Hello!  I look forward to getting your message. Please fill out this form to CONTACT me.  I will send you a reply Email - if appropriate.
      Last update:  8-15-2019    OR, go to my <  HOME  > page.

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If you are a Russian citizen (or, any other country)  - AND, attempting to contact me ---
Then, please use the proper USA government channels: FBI - CIA

I do not speak or read Russian, Japanese, etc.   

 NOTE: Maximum "comment" characters will be limited. 

 If your comment is longer than 2,000 characters - please consider to break it into parts (1,2,3...) - Each part no longer than 2,000 characters long.

I reserve the right to contact the USA    FBI  or  CIA - if necessary 

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 To be certain that I get your message -  Please also Send Email to:  " HANS J. Neuhart

HE is my big, strong husband (of 37+ years);   Hans (also an Ohio digital ARTist) was born and raised next to Ohio Senator John Glenn's home - in New Concord, Ohio.    



 [ end of form]