<  HOME >    THIS IS SUSAN'S YOGA EDUCATION PAGE   ::    last update  10-21-2021 ::      ABOUT SUSAN...   

    Yoga AS Medicine-4-3-2021.txt ::: TEXT  hhh < FOLLOWING ARE NOT PHOTOS OF ME - THEY ARE FROM THE BOOK CITED [ WHICH I OWN THIS BOOK ] >  :: TEXT  hhh (  physical YOGA Poses  )

 hhh hh hh hh hhhh hhhhh

NOTE: I do NOT expect - or request - other Americans to attempt these ... And, I began ("YAM" - at all)
 because Xiasong Zhao American Medical Doctor [suggested] I should try - after SAH@MCA stroke event
 - in which, Dr. Victor Perry saved my life - by performing 10+ hour emergency craniotomy procedure (sylvan fissure) - to install titanium clip

 Titles of Poses ( common - Sanskrit YOGA Poses - AND - Sanskrit  Related - URLs CLASSIC - PHOTOS  other SUSAN
 Fish Pose - Matsyasana 

 (  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEgYDfwMV_w  )

 [ The Art of Living ]  < FOUNDATION
  [  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art_of_Living_Foundation  ]


 , 02, 03

 ( retired American )

Throne Pose  Bhadrasana Baddha Konasana   ( https://www.tummee.com/yoga-poses/bhadrasana/sanskrit )
Maha Mudra  ( https://www.fitsri.com/yoga/maha-mudra )
Cobra Bhujanghasana
Kneeling Lunge - Anjaneysana
Warrior Virabhadrasana 
Glute Kicks - BIRD DOG Yoga Pose - Parsva Balasana
Cat-Cow Marjaryasana-Bitilasana 
Downward Dog - Shvanasana
Hare Yoga Pose - Sasangasana
NECK raises using knee  ( Susan special - RELATED TO DIAGNOSIS > )
Half Shoulderstand - Ardha Sarvangasana
Full Shoulderstand  - Sarvangasana
Halasana - Plough
Pādahastāsana - Forward Bend


hhhhhh     SUSAN - yoga - HALASANA STRETCH >    < THIS IS SUSAN! >  < The bear belongs to my niece

 A "senior" born in 1954. She performs stretches at Kleptz YMCA daily.  Currently - a "retired" Software Engineering Technical Writer (see Resume' above)   - 
PDF] she is exploring returning to PAID work - as a "writer" : Because I survived a SAH@MCA stroke event [2012] - I want to show potential employers [that] I am rehabilitated (physically). "Mentally" - I am still the "odd duck" [that] I always was...  THIS IS NOT EXPECTED TO CHANGE.   >  CONTACT ! <  UN & PW information provided 


    <   - PDF Chapter 8

                  NOTE; SUSAN PERFORMS YOGA POSES & STRETCHES (daily) - related to diagnosis of "degenerative disc disease" 
   [ MRI imaging Report ] ::   In fact, I am "healed" [IMO] - since that "report" - without a surgical intervention !
    & I take NO prescribed pain medication - except Aleve  ::  
          Venus h 
  YOGA requires human Internal Lattice Features ...   

hhhhhh  SOURCE:  https://www.yogajournal.com/pose-finder  < This TABLE Created by ( 93 Rows )  

 Number  English Name Sanskrit Name Pose Type  image 

Bharadvaja’s Twist  

Bharadvajasana I

Hip Opening Yoga Poses
Seated Yoga Poses
Twist Yoga Poses


Big Toe Pose  


Forward Bend Yoga Poses
Standing Yoga Poses


Boat Pose  

Paripurna Navasana

Core Yoga Poses
Seated Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses


Bound Angle Pose 

Baddha Konasana

Forward Bend Yoga Poses
Hip Opening Yoga Poses
Seated Yoga Poses


Bow Pose 


Chest Opening Yoga Poses
Yoga Backbends


Bridge Pose 

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Yoga Backbends


Camel Pose 


Chest Opening Yoga Poses
Yoga Backbends


Cat Pose 


Core Yoga Poses


Chair Pose 


Core Yoga Poses
Standing Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses


Child’s Pose 


Forward Bend Yoga Poses
Hip Opening Yoga Poses
Restorative Yoga Poses


Cobra Pose 


Chest Opening Yoga Poses
Yoga Backbends


Corpse Pose 


Restorative Yoga Poses


Cow Face Pose 


Hip Opening Yoga Poses
Seated Yoga Poses


Cow Pose


Chest Opening Yoga Poses
Yoga Backbends


Crane (Crow) Pose


Arm Balance Yoga Poses
Core Yoga Poses


Dolphin Plank Pose 

Arm Balance Yoga Poses
Core Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses


Dolphin Pose 

Core Yoga Poses
Standing Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses


Downward-Facing Dog 

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Forward Bend Yoga Poses
Standing Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses


Eagle Pose  


Balancing Yoga Poses
Hip Opening Yoga Poses
Standing Yoga Poses


Easy Pose 


Hip Opening Yoga Poses
Seated Yoga Poses


Eight-Angle Pose


Arm Balance Yoga Poses


Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose

Utthita Hasta Padangustasana

Balancing Yoga Poses
Hip Opening Yoga Poses
Standing Yoga Poses


Extended Puppy Pose

Uttana Shishosana

Forward Bend Yoga Poses


Extended Side Angle Pose

Utthita Parsvakonasana

Standing Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses


Extended Triangle Pose

Utthita Trikonasana

Standing Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses


Feathered Peacock Pose

Pincha Mayurasana

Inversion Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses


Fire Log Pose


Hip Opening Yoga Poses
Seated Yoga Poses


Firefly Pose


Arm Balance Yoga Poses


Fish Pose


Chest Opening Yoga Poses
Yoga Backbends


Four-Limbed Staff Pose

Chaturanga Dandasana

Arm Balance Yoga Poses
Core Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses

Garland Pose


Standing Yoga Poses

Gate Pose


Standing Yoga Poses

Half Frog Pose

Ardha Bhekasana

Chest Opening Yoga Poses
Yoga Backbends

Half Lord of the Fishes Pose

Ardha Matsyendrasana

Hip Opening Yoga Poses
Seated Yoga Poses
Twist Yoga Poses

Half Moon Pose

Ardha Chandrasana

Balancing Yoga Poses
Standing Yoga Poses


Adho Mukha Vrksasana

Balancing Yoga Poses
Inversion Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses

Happy Baby Pose

Ananda Balasana

Core Yoga Poses

Head-to-Knee Forward Bend

Janu Sirsasana

Forward Bend Yoga Poses
Seated Yoga Poses

Hero Pose


Seated Yoga Poses

Heron Pose


Seated Yoga Poses

High Lunge

Standing Yoga Poses

High Lunge, Crescent Variation

Standing Yoga Poses

Intense Side Stretch Pose


Forward Bend Yoga Poses
Standing Yoga Poses

Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose

Viparita Karani

Restorative Yoga Poses

Locust Pose


Chest Opening Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses
Yoga Backbends

Lord of the Dance Pose


Balancing Yoga Poses
Chest Opening Yoga Poses
Standing Yoga Poses
Yoga Backbends

Lotus Pose


Seated Yoga Poses

Low Lunge


Standing Yoga Poses

Marichi’s Pose

Marichyasana III

Hip Opening Yoga Poses
Seated Yoga Poses
Twist Yoga Poses

Monkey Pose


Seated Yoga Poses

Mountain Pose


Standing Yoga Poses

Noose Pose


Binding Yoga Poses
Hip Opening Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses
Twist Yoga Poses

One-Legged King Pigeon Pose

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

Hip Opening Yoga Poses
Yoga Backbends

One-Legged King Pigeon Pose II

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana II

Yoga Backbends

Peacock Pose


Arm Balance Yoga Poses

Pigeon Pose


Yoga Backbends

Plank Pose

Arm Balance Yoga Poses
Core Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses

Plow Pose


Inversion Yoga Poses

Pose Dedicated to the Sage Koundinya I

Eka Pada Koundinyanasana I

Arm Balance Yoga Poses
Twist Yoga Poses

Pose Dedicated to the Sage Koundinya II

Eka Pada Koundinyanasana II

Arm Balance Yoga Poses

Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi I

Marichyasana I

Binding Yoga Poses
Forward Bend Yoga Poses
Hip Opening Yoga Poses
Seated Yoga Poses

Reclining Bound Angle Pose

Supta Baddha Konasana

Hip Opening Yoga Poses
Restorative Yoga Poses

Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose

Supta Padangusthasana

Restorative Yoga Poses

Reclining Hero Pose

Supta Virasana

Restorative Yoga Poses

Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose

Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana

Seated Yoga Poses
Twist Yoga Poses

Revolved Side Angle Pose

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana

Standing Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses
Twist Yoga Poses

Revolved Triangle Pose

Parivrtta Trikonasana

Standing Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses
Twist Yoga Poses

Scale Pose


Arm Balance Yoga Poses
Core Yoga Poses

Seated Forward Bend


Forward Bend Yoga Poses
Seated Yoga Poses

Shoulder-Pressing Pose


Arm Balance Yoga Poses

Side Crane (Crow) Pose

Parsva Bakasana

Arm Balance Yoga Poses

Side Plank Pose


Arm Balance Yoga Poses
Balancing Yoga Poses
Core Yoga Poses

Side-Reclining Leg Lift


Balancing Yoga Poses
Core Yoga Poses

Sphinx Pose

Chest Opening Yoga Poses
Yoga Backbends

Staff Pose


Seated Yoga Poses

Standing Forward Bend


Forward Bend Yoga Poses

Standing Half Forward Bend

Ardha Uttanasana

Forward Bend Yoga Poses
Standing Yoga Poses

Standing Split

Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana

Forward Bend Yoga Poses
Standing Yoga Poses

Supported Headstand

Salamba Sirsasana

Balancing Yoga Poses
Inversion Yoga Poses

Supported Shoulderstand

Salamba Sarvangasana

Balancing Yoga Poses
Inversion Yoga Poses

Tree Pose


Balancing Yoga Poses
Standing Yoga Poses

Upward Bow (Wheel) Pose

Urdhva Dhanurasana

Chest Opening Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses
Yoga Backbends

Upward Facing Two-Foot Staff Pose

Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana

Chest Opening Yoga Poses
Yoga Backbends

Upward Plank Pose


Strengthening Yoga Poses

Upward Salute

Urdhva Hastasana

Standing Yoga Poses

Upward-Facing Dog Pose

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Chest Opening Yoga Poses
Yoga Backbends

Warrior I Pose

Virabhadrasana I

Standing Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses

Warrior II Pose

Virabhadrasana II

Standing Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses

Warrior III Pose

Virabhadrasana III

Balancing Yoga Poses
Standing Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses

Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend

Upavistha Konasana

Forward Bend Yoga Poses
Hip Opening Yoga Poses
Seated Yoga Poses

Wide-Legged Forward Bend

Prasarita Padottanasana

Forward Bend Yoga Poses
Hip Opening Yoga Poses
Standing Yoga Poses
Strengthening Yoga Poses

Wild Thing


Arm Balance Yoga Poses
Chest Opening Yoga Poses

   " Susan is a long white woman in PURPLE tights - working for a "socialist" Bill > ( HR 676 ) - [THAT WAS [not yet] -a- SITTIN' ON  CAPITAL $$$  HILL [ lyrics ]   ( USA CAPITOL
     - Every DAY SHE DOES THE "HALASANA"... < Google ::::: YES, "Yoga" can make you a video vixen.  Even if you are 65+ years OLD!  and "BORN" in the USA  -- SpringsteEn!  

 SEE Many References BELOW: Please review these "references" before engaging in ANY Yoga poses.

h   <  VIDEO  recorded by Susan's husband ( Hans -with iPOD ) - and, edited by Susan ( with https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/ < Official HOME Page ) History of ... 

 hhhh  hh ViDEO  
hhhh  ViDEO  of Susan - by Susan [using her GOPRO] <  Long White Woman in Black Tights - Working on a Socialist Bill ! As proposed by Truman  &  John Conyers 

       #### THE HOLLIES - " LONG COOL WOMAN "  ::  [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0fcb5T1pcM ]

                     ViDEO  YOGA pose page  (so far)   ... MAY YOU FLY - WITH YOUR OWN WINGS...   

hhhh Yoga Pose 101: Triangle Pose Or Utthita Trikonasana < Daniel Scott   © 
        <  © Medical ARTwork by Hans Neuhart  ( Susan's husband of 37+ years )


h ::  YOGA : History, etc. -- 

 Rythmic Yoga
   Demonstration Video  (above)

 (1) Breath :

(2) Stretch Prepare  :

  (3) then, Pose! 


 h Luba Shuleva  ::  http://www.europeanyogachampionship.org/championships.html 

https://www.doyogawithme.com/   ::  yoga-poses  < Yoga Poses - From Beginner to Advanced

   Rhythmic yoga - demonstration Center web site
- Hridaya Yoga Center:  -  http://www.yoga-hridaya.com/   ::  

Burgas,Bulgaria - : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burgas

Maria Kirova Yoga :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6FPjUVb28Y   <
   13th European Yoga Championship - Artistic yoga - Maria Kirova

Liliana Cvetkova Yoga :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWTkB-SGdQc   <
   13th European Yoga Championship - Artistic yoga - Liliana Cvetkova

Nedelina Gospodinova Yoga : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYOJDt_EUTs  <
   13th European Yoga Championship - Dance yoga - Nedelina Gospodinova

 human anatomy : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outline_of_human_anatomy 

   https://www.yogabasics.com/learn/history-of-yoga/ < HISTORY

 PRANAYAMA: YOGA BREATHING : https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/types/pranayama
 Stretch : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stretching 

Maria Kirova

Liliana Cvetkova 

Luba Shuleva

Triangle :

 Yoga  Proud Warrior  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHAgL9UMMlI  

10 Yoga Chair poses ::  https://www.verywellfit.com/chair-yoga-poses-3567189  

 Tree  :    https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/tree-pose

 Forward Bend ::

Pose Yoga Mudra :

 Pose Yoga Mountain : https://www.yogabasics.com/asana/mountain/

 Pose Yoga Half Moon : https://www.doyouyoga.com/how-to-do-half-moon/

Pose Yoga Thunderbolt : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ILEYJOtHgM

Pose Yoga Plank : https://www.yogabasics.com/asana/plank/

Pose Yoga kneeling  Lunge (low) : https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/low-lunge

Pose Yoga Downward Dog : https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/downward-facing-dog

Pose Yoga Cobra :  https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/cobra-pose 

Pose Yoga Half Locust : https://www.yogabasics.com/asana/half-locust/

Pose Yoga Boat : https://www.doyouyoga.com/yoga-pose-101-navasana-boat-pose/

Pose Yoga Bow : https://www.doyouyoga.com/5-health-benefits-of-bow-pose/

Pose Yoga Spider : https://www.doyouyoga.com/59544-2/ 

Pose Yoga Through-the-hole: https://greatist.com/move/common-yoga-poses#Basic-Poses

Pose Yoga Bridge :  https://www.yogabasics.com/asana/bridge/

Pose Yoga Half Shoulder: https://www.yogabasics.com/asana/half-shoulder-stand/

Pose Yoga Full Shoulder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CiaHCD5Iig

Pose Yoga Fish :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0e-vOG8sLI

Pose Yoga Bound Angle : https://www.doyouyoga.com/how-to-do-bound-angle-pose-41528/

Pose Yoga Sitting Forward Bend : https://www.yogabasics.com/asana/seated-forward-bend/

Pose Yoga Bent Knee Sitting Forward :    https://www.verywellfit.com/seated-yoga-poses-3567037

Pose Yoga Inclined Plane : https://www.yogabasics.com/asana/inclined-plane/

Pose Yoga Spinal Twist : https://www.yogabasics.com/asana/knee-down-twist/  

Pose Yoga Reclining Spinal Twist :  https://www.doyouyoga.com/how-to-do-reclined-spinal-twist-pose/

Pose Yoga Hero : https://www.yogabasics.com/asana/hero/

Pose Yoga Corpse : https://www.yogajournal.com/practice/corpse-pose

Pose Yoga Plough plow : https://www.doyouyoga.com/how-to-do-plow-pose-18274/

  "Aerial Yoga" by >  Christopher Harrison 


https://upliftactive.com/pages/about-the-trainer   : < MONIQUE GHARIOS

 Master Yoga Teacher and course creator - Monique - is one of the first teachers in the world to learn Aerial Yoga directly under the maker of this style, Christopher Harrison. After completing this world renowned Anti-gravity training on-site, Master Monique found that there was a lot of opportunity to incorporate more traditional Yogic techniques, philosophy or practices. [THEN] Monique created a course to combine traditional Yogic techniques with Anti-gravity and fitness training.


 1 of 6  :  https://antigravityfitness.com/AntiGravity-Fundamentals11

 2 of 6  :  https://antigravityfitness.com/AntiGravity-Aerial-Yoga-Technique_1

 3 of 6  :  https://antigravityfitness.com/Suspension-Fitness-TECHNIQUE

 4 of 6  :  https://antigravityfitness.com/AntiGravity-Specialty-TECHNIQUES

 5 of 6  :  https://antigravityfitness.com/AntiGravity-Fitness-Benefits   

 6 of 6  :  https://antigravityfitness.com/AG-Fitness-Health-Considerations    

 SOURCE: https://antigravityfitness.com/AG-Fitness-Health-Considerations

"...   Health Considerations

Contraindications / Precautions: Whenever one is exercising the body, the process is one of building up, breaking down, and repairing. The objective is to break down tensions and scars in muscle tissue fiber, while creating more flexibility and elasticity in the joints and muscles. It is also to refresh the systems of the healing body without causing any additional harm. Often, one comes to yoga class in order to bring about healing that can be encouraged by this technique. However, sometimes their body is already in repair mode as they go through a healing crisis and requires monitoring by a health professional.  Listed below are some of the more obvious contraindications that one should be mindful of: Pregnancy, Glaucoma, Recent Surgery (esp. shoulder, eyes, back, hips, hand, wrist), Irregular Heart function, Very high or very low blood pressure, Easy onset Vertigo, Osteoporosis/bone weakness, Recent head injury, Fainting, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Severe arthritis, Sinusitis, Hiatal hernia, Disc herniation, Recent stroke, Cerebral Sclerosis, Botox (within 6 hours) While participating in AntiGravity techniques, you will be required to sign a waiver.  Should you choose to participate despite contraindications, please carefully monitor your own resistance. Listen to your body and know you are welcome to stop and be still at any point.  Your safety is our very first concern. Vertigo: Approximately 1% of the population experience vertigo to the extent where they cannot practice this technique.  Plan to feel a bit dizzy after inversions or swinging while your blood flow is being refreshed and your body is recalibrating. This is a natural occurrence. Go to a resting posture (such as Floating Child’s Pose, Chillax, Plum or BackLean) and breathe, it [vertigo?] will soon subside. The more you practice, the less this will occur. If you are uncomfortable for more than 10 seconds, lie down under the “Hammock” or go get a drink of water. Vertigo is a very real sensation for many people who suffer from a mild form of dyslexia that makes them uncomfortable when their hips are over their head. If this sounds familiar to you, go at your own pace and make your instructor aware so that you can receive extra attention. ..."   

 TERMS USED ( research by Susan )

Pregnancy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pregnancy

Glaucoma : https://www.webmd.com/eye-health/glaucoma-eyes#1

Recent Surgery (esp. shoulder, eyes, back, hips, hand, wrist)
 - DEFINE "recent"

Irregular Heart function : https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-ap2/chapter/cardiac-muscle-and-electrical-activity/

very low blood pressure : https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/low-blood-pressure/symptoms-causes/syc-20355465

very high blood pressure : https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-pressure/expert-answers/hypertensive-crisis/faq-20058491

"Easy onset Vertigo" : NOT DEFINED :: 
Vertigo : https://www.webmd.com/brain/vertigo-symptoms-causes-treatment#1

Osteoporosis : https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/osteoporosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20351968   

 bone weakness : https://www.healthinaging.org/tools-and-tips/caregiver-guide-bone-weakness   

Recent head injury : DEFINE "recent"

Fainting : https://www.webmd.com/brain/understanding-fainting-basics#1  

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome : https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/carpal-tunnel-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20355603  

Severe arthritis :  DEFINE "severe" : https://www.arthritis.org/about-arthritis/understanding-arthritis/what-is-arthritis.php

Sinusitis : https://www.webmd.com/allergies/sinusitis-and-sinus-infection#1  

Hiatal hernia : https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hiatal-hernia/symptoms-causes/syc-20373379  

Disc herniation : https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/herniated-disk/symptoms-causes/syc-20354095  

Recent stroke :  DEFINE "recent" : stroke : https://www.stroke.org/understand-stroke/what-is-stroke/  

Cerebral Sclerosis : https://www.nationalmssociety.org/Search?q=cerebral&stype=0&chap=0  

Botox (within 6 hours) : NOTE: "Botox" is a cosmetic & a drug

https://www.botoxcosmetic.com/?cid=sem_goo_&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIn7nHt-ie4wIVtY1bCh14wg1PEAAYASAAEgJhFvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds  - OR -


 "Floating Child's Pose" :  NOT DEFINED  :

 "Chillax"  :  https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Chillax

 "Plum" : https://www.plumdeluxe.com/5-yoga-poses-to-help-you-live-in-the-moment  

or "BackLean" :  https://www.istockphoto.com/fi/vector/a-young-woman-performs-an-exercise-to-strengthen-the-muscles-of-the-back-lean-gm1089832044-292366414

mild form of dyslexia : DEFINE  "mild" : dyslexia :  https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dyslexia/symptoms-causes/syc-20353552  

Ballet:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_ballet#Pli%C3%A9

SOURCE :   https://www.antigravitylab.com/read-me

 "... THE BENEFITS (Please READ the above 'contraindications' )

Decompress tight joints.

Strengthen your core.

Increase muscular strength & flexibility

Relieve pressure while aligning the vertebrae

Increase kinesthetic awareness & agility.

Fine-tuning balance & increased proprioception

Low impact cardio-vascular conditioning

Perform advanced yoga & postural inversions without neck or back compression

Hold challenging yoga postures longer and in correct alignment

Stretch further with less strain

Muscular tension release through self-massage techniques

Self-esteem enhancement through conquering fears

Refreshes the lymphatic, digestive, & circulatory systems

Releases “happy hormones” i.e. serotonin, endorphins, oxytocin, dopamine

Increases the neuroplasticity of the brain (one’s ability to learn)   ..."

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tfZBZ3KRBY  >
Hello Fitness Instructors: Christopher Harrison Introduces AntiGravity®

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tSd7LTEKNg  > 
Trying Anti-Gravity Yoga?! (Get Jacked) 


   https://youtu.be/mQSgLGMe8o4    < Restorative Anti-Gravity


Tree Pose



Yoga Pose 101: Triangle Pose Or Utthita Trikonasana

Daniel Scott



A proper >> Plough ::
by: Jacqueline Buchanan


 < Good! Susan forgets words to USA National Anthem

 “Professionals” [that] have flubbed USA national

 https://youtu.be/q98BuAX2T0U  < Kat Deluna

https://youtu.be/2XBWZI6f-38  < Fergie

 https://youtu.be/oDEPd7ygIII    < Scott Stapp  - Creed

 https://youtu.be/psi2930wuVo    < Steven Tyler - Aerosmith

 https://youtu.be/PkI7F5u1BGY    <  R. Kelly

 https://youtu.be/m6A9Fuv72CE    < Keri Hilson  

7-5-2019  mailto:    info@dayyogastudio.com   

 HELLO. I perform YOGA poses AND stretches at the Kleptz YMCA daily.

  I have placed your YOGA Studio onto my "personal" web site :     https://hansandcassady.org/  

 I am a stroke survivor > SAH @ MCA event 12-18-2019. 


 IF you would like to demonstrate Your Aerial Yoga equipment  ( at the KLEPTZ ) - I will try to make a GO PRO video - of YOU doing it.  

 There would be no charge [ON MY PART]  - but, the results are NOT guaranteed. I am a "CASSADY" - from Scotland. [the country]

 YOU would NEED to get permission from Ms. Golden - at the Kleptz YMCA [ and also Ms. Amy -PERHAPS ]



h hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh h h hhhhhhhhhhh

Performed every day - at the YMCA !  ::  
  http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/plow-pose  ::   

 :: STYLES -- https://www.doyogawithme.com/types-of-yoga

 Rythmic Yoga
   Demonstration Video  (above)

 Breath :: 

Stretch Prepare  :

 (then) Pose! 

Triangle :

 Yoga  Proud Warrior  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHAgL9UMMlI  

10 Yoga Chair poses ::  https://www.verywellfit.com/chair-yoga-poses-3567189  

 Tree  :    https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/tree-pose

 Forward Bend ::

Pose Yoga Mudra :

 Pose Yoga Mountain : https://www.yogabasics.com/asana/mountain/

 Pose Yoga Half Moon : https://www.doyouyoga.com/how-to-do-half-moon/

Pose Yoga Thunderbolt : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ILEYJOtHgM

Pose Yoga Plank : https://www.yogabasics.com/asana/plank/

Pose Yoga kneeling  Lunge (low) : https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/low-lunge

Pose Yoga Downward Dog : https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/downward-facing-dog

Pose Yoga Cobra :  https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/cobra-pose 

 Pose Yoga Child

 Pose Yoga Hare

Pose Yoga Half Locust

Pose Yoga Boat

Pose Yoga Bow

Pose Yoga Spider

Pose Yoga Through-the-hole

Pose Yoga Bridge

Pose Yoga Half Shoulder

Pose Yoga Full Shoulder

Pose Yoga Fish

Pose Yoga Bound Angle

Pose Yoga Sitting Forward Bend

Pose Yoga Bent Knee Sitting Forward

Pose Yoga Inclined Plane

Pose Yoga Spinal Twist

Pose Yoga Reclining Spinal Twist

Pose Yoga Hero

Pose Yoga Corpse

Pose Yoga Plough plow 


 hhhhhhh    References: Please review before engaging in Yoga poses

1. Bachman R. Everyone is a yoga teacher today—to keep people coming back, studios offer certification classes;
the number of new teachers is growing faster than new students. Wall Street Journal. September 2, 2015. []

2. Barnes PM, Bloom B, Nahin RL. Complementary and alternative medicine use among adults and children:
United States, 2007. Natl Health Stat Rep. 2008;12:1–23. [PubMed] []

3. Benjamin C. What causes bone loss? Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia.
Bethesda, MD: US National Library of Medicine; 2014. []

4. Birdee GS, Legedza AT, Saper RB, Bertisch SM, Eisenberg DM, Phillips RS. 
Characteristics of yoga users: results of a national survey. J Gen Intern Med. 2008;23:1653–1658. [PMC free article] [PubMed] []

5. Brown J. Yoga alliance is ruining yoga. https://americanyoga.school/yoga-alliance-ruining-yoga/. Accessed March 21, 2016.

6. Carpenter CR, Scheatzle MD, D’Antonio JA, Ricci PT, Coben JH. Identification of fall risk factors in older adult emergency department patients. 
Acad Emerg Med. 2009;16:211–219. [PubMed] []

7. Carson JW, Carson KM, Porter LS, Keefe FJ, Shaw H, Miller JM. 
Yoga for women with metastatic breast cancer: results from a pilot study. J Pain Symptom Manag. 2007;33:331–341. [PubMed] []

8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2011. 
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey Data. http://www.cdc.gov/brfss/annual_data/annual_2011.htm. Updated 2013. Accessed December 1, 2015.

9. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2013. 
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey Data. http://www.cdc.gov/brfss/annual_data/annual_2014.html. Updated 2014. Accessed December 1, 2015.

10. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 
Injury prevention and control: Data and statistics (WISQARS). http://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/fatal.html. Published 2014. Accessed March 21, 2016.

11. Clarke TC, Black LI, Stussman BJ, Barnes PM, Nahin RL. Trends in the use of complementary health approaches among adults: United States, 2002-2012. 
 Natl Health Stat Rep. 2015;79:1–16. [PMC free article] [PubMed] []

12. Cramer H, Langhorst J, Dobos G, Lauche R. Associated factors and consequences of risk of bias in randomized controlled trials of yoga:
 a systematic review. PLoS One. 2015;10:e0144125. [PMC free article] [PubMed] []

13. Deutsch SB, Krivitsky EL. The impact of yoga on atrial fibrillation: a review of The Yoga My Heart Study. J Arrhythm. 2015;31:337–338. [PMC free article] [PubMed] []

14. Evans WJ, Campbell WW. Sarcopenia and age-related changes in body composition and functional capacity. J Nutr. 1993;123 (2 suppl):465–468. [PubMed] []

15. Field T, Diego M, Delgado J, Medina L. Tai chi/yoga reduces prenatal depression, anxiety and sleep disturbances. 
 Comp Ther Clin Pract. 2013;19:6–10. [PMC free article] [PubMed] []

16. Fishman LM, Saltonstall E, Genis S. Yoga therapy in practice; understanding and preventing yoga injuries. Int J Yoga Ther. 2009;19:123–128. []

17. Fukuchi RK, Stefanyshyn DJ, Stirling L, Duarte M, Ferber R. 
 Flexibility, muscle strength and running biomechanical adaptations in older runners. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2014;29:304–310. [PubMed] []

18. Gong H, Ni C, Shen X, Wu T, Jiang C. Yoga for prenatal depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry. 2015;15:14. [PMC free article] [PubMed] []

19. Gura ST. Yoga for stress reduction and injury prevention at work. Work. 2002;19:3–7. [PubMed] []

20. Holton MK, Barry AE. Do side-effects/injuries from yoga practice result in discontinued use?
 Results of a national survey. Int J Yoga. 2014;7:152–154. [PMC free article] [PubMed] []

21. Hurd R. Aging changes in the bones—muscles—joints In: Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia. Bethesda, MD: US National Library of Medicine; 2014. []

22. Innes KE, Selfe TK. Yoga for adults with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review of controlled trials. J Diabetes Res. 2016;2016:6979370. [PMC free article] [PubMed] []

23. Lakkireddy D, Atkins D, Pillarisetti J, et al. 
Effect of yoga on arrhythmia burden, anxiety, depression, and quality of life in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: the YOGA My Heart Study. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013;61:1177–1182. [PubMed] []

24. Michalsen A, Traitteur H, Lüdtke R, et al. 
 Yoga for chronic neck pain: a pilot randomized controlled clinical trial. J Pain. 2012;13:1122–1130. [PubMed] []

25. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine; National Institutes of Health. 
Yoga for health. https://nccih.nih.gov/health/yoga/introduction.htm. Updated 2013. Accessed March 1, 2016.

26. Newham JJ, Wittkowski A, Hurley J, Aplin JD, Westwood M. Effects of antenatal yoga on maternal anxiety and depression:
 a randomized controlled trial. Depress Anxiety. 2014;31:631–640. [PubMed] []

27. Nick N, Petramfar P, Ghodsbin F, Keshavarzi S, Jahanbin I. The effect of yoga on balance and fear of falling in older adults. PM R. 2016;8:145–151. [PubMed] []

28. Penman S, Cohen M, Stevens P, Jackson S. Yoga in Australia: results of a national survey. Int J Yoga. 2012;5:92–101. [PMC free article] [PubMed] []

29. Russell K, Gushue S, Richmond S, McFaull S. Epidemiology of yoga-related injuries in Canada from 1991 to 2010: a case series study. 
 Int J Injury Control Safety Promot. 2016;23:284–290. [PubMed] []

30. Russell MA, Hill KD, Blackberry I, Day LL, Dharmage SC. Falls risk and functional decline in older fallers discharged directly from emergency departments. 
 J Gerontol. 2006;61:1090–1095. [PubMed] []

31. Schmid AA, Miller KK, Van Puymbroeck M, DeBaun-Sprague E. 
    Yoga leads to multiple physical improvements after stroke, a pilot study. Complement Ther Med. 2014;22:994–1000. [PubMed] []

32. Sinaki M. Yoga spinal flexion positions and vertebral compression fracture in osteopenia or osteoporosis of spine: case series. Pain Pract. 2013;13:68–75. [PubMed] []

33. Smith EN, Boser A. Yoga, vertebral fractures, and osteoporosis: research and recommendations. Int J Yoga Ther. 2013;23:17–23. [PubMed] []

34. Sports and Fitness Industry Association. Yoga. Silver Spring, MD: Sports and Fitness Industry Association; 2015. []

35. US Census Bureau. Annual estimates of the resident population by sex, single year of age, race alone or in combination and Hispanic origin for the US: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2014 American Fact Finder. http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=bkmk. Accessed December 10, 2015.

36. US Census Bureau. Intercensal estimates of the resident population by single year of age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin for the US: April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2010. https://www.census.gov/popest/data/intercensal/national/nat2010.html. Accessed December 10, 2015.

37. US Consumer Product Safety Commission. NEISS Coding Manual. Bethesda, MD: US Consumer Product Safety Commission; 2014. []

38. US Consumer Product Safety Commission. 
  The NEISS sample (design and implementation), 1997-present. https://www.cpsc.gov/s3fs-public/pdfs/blk_media_2001d011-6b6.pdf. Published 2001. Accessed March 21, 2016.

39. US Consumer Product Safety Commission; Division of Hazard and Injury Data Systems. The national electronic injury surveillance system;
  a tool for researchers. https://www.cpsc.gov/s3fs-public/pdfs/blk_media_2000d015.pdf. Published 2000. Accessed March 21, 2016.

40. Villa-Forte A. Effects of aging on the musculoskeletal system Merck Manuals. Kenilworth, NJ: Merck & Co; 2015. []

41. Yagli NV, Ulger O. The effects of yoga on the quality of life and depression in elderly breast cancer patients. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2015;21:7–10. [PubMed] []


hh hhh  

   Halasana ::  From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 hhhhhhhhh  hhhhhhhhhhh  

Etymology and origins[edit]

The completed pose resembles a traditional plough.


The pose is entered from Sarvangasana (shoulderstand), lowering the back slightly for balance, and moving the arms and legs over the head until the outstretched toes touch the ground and the fingertips, in a preparatory variant of the pose. The arms may then be moved to support the back into a more vertical position, giving a second variant pose. Finally, the arms may be stretched out on the ground away from the feet, giving the final pose in the shape of a traditional plough.[4]


Suptakonasana is a reclining variant of Halasana.[5]


Plough pose can put significant strain on the cervical spine, which does not normally undergo this type of stress, and can cause injury if not performed properly.[6][7][8]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ YJ Editors (28 August 2007). "plough Pose"Yoga Journal.
  2. ^ Sivananda, Swami (June 1985). Health and hatha yoga. Divine Life Society. p. 128. ISBN 978-0-949027-03-0.
  3. ^ Sjoman, Norman E. (1999). The Yoga Tradition of the Mysore Palace. Abhinav Publications. p. 72. ISBN 81-7017-389-2.
  4. ^ Iyengar, B.K.S (1979). Light on Yoga. New York: Schocken. pp. 216–219. ISBN 0-8052-1031-8.
  5. ^ "Supta Konasana". Yogapedia. Retrieved 8 February 2019.
  6. ^ Yoga Journal. Active Interest Media. February 1983. p. 7. ISSN 0191-0965.
  7. ^ Robin, Mel (May 2002). A Physiological Handbook for Teachers of Yogasana. Wheatmark. p. 516. ISBN 978-1-58736-033-6.
  8. ^ Robin, Mel (2009). A Handbook for Yogasana Teachers: The Incorporation of Neuroscience, Physiology, and Anatomy Into the Practice. Wheatmark. p. 835. ISBN 978-1-58736-708-3.

Further reading[edit]

External links[edit]




Hatha yoga


  Degenerative Disc Disease & Yoga  ( A )  ( B ) 


 Breath, Stretch ,Prepare,  (then) Pose! 

Proud Warrior
Forward Bend
Half Moon
kneeling Lunge
Downward Dog
Half Locust
Half Shoulder
Full Shoulder
Bound Angle
Sitting Forward Bend
Bent Knee Sitting Forward
Inclined Plane
Spinal Twist
Reclining Spinal Twist
Plough plow Yoga

  ~~ degenerative Disc Disease Yoga ~~



       Yoga May Prevent Degenerative Disc Disease

  Is There Anyone Who Shouldn't do Yoga?

Yoga can be safe for everyone, but depending on the medical condition, certain poses may need to be modified or avoided. A couple of examples of patients who may need to avoid certain yoga poses include:

   1) Patients who have been diagnosed with advanced spinal stenosis should avoid extreme extension of the spine such as back bends in yoga.

  2) Patients with advanced cervical spine disease should avoid doing headstands and shoulder stands in yoga.

  3) Chinese people have been doing Yoga for centuries. Most of the precautions surrounding the yoga poses can be determined by understanding the specific medical condition, using common sense, and finding a good yoga teacher to assist.

Look in Dayton, OhiO - USA - for a very good YOGA teacher. Susan suggests "Crystal" - at the Kleptz YMCA.  ( Article continues below)


    degenerative Disc Disease Yoga 



    Yoga May Prevent Degenerative Disc Disease

   Is There Anyone Who Shouldn't do Yoga?

Yoga can be safe for everyone, but depending on the medical condition, certain poses may need to be modified or avoided. A couple of examples of patients who may need to avoid certain yoga poses include:

1) Patients who have been diagnosed with advanced spinal stenosis should avoid extreme extension of the spine such as back bends in yoga.
2) Patients with advanced cervical spine disease should avoid doing headstands and shoulder stands in yoga.
3) Chinese people have been doing Yoga for centuries. Most of the precautions surrounding the yoga poses can be determined by understanding the specific medical condition, using common sense, and finding a good yoga teacher to assist. Look in Dayton, OhiO - USA - for a very good YOGA teacher. Susan suggests "Crystal" - at the Kleptz YMCA. 

Article continues below


  <  YOGA plow-Plough pose < "approved" 4 Susan ONLY! See Susan's Doctor page.

    >>>> Please,  request YOUR Medical Doctor to "approve" for YOU personally.

  See Athletico - Dayton, OH - for information on proper and improper YOGA poses for you.  
People with extra vertebrae.

  http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/plow-pose  ::   

  <  What if your mother could do this?  And, she looked like this? >   

Research ( thus far ) - it depends.  

<   YES! Susan can still do this today (So Far)  Visit the KLEPTZ YMCA - 2C >

   And, YES! DAYTON, OHIO, USA - is gonna B - the "YOGA capital" of the World! FOR SENIORS ::   Ask for " Ms. Crystal" at the "Kleptz" Dayton, OhiO - YMCA.

 SOURCE ::   ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_asanas )  

List of asanas  ::  Asanas 

A single asana is listed for each main pose, whether or not there are variations. Thus for Sirsasana (Yoga headstand), only one pose is illustrated, although the pose can be varied by moving the legs apart sideways or front-and-back, by lowering one leg to the floor, by folding the legs into lotus posture, by turning the hips to one side, by placing the hands differently on the ground, and so on. Iyengar's 1966 Light on Yoga lists 15 variations on the basic headstand, including for instance the combined variation Parivrttaikapada Sirsasana in which not only are the hips revolved but the legs are apart front-and-back.[10] Since then, variations of many other poses have been created.[11] Yin Yoga names are for the equivalent Yin variants; these are usually somewhat different from the conventional (Yang) poses.


The asanas are here named in English, spelt conventionally as in English books on yoga without diacritics, to facilitate free text search through the list using the 'Find in page' box (Control-F in many browsers).

Asana Sanskrit English Type Effect on spine Suitable for
Described[c] Yin Yoga variant[13][d] Image
Adho Mukha Shvanasana[14] अधोमुखश्वानासन Downward-Facing Dog Standing Forward bend 20th C. TK[15]
18th C. HAP (in dynamic pose "Gajāsana")[16]


Adho Mukha Vrikshasana[17] अधोमुखवृक्षासन Downward-Facing Tree,
Yoga Handstand
Balancing 18th C. HAP[18]

Rocket-yoga-13 handstand (cropped).jpg

Akarna Dhanurasana[19] आकर्णधनुरासन Shooting bow,
Bow and arrow
Sitting 19th C. ST[20] (as Dhanurāsana)

Akarna Dhanurasana.jpg

Anantasana[21] अनन्तासन Ananta's pose,
Vishnu's Couch pose
Reclining 20th C. LoY[22]

Anantasana wfs.jpg

Anjaneyasana[23] अञ्जनेयासन Crescent Moon[24] Standing Backbend 20th C.[25] Dragon

Variation with arms down

Ardha Chandrasana[26] अर्धचन्द्रासन Half moon Standing 20th C. LoY[27]

Ardha-Chandrasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Ashtanga Namaskara[28] अष्टाङ्ग नमस्कार Eight-Limbed Salutation
Reclining 20th C. TK[28]

Ashtanga Namaskara (cropped).JPG

Astavakrasana[29] अष्टावक्रासन Aṣṭāvakra's pose,
Balancing 20th C. LoY[30]


Baddha Konasana[31]
बद्धकोणासन Bound angle,
Cobbler's pose
Sitting Meditation[32] 15th C. HYP[32]
17th C. GhS[32]

Baddha konasana.jpg

Crane (arms straight)
Crow (arms bent)
Balancing 17th C. HR[35]

Bakasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Balasana[36] बालासन Child Sitting 20th C. TK[37]
19th C. ST Ananda Balasana (as Kandukasana)[38]


Formidable Reclining 19th C. ST[39]

Ankusasana from Sritattvanidhi (cropped).jpg

Bharadvajasana[40] भरद्वाजासन Bharadvaja's twist Sitting Twist 20th C. LoY[41] Seated Twist

Bharadvajasana1 (cropped).JPG

Bhekasana[42] भेकासन Frog Reclining Backbend 20th C. LoY[43]


Bhujangasana[44] भुजंगासन Cobra Reclining Backbend 17th C. GhS 2.42[45][46] Seal, Sphinx

Bhujangasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Bhujapidasana[47] भुजपीडासन Arm-pressing posture Balancing 20th C. LoY[48] Snail

Bhujapidasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Cat Kneeling Backbend 20th C. T.K.V. DesikacharSatyananda Saraswati[9]

Yoga at Your Park - Bitilasana.jpg

Chaturanga Dandasana[49] चतुरङ्गदण्डासन Four-Limbed Staff
Low Plank
Reclining 20th C. TK[50]

Chaturanga-Dandasana low Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Dandasana[51] दण्डासन Staff Sitting 08th C. PSV[52]

Dandasana yoga posture.jpg

Dhanurasana[53] धनुरासन Bow Reclining Backbend 15th C. HYP 1.27

Dhanurasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Durvasasana[54] दुर्वासासन Durvasa's Pose Standing, Balancing 19th C. ST (as 'Trivikramasana')[55]

Durvasasana from Sritattvanidhi.jpg

Garbha Pindasana[56] गर्भासन Embryo in Womb Sitting 17th C. BaH[57]


Garudasana[58] गरुडासन Eagle Standing, Balancing 19th C. ST[59][e]

Garudasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Gomukhasana[60] गोमुखासन Cow-faced Sitting Meditation[61] 04th C. DU[62]
10th C. V[63]
15th C. HYP 1.20

Gomukhasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Gorakshasana गोरक्षासन Cowherd
Gorakhnath's pose
Sitting Meditation 14th C. ShS 3.108-112
15th C. HYP 1.28-29
17th C. GhS 2.24-25

Jogapradipika 22 Bhadragorakhasana (cropped).jpg

Halasana[64] हलासन Plough Inversion Forward bend 19th C. ST[65] (as Lāṇgalāsana, plough)
20th C. TB[66]


Hanumanasana[67] हनुमनासन Hanuman's Pose Sitting 20th C. TK[68]

Hanumanasana - Hanuman's Posture - in Diagonal View.jpg

Janusirsasana[69] जानुशीर्षासन Head-to-Knee Sitting Forward Bend 20th C. TK[70][71]

Janusirsasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Jathara Parivartanasana[72] ञटर परिवर्तनासन​ Belly twist Reclining Twist 20th C. LoY[72]
Kapotasana[73] कपोतासन Pigeon Kneeling Backbend 20th C. LoY[74]

Kapotasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Karnapidasana[75] कर्णपीडासन Ear-pressing Inversion Forward bend 20th C. TB[76] (as variant of Halasana); LoY[77]


Kaundinyasana[78] कौण्डिन्यसन Kaundinya's pose Balancing 20th C. LoY[79]


Kraunchasana[80] क्रौञ्चासन Heron Sitting 17th C. HR[35]
Kukkutasana[56] कुक्कुटासन Cockerel Balancing 07th C. AS[57]
13th C. VS[81]
15th C. HYP 1.23
17th C. GhS 2.31[59]

Yoga shaktipat kukkutasana by alexey baykov.jpg

Kurmasana[82][83] कूर्मासन Tortoise Sitting Forward bend 07th C. AS[57]

Kūrmāsana - Tortoise Pose with Hands Facing Back.jpg

Lolasana[84] लोलासन Pendant Balancing 20th C.[f][g]

Mr-yoga-pendant pose.jpg

Makarasana[87] मकरासन Crocodile Reclining 17th C. GhS 2.40[h]

Makarasana Asana (Crocodile Posture).jpg

Malasana[89] मालासन Garland Squatting Forward bend 20th C. LoY[89]

Mālāsana heel grab side.jpg

Mandukasana मन्दुकासन Frog Sitting 17th C. GhS[90]
Marichyasana[91] मरीच्यासन Marichi's Pose Sitting Twist 20th C. TK[92]


Matsyasana[93] मत्स्यासन Fish Reclining Backbend 17th C. GhS 2.21 Fish

Matsyasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Matsyendrasana[94] मत्स्येन्द्रासन Lord of the Fishes
Matsyendra's pose
Sitting Twist 15th C. HYP 1.28-29
17th C. GhS

Ardha-Matsyendrasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Mayurasana[17] मयूरासन Peacock Balancing 10th C. V[63]
15th C. HYP 1.33

Peacock pose.jpg

Muktasana[6] मुक्तासन Liberated Sitting Meditation 10th C. V[63][i]


Natarajasana[95] नटराजासन Lord of the Dance
Nataraja's Pose
Standing Backbend 20th C. TK[96]

Natarajasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Paripurna Navasana[97]
Full Boat
Sitting Forward bend 19th C. ST[39]

Paripurna-Navasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Padmasana[98] पद्मासन Lotus Sitting Meditation[99] 04th C. DU[100]
08th C. PSV[52]

Lotus pose.JPG

Parighasana[101] परिघासन Gate Standing 20th C. TK[50]

Gate Pose (cropped).jpg

Parshvakonasana[102] पार्श्वकोणासन Side angle Standing 20th C. TK[50][70]

Utthita-Parshvakonasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Parshvottanasana[103] पार्श्वोत्तनासन Intense side stretch Standing 20th C. TK[50][70]


Pashasana[104] पाशासन Noose Squatting Twist 19th C. ST[46]

Pasasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Paschimottanasana[105] पश्चिमोत्तानासन Seated Forward Bend Sitting Forward Bend 15th C. HYP 1:28[20]
17th C. GhS 2:26[20]
Full Forward Bend, Caterpillar

Paschimotanasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Pincha Mayurasana[106] पिञ्चमयूरासन Feathered Peacock Balancing 20th C. LoY[107]

Ardha vrishkasana.jpg

Prasarita Padottanasana[108] प्रसारित पादोत्तानासन Wide Stance Forward Bend Standing Forward bend 20th C. TK[50][70]

Practice (1) (16383984312).jpg

Rajakapotasana[109] राजकपोतासन King Pigeon Sitting Backbend 20th C. LoY[110] Swan, Sleeping Swan

Yoga shaktipat rajakapotasana by alexey baykov.jpg

Shalabhasana[111] शलभासन Locust Reclining Backbend 20th C. TB[112]

Salabhasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Sarvangasana[113] सालम्बसर्वाङ्गासन Shoulder Stand Inversion 20th C. (this name); 19th C. as Viparita Karani in JP; 15th C. HYP


Samakonasana[114] समकोणासन Side splits Sitting 20th C. TK[70]

Samakonasana (Side Split) Szpagat poprzeczny.jpg

Shavasana[115] शवासन Corpse Reclining 15th C. HYP 1.32[116] Corpse


Setu Bandha Sarvangasana[117] सेतुबन्धसर्वाङ्गासन Shoulder supported bridge Inversion Backbend 19th C. ST, called Kāmapīṭhāsana[118]

Kamapithasana (Setubandhasana) from Sritattvanidhi.jpg

Siddhasana (men),
Siddha Yoni Asana (women)[119]
सिद्धासन Accomplished,
The Adept's Pose
Sitting Meditation[119] 10th C. GS 1.10-12


Simhasana[120] सिंहासन Lion Sitting Meditation[120] 04th C. DU[100]
10th C. V[63]

Simhasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

शीर्षासन Headstand,
Yoga Headstand
Inversion 11th C. HY[123](called Duryodhanāsana or Kapālīkarana)
14th C. ShS 4.45-47 (as Viparita Karani)[124]
15th C. HYP 3.78-81 (ditto)[124]
17th C. GhS 3.33-35 (ditto)[124]
18th C. JP (as Kapala āsana)


Sukhasana[125] सुखासन Easy Sitting Meditation[126] 04th C. DU[127] Easy


Supta Padangusthasana[128] सुप्त पादाङ्गुष्ठासन Big toe supine Reclining 20th C. TK[50][70]

Ardha maerudhandaasana.jpg

Surya Namaskar[129][130] सुर्य नमस्कार Salute to the Sun
Sun Salutation
Standing Forward bend,
backbend sequence
20th C. Rajah of Aundh,[131] then TK[15]


Svastikasana[132] स्वस्तिकसन Auspicious
Lucky mark
Sitting Meditation[132] 08th C. PSV[52] Square

Jogapradipika 1 Svastikasana (detail).jpg

Tadasana[133] ताडासन Mountain Standing 20th C. TK[50]

Tadasana - Yoga Art and Science.jpg

Tittibhasana[134] टिट्टिभासन Firefly Balancing 19th C. ST[46] (as Mālāsana)


Utthita Trikonasana[135]
उत्थित त्रिकोणासन
Triangle Standing 20th C. TK[136]

Trikonasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Trivikramasana[137] त्रिविक्रमासन Trivikrama's pose
Standing splits
Supta Trivikramasana (reclining variant)
Standing, Balancing 13th - 18th C. in Bharatnatyam dance statues of Eastern GopuramNataraja Temple, Chidambaram[138]

Trivikramasana temple statue.JPG

Tulasana[139] तुलासन Balance / Scales Balancing 20th C. LoY[140]


Upavishta Konasana[141] उपविष्टकोणासन Open Angle Sitting 20th C. TK[70] Dragonfly


Urdhva Dhanurasana[142]
ऊर्ध्वधनुरासन, चक्रासन Upwards-facing bow,
Inversion Backbend 19th C. ST[143] (as Paryaṇkāsana)

Chakrasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana[144] ऊर्ध्वमुखश्वानासन Upward-Facing Dog Reclining Backbend 20th C. TK[50]

Upward-facing dog pose.jpg

Ushtrasana[145] उष्ट्रासन Camel Kneeling Backbend 20th C. LoY[146]

Ustrasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Utkatasana[147] उत्कटासन Awkward or Powerful Standing 15th C. HYP (squatting)[148]
17th C. GhS[45]

20th C. TK[149] (chair-like)

Utkatasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Uttanasana[150] उत्तानासन Standing Forward Bend Standing Forward bend 20th C. TB (as Padahastasana)[151]TK[50][70]


Utthita Hastapadangusthasana[152] उत्थित हस्तपादाङ्गुष्ठासन Standing Big Toe Hold
(I: leg to the side;
II: leg to the front[152])
Standing 20th C. TK[50][70]

Utthita-Hasta-Padangusthasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Vajrasana[153] वज्रासन Thunderbolt Kneeling Meditation[154] 17th C. GhS[45] (may mean Virasana[116])


Vasishtasana[155] वसिष्ठासन Vasishta's pose,
Side plank
Balancing 20th C. TK[156]

Yoga PLank.jpg

Viparita Dandasana[157] विपरीत दण्डासन Inverted Staff Inversion Backbend 20th C. TK?, LoY[157]

Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana.jpg

Viparita Karani[158]
Uttanapadasana (variant)
विपरीतकरणि Inverted practice
Legs up the wall
Inversion 14th C. ShS 4.45-47[124]
15th C. HYP 3.78-81[124]
17th C. GhS 3.33-35[124] and other texts[136][j]

Viparita-Karani Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Viparita Virabhadrasana[159] विपरीतवीरभद्रासन Reversed Warrior[k] Standing 21st C. PL[159]

Reverse warrior pose.jpg

Virabhadrasana I[160] वीरभद्रासन Warrior I Standing 20th C. TK[161][162]

Virabhadrasana I - Warrior Pose I.jpg

Virabhadrasana II[163] वीरभद्रासन II Warrior II Standing 20th C. TK[161][162]

Warrior II.jpg

Virabhadrasana III[164] वीरभद्रासन III Warrior III Standing 20th C. TK[161][162]


Dhyana Virasana[166]
ध्यान वीरासन
Hero's Meditation
Kneeling Meditation[166][167] 04th C. DU[100]
08th C. PSV[52] (these may refer to a different meditation pose)

Virasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Vrikshasana[168] वृक्षासन Tree Standing, Balancing 17th C. GhS[45]

Vriksasana Yoga-Asana Nina-Mel.jpg

Vrischikasana[169] वृश्चिकासन Scorpion Inversion Backbend 20th C. LoY[170] (13th - 18th C. in Bharatnatyam dance statues of Eastern GopuramNataraja Temple, Chidambaram but not yoga[138])

Variant with one leg bent

Pasini Mudra
योगनिद्रासन Yogic sleep
Noose Mudra
Reclining Forward bend 17th C. HR 3.70
17th C. GhS 3.84 as a Mudra
18th C. painting, Mysore[172]


 Notes[edit]  ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_asanas )

References[edit]  ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_asanas )

Sources[edit]  ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_asanas )