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  "Would Idaho support medical or recreational marijuana?" by Idaho Statesman Media

   ( TAX REVENUE - FROM SALES - of Marijuana) - by Oregon County

  Moscow Homicide Update by Moscow Idaho Police Department  12-8-2022 

  Reed Ofsthun Sigma Chi

  IDEA FOR REWARD - EXPuNGMENT  by Susan Neuhart

  SEEKING a "Tree Monkey" - with "Ninja Skills" - like a "Kungfu" "knife" Warrior  [tips 1 and 2 ] by Susan Neuhart 

 "knife guy" University of Moscow by Moscow Idaho Police Department
 "Marijuana" "Moscow, Idaho" ...  <  

  (  Getty Images/iStockphoto  )

 SOURCE:  https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article268261077.html

 "... TITLE > "Would Idaho support medical or recreational marijuana?"

  Our poll results have the answers 

  BY ALEX BRIZEE https://www.idahostatesman.com/profile/256584981 )  UPDATED NOVEMBER 07, 2022 12:56 PM 

Out of 550 respondents throughout Idaho, 68% believe medical marijuana should be legalized. ... More than two-thirds of Idaho adults (68%+) support the legalization of medical marijuana, according to a new poll commissioned by the Idaho Statesman. 

The poll, conducted by independent research company "SurveyUSA" [ https://www.surveyusa.net/ ] , asked 550 adults throughout Idaho three questions: 
(1) whether marijuana should be legal medically, 
(2) whether it should be legal recreationally 
and (3) whether residents should be penalized for possession of small amounts of marijuana. 

One of the answers was clear:
68% of respondents believe cannabis ("MARIJUANA") should be legalized for "medical"  purposes. 

... The results aren’t surprising to some. House Minority Leader Ilana Rubel, D-Boise [  ], told the Statesman (by phone) that the poll numbers are exactly what she expected, adding that she “wouldn’t have been surprised” if support for medical marijuana was higher. Rubel, alongside Rep. Mike Kingsley, R-Lewiston [  ], last year co-sponsored a bill to decriminalize medical cannabis. ... The bill failed to make it on the House floor for a vote. 

When asked ",,, why Idaho is so behind surrounding states - when it comes to the legalization of medical marijuana", Rubel said [that] "...she doesn’t think it is an Idaho problem - but instead, a lawmaker problem. "

... In the Western U.S., every state except Idaho, Wyoming and Utah have legalized pot both medically and recreationally, and have decriminalized the drug. Utah has legalized medical marijuana, and Wyoming allows the sale of CBD oil so long as it contains less than 0.3% THC. 

“The Idaho Republican Party - and the political elite within it - have taken on a life of their own, that does not track the desires of the people of Idaho,” Rubel said. 

She added that she’d "... like to see policies that align more closely to what people in Idaho want."

  View the complete results here > https://www.surveyusa.com/client/PollReport.aspx?g=0dbd1efe-9d27-459d-9069-56de560b934f [accessed 12-12-2022 ]

... Out of the 32% of respondents who don’t support the legalization of medical marijuana, only 18% want it to be illegal; the other 14% aren’t sure. But support for pot decreases when it comes to "recreational use". 

Out of the respondents, 48% are in favor of recreational marijuana use, and 41% believe it should be against the law. The other 10% aren’t sure. 

The marijuana polling results were part of a statewide Idaho Statesman/SurveyUSA poll on several contentious issues in Idaho. 

... The poll was conducted Oct. 17-20 online and by phone, with the pool of adults surveyed weighted to U.S. Census targets for gender, age, race, education and home ownership. 

 Retired U.S. Air Force Senior Master Sergeant Jeremy Kitzhaber, who went before the Idaho Legislature in 2021 and helped craft the medical marijuana bill, told the Statesman ( by phone)  that he’s still hoping cannabis will be legalized for medical purposes in Idaho. Kitzhaber has Stage 4 cancer, which is linked to his military service. VIDEO : 

[ https://m.facebook.com/IdahoDLCC/videos/the-sergeant-kitzhaber-medical-cannabis-act/2496360433843782/?locale=ne_NP ]

He said he’s been prescribed hydrocodone, oxycodone and morphine — which he takes almost daily — to manage the pain from his terminal illness.
But opioids can cause a bowel obstruction, which could kill him. If he was allowed to use cannabis, he’d be able to comfortably manage his pain, Kitzhaber said. Instead, because Idaho lawmakers have chosen not to legalize medical marijuana, he’ll “live in pain,” he told the Statesman. The Idaho resident said he won’t move or go across the border to buy medical marijuana. “I shouldn’t have to move to Oregon to manage my pain,” Kitzhaber said. ... As a veteran on disability, if Kitzhaber were to get arrested, then convicted for marijuana possession and serve a prison sentence, he could lose his disability benefits. According to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, if veterans are convicted of a felony - and spend more than 60 days imprisoned, the department would reduce their benefits. Kitzhaber told the Statesman losing those disability payments would threaten his livelihood and impact his wife. “I can’t risk it, so I just will live in pain,” he said. Kitzhaber said - when he has traveled to other states -  like Nevada and California, where weed is legal, he has purchased low-level edibles to use while he’s there. He said that when he has been able to use edibles, he is “completely” off his opioid treatment. He was able to attend shows, speak with relatives and even kayak down the Colorado River, he said. But that is not his reality living in Idaho. If Kitzhaber’s pain gets worse, he said the next step would be fentanyl. “The option that does work for me — because I’ve used it — I can’t,” he said. Kitzhaber said he carries Narcan with him in case he overdoses from his prescribed opioid treatment. Kitzhaber said he understands that marijuana usage could lead to a car accident if someone wasn’t careful, but he said he’s a “responsible drug user.”  ... “The only thing I’m going to kill is a bag of Doritos,” Kitzhaber joked, “if I’m allowed to take it.” He said the poll results show the Idaho Legislature isn’t listening to constituents. 

Rubel said she hopes the state can legalize medical cannabis while Kitzhaber can still enjoy the benefits. She added that it “seems ridiculous” that Idaho hasn’t legalized medical marijuana, and it’s “a great disservice.” “It just feels very wrong that we sent a person off to serve our country, he contracted a deadly disease in the course of serving our country, and now we are depriving him of the medicine he needs,” Rubel said. 


Even though a majority of Idahoans aren’t in favor of the "recreational cannabis use" 85% of respondents don’t believe someone should be sent to jail for a “small amount” of marijuana. That majority was split between two alternatives to jail time: a fine (43%) or no penalty at all (42%). Only 11% of respondents believe someone should serve jail time; the other 4% aren’t sure. ... The poll didn’t specify what would be considered a "small amount" of weed. But in Idaho, a misdemeanor possession of marijuana is 3 ounces or less and could land someone in county jail for up to a year. On average, though it varies, 3 ounces of pot would equal roughly 85 joints — if each joint was 1 gram. 

But with "edibles", weight highly fluctuates depending on the type of product, so it’s easier to surpass the 3-ounce threshold. 

While Idaho has seen a bill regarding the legalization of medical marijuana, there has been less activity surrounding overall decriminalization. But both Rubel and "Kind Idaho" treasurer Joe Evans said they aren’t opposed to decriminalizing marijuana. "Kind Idaho" is an organization that tried and failed earlier this year to put medical marijuana on the November ballot. [ https://www.kindidaho.org/ ] 

Rubel said there has been “some discussion” regarding decriminalization, and it could be what people are looking for. 

“There’s a lot of ways - I think - that you could contain it, so that it’s not everywhere,” Rubel said. “You’re not walking through clouds of smoke. 

..."We’re not like Portland or Seattle" — but we’re also not ruining a lot of people’s lives for a pretty minor offense.” 

Evans told the Statesman (by phone) that authorities aren’t arresting everybody in Idaho with weed, which makes the enforcement process “intermittent” and “selective.” But Evans noted that while he wants to see minor possession of marijuana decriminalized, that isn’t the mission of Kind Idaho. Idaho is nearly surrounded by states with legalized marijuana, including Washington, Oregon and Nevada. And, it’s no secret that Idaho residents are traveling to those legal states — especially Oregon and Washington — to buy pot. 

In 2021, Malheur County — a county of a little over 31,000 people — was the leading seller of cannabis in Oregon at $111 million in sales, the Portland Business Journal reported. Malheur County contains Ontario and borders Idaho’s Canyon, Payette and Owyhee counties. 

North Idaho’s Moscow and Pullman, Washington, are approximately 9 miles apart. The closest pot shop is less than 1 mile off the Idaho border — making it easily accessible for the University of Idaho’s college students. 

 ( TAX REVENUE - FROM SALES - of Marijuana) :
  https://www.malheurco.org/wp-content/uploads/Departments/CountyCourt/PUBLIC_NOTICES/marijuantax2022.pdf - ADDED BY SUSAN ) 


Unsurprisingly, support for marijuana was strongest among people who identified as “liberal” - or whose party affiliation was "Democrat". 

But, when it comes to "medical cannabis", Republicans aren’t far behind. Medical marijuana was approved by 60% of Republican respondents in the poll, 84% of Democrats and 74% of independents. Republican support eroded for recreational marijuana, however. 

Only 35% of Republicans approved of legalizing it for that purpose, compared to 74% of Democrats and 61% of independents. 

While Republican Idahoans might not be overwhelmingly in favor of the legalization of marijuana, they aren’t eager to throw people in jail over small amounts of pot. 
Just 14% of Republicans believe someone should be placed in jail for a small amount of weed. Democrats and independents were at 7%. 

Republican Terry Platts, 75, told the Statesman in a follow-up interview that he doesn’t believe people should be penalized for marijuana use. 

The Gooding resident was against the legalization of both medical and recreational marijuana in the SurveyUSA poll but also said he opposes putting someone in jail for minor amounts. 

Platts said he didn’t see a point in answering in favor of legalizing medical marijuana, even though he’d support it, because “Idaho will never approve in any way, shape or form” the legalization of weed. 

He added that he watched the legislative process to legalize hemp — Idaho was the last state to do it — so he wasn’t optimistic that the process to legalize weed would be quick. 

“They’re staunch old Republicans — which I am, too — and I know them well enough to know that, hell no, not in the next five years are they going to pass anything that will allow marijuana,” Platts said, referring to the Legislature. “So why wish for something that isn’t going to happen?” 

This story was originally published November 5, 2022 4:00 AM. 


Read more at: https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article268261077.html#storylink=cpy  ..."

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nks9x1nQ1Us <  :: https://hansandcassady.org/KNIFE-GUY-TIP-PAGE-02.html 

Reed Ofsthun! Sigma Chi President. SPEAKS. Moscow Idaho.  by "Jonathan Lee Riches INVESTIGATES!" Media 

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 13, 2022
CONTACT Moscow Police Department Communications Team moscowpdpio@ci.moscow.id.us Media line:
(C) (208) 997-8701, (O) 208-883-7181 Media Line Hours: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Pacific Time

See the latest news release and sign up for updates at: https://www.ci.moscow.id.us/1064/King-Road-Homicides Moscow Homicide Update

Moscow Homicide Update ::   Moscow Idaho Police Department web site >  https://www.ci.moscow.id.us/

  https://www.ci.moscow.id.us/DocumentCenter/View/24907/12-08-22-Moscow-Homocide-Update  < REPORT 5 pages

"...  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 12, 2022 


 ( STOCK images of Car Style of interest - NOT THE ACTUAL VEHICLE 


v 12-7-2022

o Email: tipline@ci.moscow.id.us     (  o Digital Media:  www.fbi.gov/moscowidaho   )

Dear "MPD Team" investigating the  University of Idaho student murders, my name is Susan Neuhart. I live in Ohio. This is my second suggestion message. 
 [First sent 11-27-2022] - related to "tree monkey" criminals. Please forward to your FBI partners - as this is not a separate document (YET) - or, posted to my personal web site: https://hansandcassady.org/  

Born in 1954, I am a retired Software Engineering Technical Writer. I chose to do this - after I wrote software for several years - for universities, large corporations - and the US military.  In one assignment - the US Army wanted "greater visibility" into exactly how - a special testing facility -built by the US Army (then) preparing for war - in IRAQ - was being scheduled for use - by the facility manager: my employer Battelle Research. Polite Generals – explained why (they)- were not happy with the speed of the testing efforts.

In short, the US was anticipating the "enemy" would use chemical "surety" Agents; Thus, companies that proposed products - which could treat and/or defeat these agents   - were in high demand. But, their proposed formulas - which would become products - sold to the US Military - had to be tested. This was the "main purpose" of the special facility. That is, "testing" the product's actual performance - on live animals: rabbits, mice etc. . The US ARMY’s Medical Research and Evaluation Facility (MREF) - is (still) located in West Jefferson, Ohio [I believe]. A SARS-COV-2 [COVID] facility has been added.

What the "main issue" - came down to - for all parties involved - circa 1987 - was what (we) Software Programmers ( "algorithm developers" ) called "the box packing problem". 

 FOR EXAMPLE - Given: A  US military guarded "secure" facility - designed to perform scientific research protocols, at 14+ hooded workstations - within it - HOW CAN THE THROUGHPUT (VOLUME) BE MAXIMIZED - WITHOUT compromising safety, stated requirements, schedules - and, the Product Maker's ability to protect trade secrets. 

  As the designer and developer of the required "automated scheduling system" ( graduated from UWGB in 1982 ), I was an experienced "programmer"; AND, after pondering the solution for a bit, I had a memory of a "library" of subroutines - already written - in FORTRAN - that could be exploited. In fact, I grew up in Central Ohio - with seven siblings. My parents rented several old homes - with doors that would latch (through the knob) - BUT, the doors could be opened - by wiggling a "skeleton key" - in the door lock mechanism - to move the "tumblers". Thus, I saw the "scheduling algorithm" needed - in terms of "matching" the TESTS NEEDING TO BE PERFORMED - with the "workstations available - to perform the REQUIRED SCIENTIFIC PROTOCOL - like a "skeleton key" wiggling the tumblers. I designed a "best fit" algorithm.

  INDEED - not every proposed product - required the use of every scientific hooded work station - for proof of concept - where each workstation was designed to test a specific body surface - or orifice: skin, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, etc.  For example, a proposed "eye wash" did not have to be applied to the skin, etc. - or utilize ALL of the "hooded" work-stations.

  With this "notion" of a solution - in my mind - I decided to eat my lunch. Battelle Research, King Ave. offices - offered a small employee kitchen area. I took my sandwich - planning to get a milk - and, sat at a small table.  A handicapped person - came in - and sat at my table. I say "handicapped" - he had a limp. Turns out - he was also a "programmer". O' joy! I tell him what I am working on. He chuckles - and points at a cart filled with books. Among them are FORTRAN coding manuals. He states the FORTRAN Volume AND page - that contains the information - about the library routine [that] I am looking for. We finish our lunches and part. I consult the manual - it is exactly what I am looking for! [serendipity].

 I draft the code's "User Interface" - and present it to the US Army Generals. It is exactly what - the Army Generals wanted; However, the "Battelle" managers - of the MREF - are very unhappy - as, my design - does NOT account for the "technicians" - who will perform the experiments - and, the contracts - they operate under. Calling highly skilled "animal test technicians" - into work - at all hours - is not feasible. My design - optimizes the facility - at a significant expense - to Battelle Research. In fact, the "animal test technicians" - will work - at all hours - for INCREASED PAY.

The point - of relaying this (to you) is ... Battelle Research employs - the smartest people in the world. I obviously encountered a FORTRAN "savant" that day. He understood exactly what I was talking about - and, directed me - with precision. I don't know his name -BUT I always recognize him. He helped me.  And, but for, his precise help - the project would have taken me more time. Because - of his help - I was able to adjust the "Automated Scheduling Software" - to make the Army & Battelle happy - within budget AND on time. 

So - I get it ( As stated in previous message (circa 11-27-2022), I have relatives in law enforcement ); AND, YOU do not want to accuse - or even bring unfair suspicion - on the wrong person, etc. But, posting a “reward” - will enable the MPD - to relay - a message - to informers [that] THEY will be "protected".  Or, maybe - you can just state that. “WE WILL PROTECT YOU!” A "reward" may also enable - a "poor" student - to afford - to offer information.

It is my understanding, Idaho has very strict laws - related to growing Marijuana plants. Of course, Governor Little should be advised - if the lack of access to "smoking a joint" - which, was common - at most US colleges & Universities – when I attended (1978-1982) - has any bearing on this case.

  As you may know - "crime" was rampant during prohibition. [ HISTORY : https://www.history.com/news/prohibition-organized-crime-al-capone  ]

REWARD: FOR EXAMPLE - INSTEAD OF A MONETARY AWARD - ANY ONE (ANY STUDENT) WITH A DRUG RELATED VIOLATION - COULD BE "FORGIVEN" - "EXPUNGEMENT" - IF THEY OFFER INFORMATION - LEADING TO THE ARREST OR CONVICTION - OF THE CRIMINAL. CONSIDER Our, former President - Bill Clinton - smoked weed. This (activity) is NOT a "crime" - in most of America - TODAY.  However, smoking is harmful! Thus, I suffer from glaucoma in my right eye – but, do not smoke (in any form) – or drink alcohol.

Finally, as MPD maintains [that] it was a "targeted" attack... please clarify "who" or "what" was "targeted - and, why.

I appreciate your patience - with my suggestions. - Susan 

 SEEKING a "Tree Monkey" - with "Ninja Skills" - like a "Kungfu" "knife" Warrior ) 


 Tip 1 of 2

  ( A question - for the University of ID student body )

 TIPS: Detectives are looking for context to the events and people involved in these murders. 
Information can be submitted:  to Tip Line: 208-883-7180 :  to Email: tipline@ci.moscow.id.us : Digital Media: fbi.gov/moscowidaho  
11-27-2022 ...  Dear MPD - FBI Agents. I am a graduate of UWGB (1982) B.S. "Environmental Science" ...  During my time of attendance [ 1978 - 1982 ] I lived in "off-campus" housing > Green Bay, Wisconsin. ...  I have a vague memory - of a “crime alert” - related to criminals (IN THE AREA) - who could "climb trees"  - like monkeys - and access apartments, homes, etc.  This was significant - in Green Bay, Wisc. ;  - because - Rentals - occupied by students - like me - often had "Fir Trees" (of great height) growing near their terraces, apartment balconies... [ elevated little porches]  - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idaho_Panhandle  - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abies_grandis#Distribution_and_ecology

  ... AND, the result - of the alert - was for - a "call" (from students) for them - to be "cut down" - at the property owner's expense.  My name is Susan Neuhart (nee "CassAdy" ). Born in 1954 - I am a retired Software Engineering Technical Writer. My cousin won the Heisman trophy 1955.
  I also wrote EXAMPLE code - for companies - all over the USA.  And, I solved the "Box Packing Problem" - for our US Military - with an algorithm - written in FORTRAN. ... My "brother-in-law" is (THE) Peter J. Herdt - a lecturer - in Police Science LAW - AND - former Chief of Police [Ohio State University]. ... My "daughter" - was James Comey's Deputy Chief of Staff > Ms. Dawn Marie Burton. Now - Attorney at LAW - Washington, DC Area. ... What YOU are looking for - may be - a "Tree Monkey" - with "Ninja Skills" - like a "Kungfu" "knife" Warrior: 

  > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knSIPIptrbQ  ...  THE CRIMINAL - WOULD KNOW HUMAN ANATOMY - AND, WHERE TO STRIKE [with a fixed blade knife] TO DIS-ABLE "SCREAMS".

 A question - for the University of ID student body: Do you guys know of any "Tree Monkey" - "Zip-lining" - show offs in the area?
 Consider,  Bruno Mars song "Uptown Funk" has a lyric:  
 " If we show up - we gonna show OUT - smoother than a fresh Jar of Skippy "  [ ::  UpTown Funk > Bruno  ]  ... 

 Obviously - FIVE pretty girls - living in a house - near the campus - is going to attract attention. In science - the “simplest” explanation - is often the correct one: [ Occam's razor ] EX-boyfriends? Ex-husbands? – Jealousy?  For example: Because of what I could do – with computers – I had my choice of "employers" – in the Spring of 1982. Many of my (no talent) “peers” did not; And, one girl [that] I thought was my friend – dated [the guy] – that – I was engaged to marry - in my absence - to work at my "first" job - at the NCR Corporation.  I was not angry – because, I had met "Hans Neuhart" – at the NCR ... So, when I refused to answer my ringing phone – he (the Green Bay Guy) jumped into his truck – drove -between Green Bay WISCONSIN & Cambridge, Ohio…[SEVERAL HUNDRED MILES!]   and, pounded on the door – of the house – where I was asleep – with Hans. Mike and Craig - two big fellas - from Pittsburgh (that also lived in the house) answered the door - and refused to give me up.   Be safe - in your Mission!

PS: Hans – and I – have been together 40+ years. ... 

 https://tips.fbi.gov/digitalmedia/a7a83fc9a9c5fdc  < FBI TIP LINE

 Tip  2 of 2 Thank you for working through the holiday. 11-28-2022

 "Knife Guy" "Identified" ... 9-15-2022 MPD Release 

 I have posted the previous MPD release (screen capture) to my personal web site.  (11-28-2022 )

https://hansandcassady.org/knife-guy-9-15-2022-copy-11-18-2022-editted.jpg  < click here 

https://tips.fbi.gov/digitalmedia/a7a83fc9a9c5fdc   < FBI ( DONE 11-29-2022 ) 

 HHH Knife Guy Identified

FBI-report-11-29-2022-editted.jpg >  < U.S. FBI ... 

   "knife guy" University of Moscow 


hh  hhh

h   << https://hansandcassady.org/KNIFE-GUY-TIP-PAGE.html
 HHH Knife Guy Identified h

   FBI-report-11-29-2022-editted.jpg >  < U.S. FBI ... 

   "knife guy" University of Moscow