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SOURCE:  https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-CRECB-1967-pt19/pdf/GPO-CRECB-1967-pt19-1-2.pdf 

 [ "25006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE September 11, 1967" ]

"... DEMONSTRATION IN THE GALLERIES ..."  September 11, 1967

  Senator KUCHEL ::  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Kuchel :: 

 Senator  LAUSCHE :: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Lausche  :: 


Mr. President, I have a duty, I believe, to detain the Senate for a moment. As a Senator, I wish to de- nounce what I consider to be a reprehensible and illegal demonstration a few minutes ago by some people who were guests of the Senate in their attempt to throw down from the gallery leaflets setting forth their views on certain public questions.

That is not the way in this country to attempt to influence with honor and integrity the decisions which the people's representatives make.

Many times, in my State of California, I have spoken about the duty of the citizen to his country when it is free---as ours is. 

His duty is far greater than that of the citizen in a controlled, closed, or Communist country.
Here, every American citizen can luxuriate in his right of free speech-although a wise government has set limits of what free speech consists of.
Here, an American citizen can peacefully enjoy his right to petition the Government as that right is laid down in the Constitution of our country.

Here, we have orderly process, and respect for law and order, only when the individual American accepts the responsibilities of citizenship which go along
with his freedom.

There was, therefore, a perversion of the orderly processes of the American ·Government in this Chamber a few moments ago. 

There was, I take it, a mild, mini-attempt at intimidation.

 Mr. President, at this point I ask unanimous consent to have a copy of the leaflet which was showered down upon the Senate a few moments ago printed
in the RECORD.

There being no objection, the text of the leaflet was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows:

 SEPTEMBER 11, 1967.
To all U.S. Congressmen:
Your first order of business this session should be a general declaration of peace followed by immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam, an end to conscription, and an end to the suppression of black Americans.

Until you meet these emergencies there wlll be sustained disruptions of the government apparatus.


Mr. KUCHEL. Mr. President, you will observe, as you read it, that in part those who were responsible for this ugly moment go on to state--addressing you,
Mr. President, as well as your colleagues:

Until you meet these emergencies there wlll be sustained disruptions of the government apparatus.
 I hope not. I believe not. A great majority of the people of this country wish to accept their responsibilities. 

What we saw a few moments ago was simply a handful of American citizens abusing their right to their precious freedom.

I repeat that I denounce it, and I do
not want it to happen again.

Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, I com-mend the Senator from California for the comments he has 'just made about the episode which took place about 20
minutes ago, when one side of the Chamber was peppered with leaflets dropped by non-Americans-and I say that advisedly.

I am disturbed by the significance of what happened. It demonstrates that spreading throughout the country is an ever-increasing belief that, by intimidation and coercion, objectives, whether desired or not desired by the majority of our people, can be attained.

The miniature demonstration which took place reflects the general attitude of certain groups who hope that, by intimidation and coercion, public officials
will abandon the obligations which they assumed in taking oath of office to serve the United States of America faithfully and honestly, to the end that our Nation shall be preserved.

I repeat a part of the contents of the leaflet:
Until you meet these emergencies there will be sustained disruptions of the Government apparatus.

Mr. President, the question arises, Is there really existent among a goodly number of our citizens -although I probably should not designate them in that way-a belief that their ends will be achieved through a disruption of the Government processes?

Every law-abiding citizen should be- come alarmed at the threat of sustained disruptions of the Government apparatus. While applicable merely to the
dropping of leaflets, it represents, nevertheless, what certain groups believe they can attain through disruption, violences, sit-ins, or mob demonstrations,
causing the Government to cease operating normally as contemplated by the Constitution.

Mr. President, this is a tragic situation.
It is also an insult to every public official in the country when such groups impliedly express 
  "You will bow to our demands or we will cause you annoyance and disruption wherever you go."
What do they hope to achieve?
What would be the end result of the destruction of our democratic processes?
What would happen if, by coercion and intimidation, such groups were able to achieve what they want?

What would be the result if their opponents began to exercise the same kind of intimidation and coercion against them?
Millions of citizens are abiding by our democratic concept of government. 

They work every day. They take care of their homes. They try  to take care of their families. 

But groups of the type that were in the Senate Chamber this morn-ng do not belong in that category. 

In the main, although they are a minority, they believe that by their demonstrations, sitins, and annoyances, we will finally yield to their demands.

My expectation is that a time will come within this country-and soon-when the good citizens in mass protest will demand that their rights be considered and that the propagators of violence, riots, and demonstrations be stopped.

I do not know what will happen to the group which dropped the leaflets. Probably there is no law to deal with them.
However, I grieve and sorrow frequently when I find our Government either unwilling or so inept as to allow riots,
demonstrations, and sit-ins to go un- checked and unpunished.

Mr. KUCHEL. Mr. President, will the Senator yield?
Mr. LAUSCHE. I yield.

I merely wish to commend my able colleague from Ohio, who has a long and illustrious record as a public servant, for the comments he has just made.

Mr. LAUSCHE. I thank the Senator.