no such thing.
     No!, my daughter had arranged that "gig" - all by herself.

It was only later - that I came to fully understand completely "who" and "what" John Conyers was. That is, a great human-being!
I knew - by the sound of his voice - He was famous - that - it was - "THE" John Conyers.
 I recall he told me (that day): "Mom, you do not have to worry about your girl. I will take care of her."  And, he did.

**** Sir, I was a small-business owner (in Central Ohio) for many years - and, during this time - one of my largest monthly expenses was
  Health-Care coverage ( Blue-Cross/ Blue Shield ) for my employees. As you are aware (today) - my competitors ( many in other countries )
 did not - and, do NOT have this cost. Thus, the expansion of MEDI-care - as proposed by Congressman Conyer's Bill [ HR 676 ] - would be a tremendous assistance to the Small-Business enterprises - of America.

In fact, the progress of this HR 676 - would: 1) Bring America into the mainstream of GREAT Country's that offer this - as a right - for their citizens [ the passage - of this alone - would help MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! ]; 2) place a huge benefit in the hands of America's small business owners AND their employees; and, 3) cover the American citizen - with Universal Health Insurance - in a manner that was first proposed - by President Harry Truman - at the request of FDR.

Sir, I am updating my web site with the "historical perspectives" of "American Universal Health Care" - since, the late 1800s - at this time.
 I will soon be able to articulate - based on my research - WHO the "progressives" truly are - and, who and "why" the very notion - of "Socialized Medicine" - has powerful enemies.

Please GOOGLE to find my site: Susan Marie Cassady American Health :: I try to work on my site daily.

However, ( I admit) that I am slow - mostly, related to the stroke that I suffered. Not to worry - my doctors - who I am grateful for

 - THEY think that I am doing good.

In fact, I am "carrying the flag" - for my medical doctors - on Health CARE - because, they feel, they may be out-cast... if they try to.

Again, (Mike) I will support YOUR efforts - as I am able to.

And, YOU & Mr. Trump [teamed-Up] - just may be able to succeed - at "Universal Health Care Reform" - where others - many others - have failed. (for over 100 years.)

I know that Mr. Trump would have the support of the "Dean" of the Democrats ( John Conyers). I think - together - we can get Ms. Pelosi on board - also. 

Specifically, Mr. Trump does not "need" the AMA support; whereas, others - even past Presidents - according to my historical research (thus far) - were literally forced to pander to them. The historical roots of this will be presented on my web site.

Good Luck Sir! And, God's speed.  - Susan

[ END ]

The historical roots of the AMA

the "historical perspectives" of the "American Universal Health Care" idea - since, the late 1800s -


YES, Susan is still researching - and puzzled - and writing...
  - as to WHY? American Health CARE - as a universal "right" - ( similar to "public education" ) - is so difficult - in the USA ?

 Still researching... AND,  Thank YOU!  I am glad (that) you asked ...

  http://www.pnhp.org/facts/a-brief-history-universal-health-care-efforts-in-the-us   <<< A Brief History "Presentation" beginning

The following subjects - will be hyperlinked, investigated - read by "me" - and, referenced - in my forth-coming document
     - in support of American Universal Health CARE efforts aka "socialized medicine". 

  That is, never shrink from a fight - but, do try to get them to come to "your ground" - to engage the enemy.  https://www.churchillcentral.com/quotes

"Penumbra" and "implied rights"  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penumbra_(law) 

 " Health Care" and "life, liberty & the pursuit ..." draft done



AMA Physician Masterfile   

Congressional Salary & Benefits

Bernie Sanders Health Plan

April_19_1775 < what happened?

Physician Specialty dataBook ( 2014 )


Common-Sense - Thomas paine

Oaths-Medical Graduates

Medical Schools – USA

Mr. Fred Strahorn  Ohio STATE - district 39 :: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Strahorn <  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohio_General_Assembly

Mr. Mike Turner  [OH-10] - District Map < MY USA CONGRESSMAN

MICRA - manual PDF


Medical MALpractice CRS 2 versions

"Life Settlements" US  SEC

Medical Malpractice 2004 Wm Sage

The marketing of Insurance  NAIC

Medical Malpractice Insurance Report

Insurance Times

WikiLeaks ( what is it ?) A prescription for Chaos  https://books.google.com/books/about/Medical_Malpractice_Insurance.html?id=rKzxHAAACAAJ

Medical Malpractice insurance Report (9-2004)

Eric Nordman

The Social Security Act (the Act) requires the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to establish payments under the Medicare Physician Payment Schedule based on national uniform relative value units (RVUs) that account for the relative resources used in furnishing a service.

The Act requires that RVUs be established for 3 categories of resources:
 1. Physician work
 2. Practice expense (PE)
 3. Malpractice (MP) expense
      https://www.cms.gov/  < the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services


Medicare Physician Fee Schedule

Defensive Medicine

Duty  < term of legal art :  Google

requisite doctor-patient relationship is established



“reasonably competent physician”  < term of legal art :  Google


Congressional Research Service (REPORT)  AKA - "Medical Malpractice Insurance - A Prescription for CHAOS"

 [  http://www.gjsentinel.com/news/articles/coloradocare-a-prescription-for-chaos ] <

blog by Rick Wagner >   http://www.gjsentinel.com/staff/detail/58/ 

“ Insurance is a critical piece of a modern economic system, but it often goes unnoticed until it becomes prohibitively expensive or its availability is curtailed. Such problems reportedly occurred recently in the medical malpractice insurance market.

Many physicians experienced substantial increases in insurance premiums, and there have been reports of problems with availability of physician services due to doctors retiring or relocating from areas that have seen high premium increases. This was not the first time such a crisis has been proclaimed; similar events occurred in the latter half of both the 1970s and 1980s.

The fundamental purpose of insurance is to transfer an indefinite risk from one party to another for a definite premium. The pricing of this premium is critical, but determining this price is uncertain because it depends on estimates of the chance of a future loss, as well as the estimated value of that loss. The premium will also depend on estimates of future investment gains or losses because an insurer also acts as a financial intermediary and invests the capital that is held in reserve against future losses. “

Offering liability insurance for medical malpractice has proven a difficult market for insurance companies for a variety of reasons and the market has been unstable during the past three decades.

The recurring market problems have provoked various policy reactions in both state legislatures and in Congress.

Assessing the effectiveness of particular policy changes is, however, complex and strong conclusions have typically been equally strongly disputed.

In the 109th Congress, the House passed a bill, H.R. 5, whose centerpiece was a limitation on tort claims for medical malpractice; similar bills passed the House in the previous two Congresses.

The Senate, however, did not act on any of these House bills, and failed to invoke cloture on the Senate bills addressing medical malpractice.

There has been no floor or committee action on bills addressing medical malpractice issues in the 110th Congress.

This report examines the economic issues and historical experience surrounding medical malpractice insurance.

It includes an explanation of the fundamentals of insurance and how these fundamentals relate specifically to medical malpractice insurance.

It also includes a discussion of the evolution of the medical malpractice insurance market since the 1970s and policy changes over this time, including an assessment of these changes.

It will be updated as major legislative events occur but will not attempt to track legislation in detail.


