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RESOLUTION NO. 20-______

  [ A,  ::
 B, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

 C, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh




 G, H, ... ]

WHEREAS, “Black” People have been unjustly Enslaved;

[ SOURCE:   "... "Black" is often a better default that recognizes and celebrates the race, culture, and lived experiences of people all over the world. "The move that you see now towards black is really to recognize the global nature of blackness," Watkins-Hayes said. "So, I think that that is the more universal term." …The recognition of a larger community of black people is also part of the rationale given for capitalizing the word. "It's recognizing the cultural and historical and social significance of black as a category, such that is deserves capitalization," Watkins-Hayes explained. …"We are all connected," LaBeach said of what the term black means for him. "Our experiences are different, but we are still linked." …But Watkins-Hayes adds that if someone wants to know for sure how a black person identifies, it's best to simply ask what their preference is. "It's an opportunity for conversation." First published on June 18, 2020 / 3:20 PM

… © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.  ..." ]


[1]WHEREAS, Black People have been unjustly Segregated; and

[2]WHEREAS, Black people have been unjustly Incarcerated;   "... TITLE: ' Cory Booker’s claim that 17,000 people are ‘unjustly incarcerated,’ explained ' ..."

[3]WHEREAS, Black People have been denied housing through racist practices in the private realty market [<PLEASE DEFINE], including redlining, steering, blockbusting, denial of mortgages, and gentrification [A, B] ; and

[4]WHEREAS, Black People have been denied housing, displaced and inadequately housed by “government housing policies” that include discriminatory VA/FHA practices [ A, B, C, D ], Urban Renewal, and a variety of local and federal “affordable” housing programs; and

[5]WHEREAS, Black People have been consistently and widely impoverished by [racially]  discriminatory wages [ A, B, C ] paid in every sector of the local economy regardless of credentials and experience; and
[ “local economy” PLEASE SPECIFY: Asheville City of… ]  

[6]WHEREAS, Black People have experienced disproportionate unemployment rates and reduced opportunities to fully participate in the local job market;
[ PLEASE CITE DETAILS: Reports, Times, Dates, Places]

[7]WHEREAS, Black People have been systematically excluded from historic and present private economic development and community investments and, therefore, black-owned businesses have not received the benefits of these investments; and
[ “ systematically excluded” PLEASE CITE DETAILS: Reports, Times, Dates, Places ]


[8]WHEREAS, Black people have been segregated from mainstream education [ 1954 Brown v. Board Education] and within present day school programs that include AG, AP, and Honors; [ What is:    “school program AG” - High School Agriculture Program :

 “school program AP”  - Advanced Placement :

“school program Honors” -  ]

[9]WHEREAS, Black students have experienced the denial of education through admission, retention and graduation rates of every level of education in [? Western North Carolina (WNC)  [PLEASE CITE CASES, REPORTS & TIMES, DATES, PLACES, etc.]


through discriminatory disciplinary practices [PLEASE CITE CASES, REPORTS & TIMES, DATES, PLACES, etc.];


[10] WHEREAS, Black People historically and presently receive inadequate, if not detrimental, health care as exemplified by disproportionate morbidities and mortality rates that result from the generational trauma of systemic racism, discriminatory treatment by medical professionals, and discriminatory medical practices such as involuntary sterilizations, denial of adequate testing, denial of preventative and curative procedures; [PLEASE CITE CASES, REPORTS & TIMES, DATES, PLACES, etc.];


[11] WHEREAS, Black People have been unjustly targeted by law enforcement and criminal justice procedures, incarcerated at disproportionate rates and subsequently excluded from full participation in the benefits of citizenship that include voting, employment, housing and health care; [PLEASE CITE CASES, REPORTS & TIMES, DATES, PLACES, etc.];

[12] and WHEREAS, Black People have disproportionately been forced to reside in, adjacent to, or near Brown Zones and other toxic sites that negatively impact their health and property; [PLEASE CITE CASES, REPORTS & TIMES, DATES, PLACES, etc.];

[13] and WHEREAS, Black People have disproportionately been limited to the confined routes of travel provided by public transportation [PLEASE CITE CASES, REPORTS & TIMES, DATES, PLACES, etc.]; ; and

[14] WHEREAS, Black People have disproportionately suffered ; from the isolation of food deserts and childcare deserts[PLEASE CITE CASES, REPORTS & TIMES, DATES, PLACES, etc.]; ;

[15][and] WHEREAS, systemic racism was created over centuries and will take time to dismantle;
 [  ]

[16] [and] WHEREAS, state and federal governments have a responsibility to adopt programs, policies, and funding to address reparations;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ASHEVILLE, [North Carolina]  THAT The City Council of the City of Asheville [North Carolina]:

(1) apologizes and makes amends for “its participation” in and sanctioning of the Enslavement of Black People;

[ Please be aware, “sensitive to” and address the 1975 comments of Joe Biden. [A]

White Americans, primarily – of Mr. Biden’s generation – will need an explanation of “Why” they are being ask – to pay for the “sins” – of their fathers AND grandfathers. I may be able to help – YOU in your efforts [ I was born - in 1954 - at a “charity” hospital – in Columbus, Ohio. My father died – of (then unknown) “Mesothelioma” – in 1964. My mother – finished raising the seven children “they had – and, paid the rent – from Social Security Survivor Benefits. She married a racist, alcoholic – about 1967. She became an alcoholic too – probably to tolerate him. I was married – with a child – at 19. When we divorced – circa 1978 – I was a resident of Wisconsin. I started college – at UWGB – and, gave “him” custody – because he was ten years older – MBA-OSU – and, had a real job.My daughter was “raised” – in Whitehall, Ohio – primarily – because, he could afford to pay the “baby-sitters” – required. ]; My life was saved – by a Black Neurosurgeon – in Mission Hospital (2012);however, I no longer live in the Asheville area. On my “personal” web site -- --- I “shred”Dr. King’s book “Why We Can’t Wait” – AND, I tell a true story about HOW – I literally “threatened” to shoot the Public School Science teacher [to her face]  – because she gave me a grade of ‘F’.  [B].

YOU may consider to ask other white Americans – to share similar stories. Basically, cite times when (they) were given a “pass” – and, it made “all the difference”.  These kinds of true stories – make the case – [that] YES my generation (Joe Biden’s Generation) – benefitted – from being “white”. In my case – my cousin [Uncle Pearl’s little boy] was a famous athlete. He won the Heisman Trophy 1955. But, my father (Milo G. CassAdy – was an illegal gambler. He’d win big – sometimes; However, he never “owned” a home. Born on a farm – and, a “General Contractor” – we often got “reduced” rent prices – because, my father restored the old houses we lived in – all over Columbus’ “German Village” – and Bexley”. Again, this worked – for him – because, in addition to being “good” – and “recommended”– at his chosen work; My father – was a good-looking “white” man – born 1902. He had seven children – with my mother; and, fathered two children – with a woman – before her.

In my case, I went on to be very involved in College Science textbook creation AND high technology businesses. [C] My daughter – born, when I was a teenager (as mentioned on page 8 of my detailed PDF resume) - went on - to become an attorney [in DC] and (was) the Deputy Chief of Staff – for our USA-FBI. James Comey personally recruited her. Dawn met James Comey – because she “assisted” Detroit, Michigan Congressman John Conyers – to be “re-elected” to Congress – circa 1995. John placed her at DOJ (reporting to Janet Reno) – to say “thank you”. Which, this angered John’s wife [is my understanding]. None of this would have happened (probably) – if I had been “Black” – or, the teacher - OR me – had wielded a gun – that day – in a Columbus, Ohio public school. Now retired, the “successes” – in my life – are – in part – because Dr. King stood firm – against the “segregationists”. He provided me – an ‘example’ – of HOW an American should act – in the face of injustice. His example has served me well – AND, made my life interesting to live.  ]

(2) apologizes and makes amends for its enforcement of segregation and its accompanying discriminatory practices;[ Please cite records, examples, etc. ]

(3) apologizes and makes amends for carrying out an urban renewal program that destroyed multiple, successful black communities; [Please provide cites to existing, Reports, News articles, photo essays, etc.]

(4) calls on other organizations and institutions in Asheville, [NC] that have advanced and benefitted from “racial inequity” to join the city in its apologies and invites them to address racism within their own structures and programs and to work with the city to more comprehensively address systemic racism; [Please cite “How” this may be done – with specificity. As I cite above, I know – and, admit – that being a “white” female – made a “difference” – in my life. Yes, I was born with an innate talent – to work with software, computers, etc. – but, perhaps - some companies hired me – because, I was a white woman. What General Electric (for example) did not count on – was, my ability to firmly tell my GE male “boss” – NO! – When he pushed on me to turn my “Systems Device” End User manual’ – over – to the US Military – before it was completed. I filed a “20.10” form, posted a copy on the GE Bulletin Board– and, went to work for Battelle Research – and, the US Army – circa 1987. ]

(5) calls on the State of North Carolina and the federal government to initiate policymaking and provide funding for reparations at the state and national levels; [I have drafted a “Universal Health CARE Bill – in Legislative Language. It is posted at my “personal” web site: PDF ]

(6) directs the “City Manager”: [of Asheville, NC] to establish a process within the next year [ by date: ?] to develop short, medium and long term recommendations to specifically address the creation of generational wealth and to boost economic mobility and opportunity in the black community; [ Please cite the “methods” – the Asheville City Manager [cited] – will accept. ]

(7) fully supports its equity department, staff and its work, and encourages the city manager to utilize their talents when forming policy and programs that will establish the creation of generational wealth and address reparations due in the black community as mentioned above;

(8) seeks to establish within the next year [by date ?], a new commission empowered to make short, medium and long term recommendations that will make significant progress toward repairing the damage caused by public and private systemic Racism. Other local government community

organizations may also be invited to have representation on the Commission. The task of the Community Reparations Commission is to issue a report in a timely manner for consideration by the City and other participating community groups for incorporation into their respective short and long term priorities and plans. Accountability for achieving equity will be enforced in the appropriate offices. The report and the resulting budgetary and programmatic priorities may include but not be limited to:
- increasing minority homeownership and access to other affordable housing,
- increasing minority business ownership
- and [increasing minority ]career opportunities,
- and [increasing minority ] strategies to grow equity
- and [increasing minority ]  generational wealth,
- and “closing the gaps” in health care, education, employment and pay, neighborhood safety and fairness within criminal justice;

(9) calls on the city manager to give, at minimum, a bi-annual update to the city council on the progress of work performed pursuant to this resolution.

Read, approved and adopted this 14th day of July, 2020.

________________________________ _________________________________

City Clerk Mayor

Approved as to form:


City Attorney

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Home / News / Asheville reparations resolution is designed to provide Black community access to the opportunity to build wealth




Asheville reparations resolution is designed to provide Black community access to the opportunity to build wealth


Posted on July 20, 2020 by Polly McDaniel

African-American owned businesses in downtown, before the East End neighborhood was devastated by “urban renewal.” North Carolina Collection, Pack Memorial Public Library. Photo from the Andrea Clark Collection.


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All departments within the City of Asheville are operating. In the Office of Equity and Inclusion all staff are working remotely and engaged in applying an equity lens to City departments responding to COVID-19 pandemic response. Some staff are updating and formatting current equity learning opportunities and materials for a virtual platform. In addition, staff are creating new learning opportunities to continuously normalize discussions of racial equity. While working remotely, the Office of Equity and Inclusion continues to work with community partners; maintaining relationships and supporting information sharing.

This is an evolving situation. Our partners in Buncombe County are a great resource for the latest information on our community’s COVID-19 response.  To receive emergency texts directly from Buncombe County for breaking health and safety news text BCALERT on your smartphone to 888-777.  Sign up for AVL Alerts online for information from the City of Asheville.

The recently established Equity and Inclusion function is a deliberate step toward advancing equity in Asheville, with racial and social equity as top priorities.

As part of city government, the Office of Equity & Inclusion plays a unique role toward maximizing the access and opportunities that all people have to satisfy essential needs, advance their well-being and achieve their full potential. The Equity & Inclusion Director plays a key role in moving the city organization toward successful advancement of equity with Asheville through understanding, analyzing and eliminating the root causes of racial disparities, and advancing equitable policies, practices and procedures.

To advance equity and inclusion within municipal government, the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) racial equity framework is being employed. The city of Asheville is a member of GARE, a national network of government jurisdictions working to achieve racial equity and advance opportunities for all, which has developed a framework based on best practice from government entities who have been working to advance racial equity for a decade or longer. Creating an environment where a shared language and understanding of racism, implicit and explicit bias and government’s role in advancing equity is one component of the racial equity framework. Another component is creating creating equity tools; such as an equity action plan, which maps out a plan for transformational institutional change.

The newly established Human Relations Commission (HRCA) shares the values of equity and inclusion. As an advisory body to Asheville City Council, the HRCA prioritizes racial equity as it seeks to improve human relations in Asheville.

What is the difference between Equity and Equality?

Equality is about sameness; it works when conditions are the same for everyone and everyone starts from the same place.

To operate with equity means there is first an understanding that everyone does not begin from the same place. Conditions, access, and opportunities differ; therefore, what is just and fair looks different based on conditions, access and opportunities. Equity looks at outcomes.

It is important to note that the differing conditions, access, and opportunities are a result of both historical and present day, intentional and unintentional decisions that are the foundation of every system and institution in our society.

Take a look at the image above. You can see that everyone on the left, despite the sloping ground and the height of the fence, has the same sized box. This is equality. Everyone is not able to see over the fence.

Imagine that the sloping ground is Security Mapping/Redlining from the 1930’s and that the height of the fence are the negative unintended consequences of Brown vs. Board of Education. Both are representative of a series of policy decisions that have had negative effects for some members of our community that have worsened over time while simultaneously benefiting others; effects that are still being experienced today. How do we provide just and fair solutions to mitigate the decisions of the past? We do it through equity.

Everyone on the right side of the image now has what they need to enjoy the game. This is equity. Why equity?

Equity leads to what is known as the Curb-Cut Effect which is the practice of creating the conditions, access and opportunities that allow those who have been left behind to participate and contribute fully. When we embrace, model, and practice equity we strengthen both the social fabric and economic prosperity of our communities. Equity is not a zero sum game.


Equity is just and fair inclusion into a society in which all can participate, prosper, and reach their full potential (excerpt from Equity Manifesto)

Racial equity is the condition when racial identity no longer predicts individual or group life outcomes, and outcomes for all groups are improved.

Advancing racial equity employs analysis and strategies at the root cause of inequities and disparities; working to address disparities through changes in policy, practice and procedure. (working draft)

Inclusion is authentic and empowered participation with a true sense of belonging.

Inclusive engagement of Asheville’s residents is demonstrated through meeting community where they are and working collaboratively to ensure their voices are valued.


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Asheville reparations resolution is designed to provide Black community access to the opportunity to build wealth

Posted on July 20, 2020 by Polly McDaniel

    By Nia Davis Asheville Office of Equity and Inclusion   Rep·a·ra·tion /ˌrepəˈrāSH(ə)n/- “The making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.”    Reparations has long been a hot-button topic that even the mention of it brings impassioned jubilation, overwhelming concern, or somewhere in [...]

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Pride flag

The first Pride was a protest

Posted on June 17, 2020 by Polly McDaniel

    By Nia Davis Asheville Office of Equity and Inclusion   In June of every year, Pride Month is celebrated by the LGBTQIA+ community across the country. While Pride is a celebration of visibility, equality, and self-affirmation; it is necessary to remember that Pride commemorates the 1969 Stonewall riots. The first Pride was a protest against [...]

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People of several races joining hands

City of Asheville announces recipients of racial healing mini grants

Posted on December 12, 2019 by Polly McDaniel

  The City of Asheville is glad to announce the recipients of the first Asheville racial healing mini-grants. The City received 34 applications, of those eight were selected. The intent of the racial healing grants are to invest in projects already established in the community. The mini-grants represent a total community investment of almost $40,000.   The following [...]


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P.O. Box 7148
Asheville, NC 28802

 Website Manager

By Nia Davis

Asheville Office of Equity and Inclusion


Rep·a·ra·tion /ˌrepəˈrāSH(ə)n/- “The making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.” 

Reparations has long been a hot-button topic that even the mention of it brings impassioned jubilation, overwhelming concern, or somewhere in between. The conversation around reparations isn’t new; in fact the idea of atoning for the sins of slavery has been around since the Civil War. After the Civil War, Union leaders concluded that each Black family should receive 40 acres and some families were to receive mules left over from the war. General William Sherman signed Field Order 15, which allocated 400,000 acres of confiscated Confederate land to newly freed Black families in no more than 40-acre segments. President Andrew Johnson reversed Field Order 15 and returned land back to former slave owners. The benefits of owning Black people did not stop there — some slave owners received additional reparations. The District of Columbia Emancipation Act “paid those loyal to the Union up to $300 for every enslaved person freed.” 

So one might ask, “Why pay for the sins of their fathers?” My response would be that reparations are an attempt to atone for our country’s 400-year history of pervasive systemic racism. 

Reparations acknowledge the government’s role in denying wealth-building opportunities to Black people. Racism is present in every single one of our institutions. Sometimes the racist policies are explicit like in slavery, Jim Crow laws, and segregation. Sometimes the policies are a little more implicit, looking at discriminatory policies such as redlining, and those that exist within our criminal justice and education system. 

Our country has had the opportunity to do better and historically we have fumbled this opportunity so many times. One major example is the New Deal. The New Deal is famous for the G.I. Bill and Social Security. These two policies further excluded Black people in America by not allowing Black veterans access to post-WWII benefits. Domestic and farm workers were largely excluded from Social Security benefits and these were professions largely held by Black people. Again, racist policies have been evident in every institution, denying Black people access to the opportunity to build wealth. 

On July 14, Asheville City Council unanimously passed a Resolution supporting community reparations for Black Asheville. The resolution acknowledges systemic racism present in the community, as well as nationally. The resolution directs the City Manager to establish a process to develop short-, medium-, and long-term recommendations to specifically address the creation of generational wealth and to boost economic mobility and opportunity in the Black community. 

Asheville is no stranger to racist policies, practices, and procedures. Asheville was one of the many cities in the United States that participated in urban renewal. Despite best intentions, this resulted in the displacement of vibrant Black communities and the removal of Black residents and homeowners, many into substandard public housing. Neighborhoods that were 100 years old were impacted, which means the wealth accumulated in those communities was also lost. To quote the late Rev. Wesley Grant: 

“In the East Riverside area we have lost more than 1,100 homes, six beauty parlors, five barber shops, five filling stations, 14 grocery stores, three laundromats, eight apartment houses, seven churches, three shoe shops, two cabinet shops, two auto body shops, one hotel, five funeral homes, one hospital, and three doctor’s offices.” 

It is reported that in 1860, that the bodies of enslaved Black people was valued at around $3 billion. Black people were forced to build this country and jumpstart this country’s economy for free. There has not been atonement for the price of slave labor or racist policies that resulted in a loss of equity, opportunity, and assets. Simply put, can we ever truly repay this debt? Can the United States  fully address the historical and generational harms done to Black people in this country? Council’s reparation resolution is a necessary start, but there is so much work that needs to be done. 

Material referenced:

New York Times: When Slaveowners Got Reparations

Brookings: Why we need reparations for Black Americans

N.C. Humanities Council: Twilight of a neighborhood

Recommended reading:

The Atlantic: The Case for Reparations

Nia Davis

Nia Davis attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and earned her Bachelors of Science in Psychology and then went on to receive her Masters in Social Work with a concentration in Community, Organizing, and Social Action from the University of Pittsburgh. She serves as the Human Relations Analyst in the City of Asheville’s  Office of Equity and Inclusion.

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The City of Asheville Dome

The City of Asheville70 Court Plaza
P.O. Box 7148
Asheville, NC 28802

 828-251-1122  --- Website Manager


President Barack Obama Contact:

 God works in mysterious ways - AND Biden

 So, as my "regular readers" know - I am a retired person. In fact, what I "retired from" - was “American High Tech”.

I was the Software Engineering "Technical Writer" & "End User" Manual developer - for some of the meanest objects - that - Silicon Valley has ever produced  - and, attempted to "productize".
(As you may know – not everything “produced” & invented – by Americas scientists is “productized”.

I became serious [about my role - in this endeavor] at the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay - after being born and raised - in Columbus, Ohio [1954 - 1972]. In fact, a teacher - at "inner-city" Columbus, Ohio "Central High School" - let me see my first LED display system[A] - hooked to a CPU - related capability - circa 1969.  I was the only girl - in the small group – permitted access. We looked through a door - at nearby DCSC offices - and, it was announced [that] "the contents - of all these boxes - when assembled - will be a 'computer'."

 A rather mysterious thing - in those days - We knew to observe - in silence. This was instilled [in young Buckeyes] - as a way to behave - from our previous visits - to the pig barn - at the Ohio State Fair.

 I.E. Any excessive noise AND the "sow" might eat her pig-lets. No one wanted {that] to happen! (   )

 As "inner-city" youth - similarly - Suidae ( pigs, hogs - boars ) were “foreign” things to us. In fact, the boys were content - to look. I wanted to touch. So, with permission - we were given a box.

 As I recall, the box - and, its alien contents - were taken back to Central High school. We were NOT wearing masks or gloves.

 Soon, it was demonstrated [that] by applying current to the various wires - the objects inside the "display cells" -  cylinder-shaped tubes - would glow. The various patterns - of the lights - seem to be like "numbers" - one, two, three ... nine, zero. I think - memory not certain - we could make the objects - when hooked together - in certain way -  add and subtract numbers entered by a "keyboard" supplied later. Ohio State University “students” – learning to be “teachers” – were a tremendous inspiration to us.   All of this, made a lasting impression - on me - how "important" – accurate & proper instructions were. Thus, although I could "code" – and, learned several “programming languages [COBOL, BASIC, FORTRAN - I preferred to explain "How" things worked; and, over time [decades] - What I liked - and preferred - to do - was realized to be important - certainly (no less) important - than coding - OR "inventing" a device – or, software system or platform  – that was sold.


President Barack Obama :   

 Thus, President Obama (Sir) - I must ask: "Why did you choose Joe Biden?" YES - I did find some "reports" - of people 'theorizing' - why you chose him ( A, B, C )  But, a lot of us "Democrats" - would like to hear (the reason "why") - from YOU - directly.

After all, he has "warts". He has made BIG mistakes- Specifically, related to Black people - which, people of color, Poor people, "odd" people - we are the "heart & soul" - of the Democratic Party.
Joe Biden - in 2008 - even insulted YOU specifically – in his “ignorant” & “white-boy” way.

And, because I am the lady - [that] got kicked out of a Columbus, Ohio Law School - when, I reported "cheating" - on a Law School essay exam - I am particularly annoyed - to find out - [that] Joe Biden - admitted to being a "cheater" and a “liar" - in his law school days - And, he was permitted to stay - and, graduate. As a grown man - and, the Senator (from Delaware [1975+]) - he had no concept of the benefits of desegration. Which, I personally benefited greatly - from being around - all my life - people [usually Americans] who do not "look like" - or, sometimes even "act like" me.

But, there's a chance - he is [in fact] a "practicing Catholic". He appears [in many reports] to identify as a “Catholic”. That religion [I was baptized - in the Church Of Christ] - has a practice called "atonement". Several famous Priests - have explained "atonement" - as the “WHY” - of Jesus "suffering" on the Cross. When, he could have very easily, just used his powers - to kill all the Romans - and, literally "jetted" to heaven - on the cross - after writing his name on the sky. What a spectacle - it would have been! But, Jesus chose another way. And, the definition of "atonement" - in WEBSTERS Dictionary - uses the word "reparation".

So, maybe - because he is not perfect - and, he may know about "atonement" - he is the perfect person to present - and get enacted - laws related to “REPARATIONS” - for, the considerable sins - America's "Founders" did commit - in the name of "King Cotton", making a "buck" – and, our system of "Capitalism".

I have Drafted a way [that] Universal Health CARE - could be done - in America – practically & successfully - (also); Given, the facts [that] YOU intended the Affordable Care Act [ACA] - to be the "first step" - toward Universal Health CARE [ as Mr. Truman viewed it] - and, Mr. Biden – literally "swung a deal" - so the Health Insurers, etc. could make Billions off of the ACA -in the Medicare "market-place"; MAYBE, HE IS THE PERFECT "PUBLIC SERVANT" - to present my plan - for debate.

IF we "flip the Senate" - and, keep the house - plus, have the PRESIDENCY - the sky is the limit.

Again, I am officially "retired"; However, I will help - if I am able to. I enjoy politics – and, my ability to explain very complicated things – to “average” Americans – has literally made many USA companies – millions of USD$.

Final point, WAPo posted Biden’s 1975 – Delaware People Paper – interview – that was “hurtful” to Senator Kamala Harris – and me. - as a 3-column PDF - and, invited me to download it. I did.
Then, saved it – as a PDF.  And, reformatted it as a ONE column (HTML) TEXT file. Which, I present – in conjunction with Martin Luther King’s (1964) work: "Why We Can't Wait" – as a TEXT filewith hyper-links and comments – on my “personal” web site.

 Again, I am “retired” -I don't sell anything on my "personal" web site; however, my "target audience" - is ALL of the "ignorant" Americans – [like me]who did not know how knowledgeable [that] Dr. King was. His bravery & suffering (1955-1968) – is without compare.

  My read of US history - is that Mr. Lincoln was amazing - but, his main purpose – as he told Horace Greely - was "saving" the Union. Doctor King - and, what he went through - to make it happen - is even bigger. He wanted to make us a more “perfect” union – and, he knew that “integration” – was very important. Which, we still have work - to do. – to rid ourselves - of “systemic racism”.  A “Democratic” President- and, a "flipped Senate" - can make it happen: "REPARATIONS" + 'UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE – are possible !

Thank you! For your service to America! I look forward to hearing - and, perhaps - seeing YOUR reply. - Respectfully and Sinerely - Susan

PS: I suffered my SAH@MCA stroke - near Asheville, NC – December 2012. A black "children’s Neurosurgeon - Dr. Victor Perry - saved my life. Then, a  Columbus, Ohio "specialist" - of Asian descent (Xiaosong Zhao) – suggested [that] I perform YOGA poses - for physical rehabilitation. I use my "personal" web site (also) - to encourage other Americans - to perform Yoga poses. <Wink> to Michelle. Keep up the good work – girl! Her “moves” inspired me. And, I think you know where Asheville, NC is. I live near Dayton, Ohio – today; and, Nan Whaley is our Democratic Mayor.

Why we Can’t Wait – SAVED…



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